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Old Bomber Fan

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  1. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from Tracker in In Case You Missed It   
    great article thank you. Regarding Oshea and Walters, I always thought that when a HC was hired it was his to hire his assistant. Well if that is correct, MOS has fired all but one of them and he left to assume another position elsewhere. What does that say about his ability to recognize good assistants and coaches, moreover what does it say about his ability to coach as well.  I agree that our talent level isn't where is should be not after 9 years of rebuilding. Can it be said that is Walter's fault or a combination of Walter and the scouting staff! I don't see our scouts bringing in a lot of better than average players. Yes there have been some but nothing like our competitors. Then we resort to picking up other's castoffs under the guise that some players play better under a different coach or scheme. Perhaps that might be true to a degree as can be exampled with the likes of Bowman and Watson or Sorensen to name a few. Then again one looks at the what 6 CFL allstars we have acquired over the past 2 years and unlike the others mentioned they underachieve! What does that say? In any event I believe we have the talent we don't have the coaching to bring out the talent of other and showcase the talent of our allstars.
  2. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from ddanger in Rebuild # 32769: Kick Us When We're Down Edition   
    I do not want to be an "I told you so" but on several topics this spring I had commented on two aspects of the Blue Bombers aka off season signings; one was the number of "all stars" we were able to acquire and the other the signing of LaPolice as our new offensive coordinator. It is hard to believe that we have virtually 6 CFL allstars on our roster, and a new, newly minted OC who according to him has learned a lot since his coaching days and we continue to be abysmal on offense. Two factors in my mind and yes there is a third in the inability of the Oline to do anything HOWEVER let's look at it from the top down. I believe the stat was made that it has been over 10 yrs since any QB in the CFL has completed 30 passes or more in a game and has failed to gain over 300 yards passing. Call it poor execution, not really; call it poor play calling perhaps; or call it poor offensive design more than likely. We seldom throw the ball downfield which has been identified by more knowledgeable football people than myself but seems to be unrecognized by the individual who is designing the offense and further by the head coach who is responsible for the entire operation!
    The other aspect is the play of the QB. As has been stated many times and as I stated back in the spring Willy does not have the ability to be an elite QB in this league. He is not accurate to put it lightly on deep throws. They are either way overthrown or underthrown. He does not read the defense well and seems to be able to only go to either the first choice or Harris in or out of the backfield, almost as if here you take it I don't want it! This is not the qualities of an elite QB. I look at "rookie" Jennings in BC - my word he has been thrown into the fire and is surviving. I look at Harris in Ottawa again somewhat of a rookie but nonetheless in his first year was able to move an offense in Toronto that was questionable and now able to move an Ottawa offense with only a training camp under his belt. Look at Gale in Sask this past weekend were he too was able to move an offense unlike our incumbent. Willy's numbers are great statistically only because he throws 3-5 yard passes and plays most games in garbage time.
    So in a nutshell we have a QB running an offense that is not imaginative, not stretching the field because he can't do it anyway and as a result the defense can confidently move up to the line of scrimmage and stop the run knowing the only other weapon is the short dink and dunk of LaPo. Get use to it I guess because this will not change unless someone higher up tells a stubborn HC that change has to happen. Until then I will go back to my prediction in the spring 6-12 at best 4-14 at worse.
    Glad I got rid of my season tickets yet again.
  3. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from Tracker in Rebuild # 32769: Kick Us When We're Down Edition   
    I do not want to be an "I told you so" but on several topics this spring I had commented on two aspects of the Blue Bombers aka off season signings; one was the number of "all stars" we were able to acquire and the other the signing of LaPolice as our new offensive coordinator. It is hard to believe that we have virtually 6 CFL allstars on our roster, and a new, newly minted OC who according to him has learned a lot since his coaching days and we continue to be abysmal on offense. Two factors in my mind and yes there is a third in the inability of the Oline to do anything HOWEVER let's look at it from the top down. I believe the stat was made that it has been over 10 yrs since any QB in the CFL has completed 30 passes or more in a game and has failed to gain over 300 yards passing. Call it poor execution, not really; call it poor play calling perhaps; or call it poor offensive design more than likely. We seldom throw the ball downfield which has been identified by more knowledgeable football people than myself but seems to be unrecognized by the individual who is designing the offense and further by the head coach who is responsible for the entire operation!
    The other aspect is the play of the QB. As has been stated many times and as I stated back in the spring Willy does not have the ability to be an elite QB in this league. He is not accurate to put it lightly on deep throws. They are either way overthrown or underthrown. He does not read the defense well and seems to be able to only go to either the first choice or Harris in or out of the backfield, almost as if here you take it I don't want it! This is not the qualities of an elite QB. I look at "rookie" Jennings in BC - my word he has been thrown into the fire and is surviving. I look at Harris in Ottawa again somewhat of a rookie but nonetheless in his first year was able to move an offense in Toronto that was questionable and now able to move an Ottawa offense with only a training camp under his belt. Look at Gale in Sask this past weekend were he too was able to move an offense unlike our incumbent. Willy's numbers are great statistically only because he throws 3-5 yard passes and plays most games in garbage time.
    So in a nutshell we have a QB running an offense that is not imaginative, not stretching the field because he can't do it anyway and as a result the defense can confidently move up to the line of scrimmage and stop the run knowing the only other weapon is the short dink and dunk of LaPo. Get use to it I guess because this will not change unless someone higher up tells a stubborn HC that change has to happen. Until then I will go back to my prediction in the spring 6-12 at best 4-14 at worse.
    Glad I got rid of my season tickets yet again.
  4. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from Tracker in Roster moves July 17   
    perhaps the threat to release or bench some actual players might strike a cord with the starters??? Maybe benching a particular QB so he can see someone else do it might benefit him?   Not a chance as long as MOS is HC he is too head strong and stubborn.
  5. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from Root in Odds and Sods - Game 2 - Bombers at Stamps   
    sorry hit the wrong button. Yes we have brought in 4 allstars from other teams in order to boost the offensive production. One was and one would assume still is a shut down guard. The others are proven offensive threats providing they get the ball. To date that hasn't happened. Many point the finger at Willy, very few point the finger at LaPo. How about a lot of both and a poor HC. Willy hasn't been able to be anywhere close to a productive QB and as has been stated here previously the offense on the field starts with him. Secondly a poorly designed offense often leaves the QB open  to the desires of the defense. No alternatives in the case of blitzes etc. And finally a HC who doesn't obviously understand the offensive side of the ball nor does he understand momentum and confidence building other than not throwing a player under the bus. Now this is not considering poor time management by all three, poor execution by the QB, poor play calling by the OC. Will the players lose confidence in not only the QB but also the scheme-most definitely.
    Personally I think Willy is not a good QB. I could go back three years since his arrival and only the first 6 games of his first year was he anywhere as advertised or better yet a "good" QB in this league. Yes he has had a flash now and then but the norm is terrible. As has been stated before he compiles his stats in garbage time. When the pressure is on to lead his team he disappears and if you watch the players walk off the field you can see the disenchantment in their body language and facial expressions.
    What bothers me is MOS. He shows no emotion say at the end of the first half last game where the cameras caught him swearing at someone. His team in fact have taken his nonchalant manner and show little or no emotion hence a "what the heck I messed up there but that's okay" attitude. Now I'm sure they don't really feel that way but it sure looks like it. Further to MOS he is stubborn and will not sit a non effective QB to not only give him a different perspective but also perhaps to give the offense a much needed boost. I told those who watched the game with me that regardless of Willy's performance, he will remain in the game till the end. How sad a mere fan can read a professional coach so easy. And finally on MOS he doesn't understand how to build momentum for his team. They hire the most accurate kicker in CFL history and he fails to give him not one but two opportunities to put points on the board. Oh and yes Will took part in that second take away due to his lack of clock awareness. That does not build confidence or momentum and the other coach and team just smile.
    Football is a violent game, an emotional game, and one that has to be played that way. When you come up short instead of simply walking of the field you should be stomping off the field really p..... that you didn't get it done and will make damn sure next time we will! I frankly don't see that in the Bombers.
    I will say I feel sorry for LaPo as I'm sure he came here thinking with all the talent I have at my disposal, all my "new" offensive schemes should be a slam dunk. Little did he realize that he didn't have a QB who could throw for more than 5 yards. Little did he realize that his QB doesn't have any game sense or presence.
    These last two performances simply confirm not renewing my season tickets was the best saving I ever made. I will still cheer but will be less invested in a country club loser atmosphere that has become the Bombers.
  6. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from Tracker in Odds and Sods - Game 2 - Bombers at Stamps   
    sorry hit the wrong button. Yes we have brought in 4 allstars from other teams in order to boost the offensive production. One was and one would assume still is a shut down guard. The others are proven offensive threats providing they get the ball. To date that hasn't happened. Many point the finger at Willy, very few point the finger at LaPo. How about a lot of both and a poor HC. Willy hasn't been able to be anywhere close to a productive QB and as has been stated here previously the offense on the field starts with him. Secondly a poorly designed offense often leaves the QB open  to the desires of the defense. No alternatives in the case of blitzes etc. And finally a HC who doesn't obviously understand the offensive side of the ball nor does he understand momentum and confidence building other than not throwing a player under the bus. Now this is not considering poor time management by all three, poor execution by the QB, poor play calling by the OC. Will the players lose confidence in not only the QB but also the scheme-most definitely.
    Personally I think Willy is not a good QB. I could go back three years since his arrival and only the first 6 games of his first year was he anywhere as advertised or better yet a "good" QB in this league. Yes he has had a flash now and then but the norm is terrible. As has been stated before he compiles his stats in garbage time. When the pressure is on to lead his team he disappears and if you watch the players walk off the field you can see the disenchantment in their body language and facial expressions.
    What bothers me is MOS. He shows no emotion say at the end of the first half last game where the cameras caught him swearing at someone. His team in fact have taken his nonchalant manner and show little or no emotion hence a "what the heck I messed up there but that's okay" attitude. Now I'm sure they don't really feel that way but it sure looks like it. Further to MOS he is stubborn and will not sit a non effective QB to not only give him a different perspective but also perhaps to give the offense a much needed boost. I told those who watched the game with me that regardless of Willy's performance, he will remain in the game till the end. How sad a mere fan can read a professional coach so easy. And finally on MOS he doesn't understand how to build momentum for his team. They hire the most accurate kicker in CFL history and he fails to give him not one but two opportunities to put points on the board. Oh and yes Will took part in that second take away due to his lack of clock awareness. That does not build confidence or momentum and the other coach and team just smile.
    Football is a violent game, an emotional game, and one that has to be played that way. When you come up short instead of simply walking of the field you should be stomping off the field really p..... that you didn't get it done and will make damn sure next time we will! I frankly don't see that in the Bombers.
    I will say I feel sorry for LaPo as I'm sure he came here thinking with all the talent I have at my disposal, all my "new" offensive schemes should be a slam dunk. Little did he realize that he didn't have a QB who could throw for more than 5 yards. Little did he realize that his QB doesn't have any game sense or presence.
    These last two performances simply confirm not renewing my season tickets was the best saving I ever made. I will still cheer but will be less invested in a country club loser atmosphere that has become the Bombers.
  7. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from blitzmore in Drew Willy   
    wbbfan I understand your comment regarding garbage time and point well taken. I guess what I am saying and believe I said it earlier is simply that the other QBs we have seem to be able to get rid of the ball before being sacked regardless of whether they are playing behind our #1 OL or not and if they were not playing behind the #1 unit but say the number 2 and against the oppositions #2 they are still getting rid of it much quicker. I realize that playing against another team's #2 or 3 players is not a fair judgement however with that said they also play with our #2 or 3 players so that does equal out somewhat I believe. 
  8. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from blitzmore in Drew Willy   
    Unfortunately MOS will not sit Willy during any game unless hurt. He fails to see the benefits of sitting him for a few series so he can get a different perspective of the opposition's defense. Until he is willing to take a QB out for poor performance for either the reason above or simply to change the pace in the hopes it will jump start the offense we will see the same game in game out and frankly that is regardless of what the OL does. It just seems strange to me that many will argue that it isn't Willy that is the problem but the OL. I heard our OL coach explain the issues with sacks so if you take that it isn't just the OL but everyone on offense. With that said it is strange yet and still that the back up QBs can get rid of the ball on target on time whereas Willy cannot seem to do that. Go figure!?
  9. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from Tracker in Breathe...   
    I have watched Willy for 2 seasons now and what I'm seeing is not good. He came into the starting position and was quick with his decisions, precise with his throws, mixed his throw between bullets (as much as he can) and touch passes. Since that time and up to Friday night, he has become hesitant, his throws never or seldom seem to catch the receiver in full flight but standing still instead or overthrowing them by 5 yards or more most of the time, and he has no touch with the football. He has become unsure of what to do, who to throw it to and his reads are terrible. Now with that said the offense he has been given was to have been imaginative and dynamic (those are not my words but MOS and LaPo) but in fact was nowhere close to that.
    Now with that said I'm sure we are going to hear the naysayers say it was only the first game and with a new offense etc etc. Well we spent an entire mini camp with only the offense on the field. We have had two exhibition games in which in my opinion our offense went downhill, and an entire training camp, not unlike the other teams in the CFL who have had the EXACT same amount of time to "gel" and what do we get? We get a second rate offense not unlike that which we have seen in the past number of years. There really is no excuse in saying we have a new OC or we have a new offensive game plan; many of the other teams have the same with several with new OCs as well. Did they flounder? Perhaps but nothing like what we saw on Friday.
    I have stated earlier in another thread that I would be satisfied if our offense got 300+ yards in this game and it was entertaining and close regardless of whether we win or lose. Well they did get 303 in total yards however the other two aspects were sorely missing. And when one looks at the 4th quarter stats and deducts them from the totals, it was yet again another pitiful performance no matter what way you want to look at it.
    Now many will start to find reasons (I'll say excuses) as to why the offense didn't play well. They will say we lost Dressler in the 1st quarter; yes we did but we didn't utilize Smith at all for the remainder of the game - why? They will say Willy didn't have much time to make decisions before he throws; really- he had much more time than Glenn only difference is Glenn can make a decision a lot faster that Willy. Notice Glenn wasn't dancing in the pocket whereas Willy was doing the polka on most down. They will say the receivers didn't run the correct routes - perhaps on occasion that might have been the case but if the receiver did run the wrong route what is wrong with checking down to the other receivers or the running back out of the backfield if in fact he did that rather than being stuck in the blocking scheme. And then there will some who will say the line didn't do a good job. Fair statement maybe they didn't but I would offer that they gave Willy as much time as Glenn had and the results speak for themselves.
    Finally I couldn't help but notice that when Montreal was on offense, other than those reverses and running plays, Glenn threw the ball for 8-10 yards or more most of the time. Willy threw it for 3-5 yards in plays designed to take the receiver to a place on the field where there were few teammates to block for him. In fact on two plays I believe in the first quarter they ran the wide receiver screen on two consecutive plays. The first went well as there were 3 other receivers their to block and for the most part did their jobs. However on the second, there were only 2 receivers and they didn't block well against 4 defenders.
    What does all this say: well in my humble opinion it says LaPo hasn't learned a lot about offense in his what 2+ years on TV; it says we have a QB who has lost HIS confidence; it says our QB cannot complete, at least on a consistent basis, any passes 15 yards or longer; and last but not least, little has changed from last year or subsequent years. Unless something drastic changes the defense will be blamed for inflated opposition numbers even though they will spend 2/3 or the game on the field; the team will continue to lack excitement, and the loyal season ticket holders will continue to become disillusioned and eventually give up their seats in the stadium which will mean there will be less revenue and less revenue leads to you know what!
    So here's hoping that I am totally wrong in my observations. I hope they will turn this around. I hope that the fan base will return and this franchise will return to the proud dynamic one is once was. There are efforts in my opinion that are being made to return it to that status however the product on the field, be it the players or the coaches are hindering any major movement forward. As I said  here's hoping!
    Sorry for the long rant.
  10. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from JCon in Current season ticket sales   
    I have always been treated great by those in the Bomber store I will say. The people in the ticket office have been good as well no complaints. I am just curious about season ticket sales. They have been declining since relocating and producing a bad product on the field and then last years "offer" for the Grey Cup turned off a lot of people I know personally. So was just wondering how they were doing.
  11. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from Tracker in Throw the ball downfield   
    Just listening to the coach's show on cjob. Hearing the same thing as I heard all last year, nothing!. On the note of this tread can someone please explain to me why we defend poor performance from Willy stating it is only pre season, he hasn't played since last fall etc etc yet those other QBs that we play against are in the same boar aren't they? How come they can perform aka Glenn, Burris. Yes they have been in the league longer however they too have not played since last year. I wish we would simply call it like it is - he did not perform well for whatever excuse, not reason, you want to insert. He has to get it together quickly. I have stated what I believe to be his shortcomings back to last year so unless he can correct those, we will be in trouble because Mike Stubborn will not take him out.
  12. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from DR. CFL in Preseason 2 - Ottawa   
    if the play calling is done properly then Willy should have enough time to either throw deep or medium routes OR dump off an outlet or screen to Harris. Didn't see a screen called all night or for that matter during either game. Again I realize it is vanilla time however it is strange that both Montreal and Ottawa were in the same boat, actually this was Ottawa's first game, and yet they could move the ball at will. I think we have to take the rose coloured glasses off and look at what we saw, ineptitude, a lack of execution and poor play calling and a not very good defense. In the first game our subs outplayed Montreal's hence the victory. Today not so much we were basically even after they took Burris out of the game. Willy doesn't appear to read defenses well and as a result holds onto the ball far too long. Is this a result of poor play design or poor route running or simply poor recognition. How is it that Nichol move the ball much better than Willy in this game and the other two could do better than either Willy or Nichol on Friday. Finally it was apparent that when Willy was throwing the ball it seemed that the receivers were all standing still to receive the ball. Does this mean he cannot throw a timing pass aka Cavillo or Ray? In most sports the best pass is to the "open area or open ice"; a timing pass. I haven't seen one with the Bombers forever. I take that back Tom Clements could do it to perfection. A lost art? Who know. All I know is this offense, if what Nichol said in the post game comment is true (they were using 60-70% of the new offense and that it wasn't a new offense merely some plays taken from other teams that seemed to work for them), then we are in big trouble. I always thought you developed your offense around the talents of your players, something like putting a round peg in a round hole not trying to put a square peg in a round hole. Oh well I hope I am wrong but the first 5 games will tell the tale.
  13. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from Dragon37 in Doug Brown Explains   
    I have been reading Doug's columns since he was hired by the Free Press. Many will consider his columns negative, I don't. I consider them to be realistic. Yes some are of the obvious some are insightful. Bottom line is what he has said in this particular piece is quite correct. It is much easier to teach defense than it is to teach offense. That being said if follows that with an influx of new players the defense will gel much quicker than the offense.
    I too do not like the negative but at the same time do not like the rose coloured glasses positive approach. A much more palatable approach would be one that is more realistic than fiction. To suggest the Bombers are going to be barn burners this year???? Well that just doesn't make sense. Yes they have upgraded their personnel, they have changed coaching staff; however that being said does one think the other teams above us have not done the same? Therefore one can only assume, based on press reports from the Bombers themselves, that we have improved measurably more than those ahead of us. That remains to be seen.
    Optimistic, yes as always however reality says don't jump the gun. If one was to review the past say three years, it becomes painfully obvious that this team has not improved but regressed. Why is that? Is it because we have not recruited better players? Perhaps. Is it because our starting QB has been injured? Perhaps. Is it because of poor coaching? Perhaps.  So if we assume that all three are collective reasons why we have done so poorly, one could expect an improvement this year, correct? Well only partially because we now have better personnel (we assume and have been told) , better coaches (we assume and have been told), and we have yet to find out if our starting QB will remain upright the entire season. What that does is leave the subject of gelling as a team in all three phases of the game. Should that fourth part of the puzzle come to fruition, then we can say we SHOULD improve. BUT that still has not accounted for the upgrades of those above us.
    Getting back to the topic, this only says that Doug Brown is stating the obvious and provides some insight into the workings of a successful football team. He is neither negative or positive, merely state the obvious at times and raising questions at other times.
    We will see who is right, remember to come back to this topic at years end to see if in fact what he has said has any merit. For me, Doug being an ex professional football player, and expounding on what he knows from experience, I'm inclined to go with him on this one.
  14. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from TBURGESS in Doug Brown Explains   
    I have been reading Doug's columns since he was hired by the Free Press. Many will consider his columns negative, I don't. I consider them to be realistic. Yes some are of the obvious some are insightful. Bottom line is what he has said in this particular piece is quite correct. It is much easier to teach defense than it is to teach offense. That being said if follows that with an influx of new players the defense will gel much quicker than the offense.
    I too do not like the negative but at the same time do not like the rose coloured glasses positive approach. A much more palatable approach would be one that is more realistic than fiction. To suggest the Bombers are going to be barn burners this year???? Well that just doesn't make sense. Yes they have upgraded their personnel, they have changed coaching staff; however that being said does one think the other teams above us have not done the same? Therefore one can only assume, based on press reports from the Bombers themselves, that we have improved measurably more than those ahead of us. That remains to be seen.
    Optimistic, yes as always however reality says don't jump the gun. If one was to review the past say three years, it becomes painfully obvious that this team has not improved but regressed. Why is that? Is it because we have not recruited better players? Perhaps. Is it because our starting QB has been injured? Perhaps. Is it because of poor coaching? Perhaps.  So if we assume that all three are collective reasons why we have done so poorly, one could expect an improvement this year, correct? Well only partially because we now have better personnel (we assume and have been told) , better coaches (we assume and have been told), and we have yet to find out if our starting QB will remain upright the entire season. What that does is leave the subject of gelling as a team in all three phases of the game. Should that fourth part of the puzzle come to fruition, then we can say we SHOULD improve. BUT that still has not accounted for the upgrades of those above us.
    Getting back to the topic, this only says that Doug Brown is stating the obvious and provides some insight into the workings of a successful football team. He is neither negative or positive, merely state the obvious at times and raising questions at other times.
    We will see who is right, remember to come back to this topic at years end to see if in fact what he has said has any merit. For me, Doug being an ex professional football player, and expounding on what he knows from experience, I'm inclined to go with him on this one.
  15. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from Dragon37 in Darren Cameron Blog (for discussion): "Patience Is A Virtue"   
    I think that what has happened to this team in the past two years after continual promises and positive comments only to see a decline in performance throughout the entire team from head coach to place kicker explains why many are skeptical about what will happen next. Can you blame them? I doubt it. We all, myself included even though I have not renewed my season tickets, hope they will turn this around. Long gone are the glory days of Tom Clements, James West, Kenny Ploen etc BUT hopefully we can develop a team that is at least entertaining. My biggest complaint over the past several years is they simply are not entertaining and in most instances had already lost by half time. Oh on a few occasions they tried a big comeback in garbage time but the results were similar. Hence I can spend my entertainment dollar on something that is more entertaining and should I want to watch them play (bombers) then I can flip on the TV. Don't think I am a wagon jumper as I have been a loyal fan for over 62 years however even a blind squirrel can find the acorn once in awhile. Good luck, you will need it!
  16. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from Mark F in Fire O'Shea   
    MOS is over his head as a HC. He is too stubborn and cannot make decisions. He has no control over the phases of his football team and seems to delegate without any oversight. Yes he is a player coach but does not hold them responsible for their actions. Great special teams coordinator though.
  17. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from DR. CFL in Marcel Bellefeuille - When does he get axed   
    MB has never been a successful HC or OC in the CFL. I believe the best he has ever done with a team is 9-9 with Hamilton in his first year. His offense does not even attempt to stretch the field so the defense simply plays low and allows the 3 yard passes. Very interesting to watch the other teams as they seldom throw below 8 to 10 yards whereas we seldom throw beyond 8-10 yards. He should have been gone long ago but as has been stated here before MOS is too stubborn to make a move. He has demonstrated his stubbornness on many occasions this year so it is to be expected. Really sad because as a season ticket holder who will not be renewing his season tickets next year along with 4 others in our group of 8, I just don't care any more. MOS and MB have taken any enjoyment out of attending for me. Call me a wagon jumper if you will but before you do understand I have been a Bomber fan for over 60 years and this is the last straw. As has been stated in the news media and elsewhere, how is it that Ottawa can turn around an expansion team in a year; how come Edmonton can do the same. One answer; they have better coaches that we were unable to sign. I can't believe it is all the players fault.
  18. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from rebusrankin in Marcel Bellefeuille - When does he get axed   
    MB has never been a successful HC or OC in the CFL. I believe the best he has ever done with a team is 9-9 with Hamilton in his first year. His offense does not even attempt to stretch the field so the defense simply plays low and allows the 3 yard passes. Very interesting to watch the other teams as they seldom throw below 8 to 10 yards whereas we seldom throw beyond 8-10 yards. He should have been gone long ago but as has been stated here before MOS is too stubborn to make a move. He has demonstrated his stubbornness on many occasions this year so it is to be expected. Really sad because as a season ticket holder who will not be renewing his season tickets next year along with 4 others in our group of 8, I just don't care any more. MOS and MB have taken any enjoyment out of attending for me. Call me a wagon jumper if you will but before you do understand I have been a Bomber fan for over 60 years and this is the last straw. As has been stated in the news media and elsewhere, how is it that Ottawa can turn around an expansion team in a year; how come Edmonton can do the same. One answer; they have better coaches that we were unable to sign. I can't believe it is all the players fault.
  19. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from Doublezero in Cotton BABY!   
    I have been thinking for a long time, since maybe game two of the season that the offense was going to be the problem with the season for this team. A couple of reasons for this: 1. we have a o coordinator who has not been very successful during his time in the CFL and 2. we have Buck Pierce as a position coach and one that he is not well versed in. I also made the assumption that Pierce would likely be dealing with the QBs more than the running backs. The combination of these facts seemed to show me a few things which seem to have evolved during the season: 1. our offense regardless of what we think of the o line has become predictable with the exception of the last half of the last game, 2. our QB Willy in particular has developed happy feet and has also developed a tendency to hold the ball far too long (before you blame the o line for not giving him more time ask yourself how many times you have seen receivers standing still making a catch rather than running to a spot where the ball is being thrown and also consider how Brohm and Mavre were able to pick targets quicker than Willy even though Marve moved the pocket much better) and 3. our running game was/is next to nil (I too like Cotton but one game does not make him a good running back) and that can be related directly back to those in control of the offense. Reminds me a little of Tim Burke - great defensive mine who left the offense to others (one the same name as the incumbent) and what did that get him? 
    With all that said I personally like Pierce as a person, not a positional coach - he does not possess the broad vision or knowledge required simply review his playing career to substantiate that comment. Secondly I don't believe our present O coordinator cannot and will not be successful in the CFL. For some reason he does not understand or if he does will not incorporate any timing routes for his receivers aka Cavillo in Montreal. And thirdly, they have to get Willie some good QB coaching - he could be our QB of the future but at the rate he is going he will not.
    Just my thought
  20. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from Fatty Liver in Cotton BABY!   
    I have been thinking for a long time, since maybe game two of the season that the offense was going to be the problem with the season for this team. A couple of reasons for this: 1. we have a o coordinator who has not been very successful during his time in the CFL and 2. we have Buck Pierce as a position coach and one that he is not well versed in. I also made the assumption that Pierce would likely be dealing with the QBs more than the running backs. The combination of these facts seemed to show me a few things which seem to have evolved during the season: 1. our offense regardless of what we think of the o line has become predictable with the exception of the last half of the last game, 2. our QB Willy in particular has developed happy feet and has also developed a tendency to hold the ball far too long (before you blame the o line for not giving him more time ask yourself how many times you have seen receivers standing still making a catch rather than running to a spot where the ball is being thrown and also consider how Brohm and Mavre were able to pick targets quicker than Willy even though Marve moved the pocket much better) and 3. our running game was/is next to nil (I too like Cotton but one game does not make him a good running back) and that can be related directly back to those in control of the offense. Reminds me a little of Tim Burke - great defensive mine who left the offense to others (one the same name as the incumbent) and what did that get him? 
    With all that said I personally like Pierce as a person, not a positional coach - he does not possess the broad vision or knowledge required simply review his playing career to substantiate that comment. Secondly I don't believe our present O coordinator cannot and will not be successful in the CFL. For some reason he does not understand or if he does will not incorporate any timing routes for his receivers aka Cavillo in Montreal. And thirdly, they have to get Willie some good QB coaching - he could be our QB of the future but at the rate he is going he will not.
    Just my thought
  21. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from firekid23 in Odds and Sods - Winnipeg Blue Turkeys vs Edmonton Eskimoes   
    same old story - receivers standing still catching passes rather than on the move. Willy holding onto ball too long hence receiver standing waiting for ball. No running game. No screens, no flairs - poor offensive game plan. Lost possession battle yet again but this time by a huge margin in first quarter alone. Poor O line.
    D line no pressure - trick formations not tricky anymore - opposition teeing off with the run we have no
    answer for it. Tackling improved slightly but still much work needed.
    Penalties killing us as usual. Beginning of the year we were good - then came game 7 and I think since
    then we lead the league in penalties per game yet MOS will insist we aren't that bad. No discipline self
    motivated or otherwise.
    Coaches should look in the mirror as well as the players. Much rebuilding needed to be successful however we have won 3 more games than last year. Whoopee!
  22. Like
    Old Bomber Fan got a reaction from iso_55 in Odds and Sods - Winnipeg Blue Turkeys vs Edmonton Eskimoes   
    same old story - receivers standing still catching passes rather than on the move. Willy holding onto ball too long hence receiver standing waiting for ball. No running game. No screens, no flairs - poor offensive game plan. Lost possession battle yet again but this time by a huge margin in first quarter alone. Poor O line.
    D line no pressure - trick formations not tricky anymore - opposition teeing off with the run we have no
    answer for it. Tackling improved slightly but still much work needed.
    Penalties killing us as usual. Beginning of the year we were good - then came game 7 and I think since
    then we lead the league in penalties per game yet MOS will insist we aren't that bad. No discipline self
    motivated or otherwise.
    Coaches should look in the mirror as well as the players. Much rebuilding needed to be successful however we have won 3 more games than last year. Whoopee!
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