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Posts posted by trueBlue83

  1. 23 minutes ago, JohnnyOnTheSpot said:

    I'm still not convinced on Lankford.  The one he did take back was in spite of the lane he initially picked being shut down.  I put that one down to luck and speed, not returner savvy.  The great returners don't bounce around like he does.

    Jackson from the Argos was bouncing off all kinds of Bomber tacklers, and looked pretty great in doing so.   Gizmo Williams, Pinball, Stefan Logan... all those guys bounced around and were pretty good at it.  If anything, I think that's a better characteristic to have as a returner... so long as you're not constantly dancing around and then getting tackled for no gain!

  2. I do agree though, that talking about his pace and that he's projecting to set the CFL record, is much too early.... talk like that shouldn't hold any weight until after labour day.... you wouldn't see TSN post those numbers after 4 games on 'what could be'.... we had a returner a couple of years ago that had flashes of brilliance and looked like a game breaker.... and now I can't even remember his name!!


    Edit: looked it up... Troy Stoudermire

  3. you're talking about the TD return like it didn't, or shouldn't have actually happened..... it did.  so move on. it's a moot point.

    he's been decent.... there's times where I've wished he would go the other direction and try and beat the coverage to the outside with his speed, because I think he can.... but perhaps having not tried that yet, he doesn't have a true feel for how much wider the CFL field actually is at game speed.

    I've been happy with his production so far!  as far as punt returns, I think Fogg will probably be taking those on

  4. 14 hours ago, Atomic said:

    Now go back and watch what BC's defence was doing and maybe you'll start to understand.

    I get it... but he doesn't even wait  for a receiver to get open, and obviously the pass routes need to be adjusted to counter the drop back D scheme.... but there's been none of that all year.  Hopefully the adjust tomorrow, but I'm not going to be shocked to see more of the same and Nichols play all 4 quarters.:mellow:

  5. They need to show steady improvement.  Yes, we've had some injuries on defence, but there's no rhyme or reason as to why the offence can't move the ball half the game other than an inept QB at the controls.  The play calls are the play calls... QB still needs to find an open receiver downfield, Especially when not being hurried... and that is seldom happening, opting more often for the stat friendly 3 yd completion.  Unfortunately, that's not putting points on the board.

  6. I just re-watched the 4th quarter on TSN's replay on tonight. In the entire 4th, Nichols was pressured once, and yet only threw beyond about 6 yds once. He DOES NOT try and go downfield. Sure, his completion percentage is decent, but 85% of his throws are short check downs. I'm getting sick of watching it... we have decent receivers that can make plays. Free Davis... Nichols is not the guy.
    And for those who say the defence blew it.... after the botched fake punt gamble, the D held the Lions three times, with the go ahead points coming off the Nichols pick that immediately had BC in FG range. The offence has been the biggest let down, and I put that almost solely on the QB not being able to read a defence and stretch the field.

  7. 42 minutes ago, ALuCsRED said:

    Realistically, this incident is not isolated to the Blue Bombers or to just Winnipeg.  Remember the child fan of the New York Islanders at MTS Centre.  Similar things happened and ended up in the news.  


    Not saying this is what happened.... but given how they were "rewarded" by the Jets organization, there is a possibility these fans at the Banjo Bowl were hoping for similar return.  No witnesses confirm the story, yet they got a "reward" for throwing out bad publicity.   Again... not saying this is the angle that was played, or the story is false.  But it's also possible they were just looking for freebies.  There's people who abuse the system too unfortunately.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    Disagree. We need to plug up the middle and make him turn his shoulders. He's maybe the worst sideline to sideline rb in the league.

    Debatable I guess.... Doesn't change the fact he constantly runs all over our D.  Although they've improved drastically since we last saw the Stamps.    Where is Muamba theses days?  Was he trying out with NFL teams?

  9. You could tell Willy was rattled, and maybe the injuries sustained in the last couple years, and numerous hits (wasn't he the most hit QB in the league the last 2 years when he was playing?)... he did have happy feet, and he wasn't going through his reads, forcing balls in to tight spots he shouldn't have been.... maybe after 5 games on the sidelines, and getting to watch a ton more film with a different perspective, will help him look at things a little differently.  We'll never know where he's at mentally though unless he gets back in playing in somewhat meaningful game time.

  10. I was kind of hoping the Bombers would build up a nice lead and we might get to see Willy play a quarter on Sunday... but that obviously didn't happen! Kinda hope that can be the case Saturday.... the D and O-Line are playing night and day versus when Willy was starting, so it would be nice to see what Willy do (albeit, would again be garbage time) if anything just to give him some confidence back.... or, to tell the boys upstairs that maybe it's time to work Davis into the 2B slot and eventually take over as backup!

  11. I've never been a fan of Durant, and don't think he's ever been a Top 3 guy in the league.... I think he's been an okay QB who managed games well, but had a great O-line and outstanding receiving corps.  You take away either one of those, and he's ordinary at best.  I think the only times Darian has ever looked lights out, has been against bad teams.   And no, I don't have examples... I have just never seen Durant as a franchise QB to build your team around... he's been good, but never great.  Much the way Khari was good, never great.... just had an awesome supporting cast.

  12. On August 22, 2016 at 4:36 PM, tracker said:

    Good idea. But it would be good to know if either Davis or Bennett can function well in a game situation. Practice is nice but nowhere as immediate or chaotic as it is during a game.

    But.... Brian Brohm was said to have always looked great in practice!

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