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Everything posted by Nolby

  1. Like it was said, I'm still basking in the glory of this win but they really need to bottle up this post win energy and bring it again in Hamilton.
  2. I could seriously watch the highlights of the 2009 grey cup over and over and over and over.
  3. We talked about this out at the lake while watching. I believe the camera angle is what caused this to look like it was a non td from the tv viewers angle.
  4. Durie had incredible potential plus he's a Canadian. It'll be a tough loss for the Argos and a waste of talent if he announces his retirement or is released for Toronto.
  5. Everyone seems to forget that these people are certified doctors and do know what they're doing. If he wasn't healthy enough to practice and be cleared to play, then he'd be watching practice instead or participating. I'd like to think a doctors word would go further than a coaches on health.
  6. Nobody even knows if it's a concussion for sure, as of right now until the coaches say what it is, it's all just speculation.
  7. In a way, this helps our league. It's kind of keeping the CFL still exciting considering the slaughter of starting qbs going down in the first 2 weeks. The Argos fan base is very little and if Harris were to go down now, I'm sure you'd be able to count on your fingers and toes th amount of fans that would show up to Rogers Centre.
  8. I'm not optimistic Willy will be available vs Montreal, I'm also hoping this was his one shining game like Dinwiddie had vs Calgary eons ago.
  9. could be a minimum, could be a week because he was just knocked out..who knows. I guess we'll just have to wait and see for the diagnosis.
  10. it may be over if he were a running back, because of his post on, there may still be hope for him.
  11. For those who haven't come across a source yet http://www.tsn.ca/riders-dressler-brackenridge-to-miss-opener-1.316893
  12. Don't know if it was mentioned but Dressler and Brackenridge will not be playing Saturday vs Winnipeg. I'll take any type of advantage we can get.
  13. Took this idea from another forum and thought it may be worth chatting about. Ritchie Hall at D Coordinator Drafting Chung Signing Willy to a contract?
  14. I don't mind this at all. Don't know tons about the guy but have heard his name lots.
  15. I'm in, not overly sure how this all works. Just need the coles notes version .
  16. Calgary Winnipeg Edmonton Saskatchewan Bc Hamilton Montreal Ottawa Toronto
  17. Great,now our front line with our line backers is even thinner.
  18. about eat the bag of weiner? !?!
  19. What are some examples? I'm looking to be entertained. at the super bowl.
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