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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. As long as the "Argos" jersey never see the light of day again, I can take some goofy reboot of a jersey calculated to suck money out of my pocket.
  2. That Fennel fellow is a pretty big running back at 275 or 276. (I think at that size sweat) might swing a pound) The name seems a bit familiar, too. Though maybe on defence.
  3. Hey now. I hate the media for no good reason as much as the next guy but how can you say the media is driving this? Ottawa is driving this. None of this would happen if Ottawa just said "Good Luck" like every other CFL team has years and years. This is ridiculous. Did Ottawa only hire coaches that were unsigned? I don't know this but it would be amazing if they did. This is such a stupid move on their part. anyone with ambition would never sign there if Ottawa gets their way.
  4. Common..Anyway, I'm not in corner of a LaPolice rehire...we can aim higher, but what I was saying is that it didn't matter what name was inserted there, you were a-shakin, and a-sighin. He's not even hired yet. Khari Jones? Nah..too buddy buddy...shaking and a sighin Jason Maas? Nah..wouldn't pay for him..and he's too new...shaking and a sighin Jarious Jackson? Nah..no experience...shaking and a sighinChad Allen? Just shaking all over.. That's my point... just wanted to point out I only liked this post b/c of the Chad Allen reference... Also, the word you're looking for id c'mon.... unless you meant that his response was a common one... in which case "typical" would probably have been a better choice... Well, I did use c'mon when I first broached the subject, but that was parroted in the reply. Really?Anyways, using common was a way around that parroting....and it worked, in an unusual way. An uncommon opening, I grant you, and may have lead to confusion. Sorry about that. Welcome to my world. I just assumed it was auto correct. I text a lot with my wife and auto correct has gotten me in trouble a few times. I'd rip out all my hair over auto correct if I could actually if there was enough to grab.
  5. I think this might get pretty entertaining. Nice to watch someone else's house burning.
  6. A Donald Trump to fix our problems. That made me spit out my brocoli. You mean walk away from the mistakes and borrow money from his dad. I think we have had a bunch of Donald Trump know nothings already.
  7. I tend to look at it another way if we were all singing roses about this regime would there be any reason to get better?But I respect where your coming from. This sounds like the management is waiting to hear what you think before deciding on acting or not. I hope I am mis interpreting your statement. If BB mgt is checking the boards or if someone thinks they do, someone is crazy.
  8. If that is the same situation I am thinking of , that was a brain aneurism. not much to be done to prevent that sort of thing.
  9. It has to do with drainage. The sewage runs in instead of out. Bad foundation work mainly.
  10. Stuart Olsen has a less than stellar track record. the fault of BBB was beleiving SO. SO has to be legally responsible.
  11. You know off the field issue could mean Boyd had an issue with getting off the practice field in Winnipeg to Montreal where the QB position is even more of a dumpster fire than here. Looking to next season Willy is number one no doubt. In Montreal what is going to happen? Glenn? Boyd probably wanted to get some tape to show NFL and you can't do that from PR. Probably the agent thought some playing time in Montreal is possible if not this year then next year. If you don't think lack lustre guys can't make NFL then exhibit A: Sean Salisbury.
  12. No... Doug Brown washed out down south too... one game short if being able to collect Nfl pension I believe... We all expected Bilukidi to come in and be close to Browns caliber of play at DT.... we should have expected him to take a while to get up here as well. If a player is close to retirement benefits in NFL he he is a lot less likely to catch onto a team as the league funds the pension. I don't think it is a coincidence that players are released when they are a few games short of the pension. It is the same way that older players have to be a lot better than the younger players to stick as their salaries and every other expense increases with their level of experience. I just read the NFL players collective bargaining agreement which clearly shows the financial advantages for the teams to jettison marginal players. I feel pretty confident that Bilukidi will be available to play in the CFL if he wants to next season. I hope he does. A player with Doug Brown like impact would really make the defence like the powerhouse defences we used to see here. As a side note NFL teams only pay 25 dollars for a player's breakfast on travel days. A Canadian Senator would have a hard time surviving on such a skimpy per diem. Only one glass of orange juice for sure.
  13. You know what drives me up the F'n wall is when people say "I shut the game off, I couldn't watch anymore" How pathetic a fan to not even watch the game. I never miss a second of a Rider game no matter what the score is, period.. no exceptions. If I can't be home or something important has me away, I tape it and watch every second as soon as I can. When I PVR, I avoid the radio and television and dont talk to anyone. One game I was on the road wearing bomber colours and the gas station attendant looked funny at me so I figured the game didn't go the way I wanted but I still watched. Masochistic.
  14. Rod Black 's continued existence has spurred me to practice concentration on the game so that I hear the down and distance estimates (usually visibly wrong) but ignore all commentary while still hearing crowd noise and other incidental sound which (for me) is crucial to the complete enjoyment of the game experience. It requires zen like concentration so I thank Rod Black for that and nothing else.
  15. I would normally "like this" but there have been a lot of missed headshots this year. I know I am biased but it seems the bombers don't get that call.
  16. The news conference on the bombes website has MOS saying that they are their record so I don't know where this other statement came from. Not saying he din't say that but that he said the opposite in the news conference.
  17. Whatever happens we should be raiding Calgary coaching and management. They have been good for years. Somebody knows what they are doing. Not here. I PVR'd the game as I needed to do some driving and I like watching not listening. I got home late and started watching the game. five minutes in it was clear I had wasted a lot of anticipation. The deliciious barley wine started tasting sour. My bomber shirt started feeling itchy. I watched the whole thing but I can't understand why. I felt like I was watching a slow motion car wreck. It was obvious that the game was done. Defense played well but special teams OMG. Between Nichols overthrows and receivers not catching it seemed that no coordinator pixie dust would turn that steaming mess into a chocolate cake. Not to say play calling wasn't something to be picked up on a stick because running behind tackles with a guy who is supposed to be fast isn't going to get the job done. OK I'll stop now.
  18. I am guessing he is refined compared to some of the contributors here.
  19. That Edmonton interview sounded very political or the reporter slanted it a bit. It sounds like Edmonton is totally a front runner until the last section where he does not rule out a losing team if they look like they are on the right track. That almost sounds like a willingness to commit long term. However this tour does seem like waiting for another NFL tryout before making a CFL decision which I totally agree with. That doesn't surprise me. What surprises me are the guys like Bruce Johnson and Westerman who have tasted more NFL gravy than Muamba and seem to be happy here. I would imagine big money NFL would have big money politics just like the difference working for a small family business and working for a Fortune 500 company.
  20. CFL is still a legitimate means of earning a living. There are even players today that will be revered in the future. Not as dynamic and prevalent as the big business of the NFL, the CFL stil and with new stadiums etc. remain relevant. Fan Boy, your stat and for greater certainty, are you saying that there are 9 CIS alumni currently in the NFL? I'm wondering how many Canadians, schooled in the U.S. Play in the NFL? oops 7 is the number at beginning of season (from CIS twitter feed) This article says 13 Canadians altogether. http://www.torontosun.com/2015/09/08/profiles-of-the-13-canadians-on-week-1-nfl-rosters
  21. If they have to take those kind of hits to get them, I would rather they didn't.
  22. Isn't it . I can't even understand some of the texts I get from my middle daughter and she's thirty. The youngest one spells all the words out for the old man. I feel like a dinosaur.
  23. I don't think it is a coincidence that Moore got passes from Nichols (approximate). The other fill in QB's weren't getting the ball down field at all. Denmark has been almost invisible not because he can't make a big play (just think of all the big plays he's made) but because he can't catch a ball thrown 20 yards behind him.
  24. I think it is because it is right in front of them. That is why I think with the world in every kids' hands now (internet on phones If I wasn't clear) the NFL isn't as far off as it was when I was a 15 year old putting on the pads. It seems to me that more and more CIS kids get a look by the NFL even if only few stick. I think I saw the number was 9. I am saddened to think that CFL will be come afterthought in a few years, it it isn't already.
  25. That is not a legend it is a rolling bundle of Fact to the poor DB trying to tackle that 3X size receiver.
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