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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. I just thought about the timing of that bonus. That sure was a bad thing to agree to on the player's part.
  2. Fire the agent? He got him the best deal possible. Maybe an impossible deal as it turns out. Its not the agents fault that a GM counted his receipts after a shopping trip and realized he's going to have to return some of the shiny stuff.
  3. I can't even remember what kind of run action LaPolice ran, but Harris is such a weapon on the move that a lot of pressure problems would be lessened in my humble opinion by running back motion away from the quarterback. Pitches and screens seem to me to be the things Harris is really useful for. I better stop this because A: my lack of knowledge will show and B:I'll start to get ridiculously excited and it will hard to maintain that until June.
  4. Its not nice to call someone an idiot, even if it is the mirror.
  5. If we run National Running Back does that allow Int O Lineman at a bit of a discount to a Nat Olineman? A question to all you smart guys? I am too excited as a stupid fan boy to think straight. I remember last year I was all excited about snot bubbles with Chung and Picard. I was kind of right there I had snot bubbles crying about how bad Picard was.
  6. I think you should read the wikipedia pages for all the current and recent CFL coaches and then come back and update this entry. You can also try the NFL and see how many coaches there were at least college level QB's .
  7. For someone who doesn't want to sound like a drama queen you sure sound like a drama queen. I am surprised you didn't walk when they wore the Argo colours that one game. I know it wasn't their idea but in line with your thinking they should have refused to play the game.
  8. If I am going to get flamed, I want to go down in a blaze of glory gripping a burning bomber flag and eating potato chips from a blue bag until the bag catches fire.
  9. I might be full of potatoe chips (I'll happily buy a blue bag of all dressed chips ) but I seem to recall QB coach as a step up from RB coach and then OC as the next rung. Next is HC and then television analyst and then OC again. However Not all ladders are created equal. Didn't AC go from QB coach to OC. Of course he could skip the RB coach thing because he is AC.
  10. He probably needs to know if he can be on the potato chip bags again. I know I was impressed when I saw the All Dressed chips although the greeness of the bag was off-putting.
  11. It was Ovations last year. Now named Spectra. It is a huge company owned by Comcast in US. It caters to many stadiums in North America. My daughter doesn't work there anymore so I don't know what current situation is but I doubt location of kitchen has changed.
  12. The kitchen is in the basement. Far away from where the food is needed except dressing room. It is probably too close to the dressing room. Those kinds get really hungry at training camp.
  13. I don't know if they are the only team but I do know that since IGF was built they have after game meals. Training camp is a a fully catered affair. I also know that the design is bad for the kitchen and access from kitchen to boxes. I would have thought that would have been an important design consideration as boxes are real money makers.
  14. If my daughter's reactions count, he might be a marriage breaker more than a game breaker.
  15. How many different ways are there to go after free agents? I imagine a phone call to the player's agent is the most popular way. You figure some other way will work better. I'd like to hear about it.
  16. So this MB fellow had the altered state King Midas touch where everything he touched turned to biological waste material. Pretty messy.
  17. I think there is a large group of people who would fill the stands for playoff games. Just going shopping the last couple of weeks I was amazed to see how many bomber jackets, toques, hats etc I saw. After that season you would think the jaded fans would have put the Bomber gear in the back of the closet ashamed to be seen near a big W. That is not the case. The fan base may not be as vocal as the Riders have but it is far deeper than what some of our posters think. I am not saying the Jets don't take center stage but, since I don't follow hockey that much I might be wrong, the Jets aren't exactly dazzling anybody with brilliance. If the bombers show some improvement the fans will come.
  18. Are we ever going to get past the whole upright Willy thing? We may have to change the name of the team to the Blue Pills. Not that I know anything about blue pills but I hear stuff.
  19. You just have to make sure you are concentrating on the right thing. I just discovered that I have been concentrating on the Blue Bombers not making the playoffs by mistake. I was squinting with my right eye instead of the left eye. Now that's fixed I am sure my concentrating will make the playoffs a reality.
  20. I don't understand the negativity around this signing. Signing a back up quarterback is kind of tricky. Who wants to be the back up quarterback? Nichols is surely as good as other back up quarterback. He did well with Edmonton. frankly I am surprised he got signed. I was expecting him to look for a starting position as well. I feel better about QB position this upcoming year than many previous years. Now let's get some big nasty linemen: offense and defence. Call me optimistic but if we had another defensive line threat like Westermann to make double teaming more difficult and a solid Oline the BB win/loss line would look a lot better. Maybe quicker developing plays and a quicker release (experience sometimes helps here) Holy cow I have almost wiped 2015 out of my brain already and am in full pre training camp mode. It is a long time until June.
  21. World domination, one yard at a time. I think banking would be a better bet than football except maybe in the U.S.
  22. I think you just saw a broken down old bald guy and thought to yourself "That is what mike Kelly should look like." In reality he is in a warm place by a pool sipping margaritas and slapping the waitresses on the butt as they leave.
  23. My question is how often does this happen? I know Westerman is here after playing a bunch of NFL games but how many others make that trip?
  24. The point not mentioned here is that there are negative posters here complaining about MOS policy when clearly that policy is common across the league. I would say Negatrons but I think that has been copyrighted, make it seem MOS was out of step when clearly MOS was just doing what a bunch of teams are doing. There are plenty of real things to complain about, this is just complaining to complain. Old fashinoned media might affect some old fashioned fans but if they are old fashioned chances are they have stuck around for a while. The interaction with players through social media will interest younger fans more but there will still have to be some level of hope or sign of improvement to attract interest. You can't win every game but if the fan feels there is a chance then they will pay attention. So the goal is to just build some hope.
  25. Yes this is very true. There is no dispersal draft for Jones, Can't compare to Ottawa. Unless he magically takes players as well as coaches from Edmonton, there is going to be a mess for a while.
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