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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Joe ain't wrong. That rage is palpable.
  2. Facebook banning trump... indefinitely. Two weeks left... the last five years they have profited of of and enabled him and his hate.
  3. Yup, 100% the capitol police were set up to fail- they had no back up, support or riot equipment.... This is where it started- two ******* guys and a 3 foot tall fence: You are not going to stop a mob of thousands with that.
  4. Oh for the final time I hope... Geebus....
  5. Oh FFS- Here we go- Gaetz sees some people all dressed in black and now they are antifa.... when it was stated by Enrico that they would probably be wearing all black.... this will be the new talking point and excuses for the MAGA insurrectionists- It wasn't trump supporters, they have never rioted before- they are peaceful protesting Patriots.... it was all Antifa... Yeah, look at all those antifas:
  6. No, no- that's stink. It's coming from all the **** stuck in and behind his ears from having his head so far up trump's ass.
  7. Trevor is not wrong. That is most likely one of her viewers.
  8. I think people still forget this little fact:
  9. Never forget. In other more cheery news:
  10. Oh hey, an IED- totally expected this.
  11. Yeah, you might be on to something:
  12. And that's why DC needs to be a state... the deployment of the National Guard in this case, falls to the potus...
  13. I know! He cudgelled the returner with his own blocker! MONSTER! Hansen is only going to get better, he was also instrumental on one of the goal line stands in the West final. If we can get more Hansens,I think we can chalk the CFL global initiative a decent success.
  14. Awesome, thanks for that- here we can agree.
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