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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Heh, I kind of feel the same:
  2. What kind of person is this? Right answers only:
  3. Thats right... he probably has a bunch of investigations going on in the state of New York
  4. Let's hope there is actual political fallout for his deplorable actions.
  5. AOC bringing a bit of perspective.
  6. Almost 30 years and not much has changed. "Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses"
  7. This is good news! Why is it that politicians always seem to be more often held accountable by the forces of capitalism than their constituents?
  8. January 19th you say... So remove him before then. Article 25 his ass!
  9. This kid restores my faith in that Generation:
  10. Yep, Cartoons always have a way of telling it like it is.
  11. To be honest, of the two scenarios: 10 He pardons himself or, 2) he resigns and gets Pence to pardon him, I would choose the former. He won't be beholden to any of his federal criming if Pence pardon's him. If he pardon's himself, the power of that self serving Pardoning power will be questioned and tested by the courts and scholars and I am very certain that a self pardon isn't a thing- it's transactional (like you can't surrender to yourself), let a lone a self-serving pardon. It won't survive the scrutiny. In SHort: yeah, you're right he will screw this up.
  12. Terrorist? I thought that was a police officer.
  13. In a move that surprises no one.
  14. Why not make sure the job is done and do both?
  15. She was crawling through the smashed out window of a barricaded door, with officers on the other side who had drawn their weapons ready to defend one of the last non-breached sections.... You're right it wasn't specifically her- it could have been anyone. I am certain that if it was someone else that was the first to try and crawl through- they would have been the one shot? Sorry, I am really missing your point here.
  16. Speaking of the 25th... This looks kind of reassuring. Could it be that Pence, before trumpist make him the fall guy, enacts the 25th and refuse a pardon? ****- I got goosebumps typing that.
  17. Well, if that's the case with the GOP, let them own what ever happens next. Everyone knows there is a "next", there is literally no bottom to the depths that trump will go to stay in office or burn it all down.
  18. Yeah, @Jpan85 already posted that an hour ago in the other thread- not the most flattering video, we shouldn't be judged on one of worst days.
  19. Good god make the 2021 season happen CFL!
  20. Yup. Also, these social media companies need to pick what they want to be: Publisher or Platform. They can't be both, yet the government is allowing them to be.
  21. I don't know... these people are deplorable, but in many ways, also victims. These people are responsible for their actions ultimately- but their choices are manipulated and funneled through their echo chamber bubble. Just give it a try, try and do a 72 hour media diet of the alt right, you will start to question a lot of reality. The controversial garbage they spew, is really what they believe- to their core. For example- how would you feel if you truly believed that your election was really stolen, that your vote was deleted and your voice taken away. Say Harper was installed by really dodgey means and in corrupt AF ways... Then stoked that ager 24/7 by the media you come to trust... Just saying, what happened was tragic and we need to really address the source of all this ****. i am not trying to excuse her actions and so forth, I am just trying to spotlight that she is a symptom of the real problem.
  22. Apparently Marco's nick name is "Some".
  23. Kyle Walters is on fire this week. A lot of SOLID signings. Looking forward to see what he does in filling the gaps and shoring up the depth. Happy we have him.
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