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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. You are my favourite poster. I love your edgy brand of snark in your epic clap-backs; Peerless social commentary capped with witty, poignant quotes from recent comedic gems.... what ever, I care less now than I did 2 minutes ago.
  2. Well ****... that is a whole lot more concisely put than my post- i should have just gone LMFAO.
  3. Holy ****, I had no clue about this qanon bollocks about mass arrests and public executions... this guy explains it and puts things in a terrifying perspective- this could have been a MUCH darker day.
  4. Huh, that is an odd post to take umbrage with and go a step further to personally insult the poster. There were a few actual trump supporters a few trolls and a few that just want to "own the libtards". He was clearly wondering what they think now. Can they justify his policies with all that has transpired? Is what has happened enough to justify "owning the libs"? I am also curious where they stand now too- what is a bridge too far for them? It doesn't mean I grew up on a steady diet of lead chips. You're right, no one was talking about your ridiculous example of "going out with assault rifles and walking the streets while wearing tacky camouflage with red hats" and I don't see how relevant your example is to the conversation. Odd note though, The proud boys were founded by a Canadian. Anyways, I found it weird that you would **** on that post and wonder why that one deserved your ire.
  5. Thread with video documentation verifying that proud boys were there in force.
  6. Good read, thought I would share it.
  7. Ooof, this is what it looks like when you are scraping the bottom of the barrel of legal representation.
  8. The only reason they win now is gerrymandering, voter suppression and targeting extreme groups (white nationalist, evangelicals, gun nuts). Without those things... the GOP would lose everytime.
  9. First: Idiot. Second: I dont think he understands 1984.
  10. For any of that have any questions about the options on the table for trump, here is a thread I found very useful.
  11. This ******* Guy... Maybe put into phrasing he might understand better: "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
  12. One problem- ******* Joe Manchin. Biden should try and give a plum job in his administration to Susan Collins and let the Democratic Governor on Maine appoint someone useful to the senate and take ******* Joe Manchin's power away and then primary his ass next time he's up for election.
  13. Not a fan of her, but I am totally a fan of this:
  14. Dumb? Or Idon'tgiveafuckiamspecialtheserulesidraftedisfortheplebsthisshitdon'tapplytome. I am leaning more to the latter.
  15. So... apparently a failed coup and an attack on the capitol is NOT a bridge too far for some people... dafuq?
  16. 1.3 BILLION! Release the Kraken indeed- holy ****.
  17. This is a solid thread. It addresses the question of why the Alt right and white supremisists believe what most certainly is not reality- They don't. If you have a few minutes, it's worth the read.
  18. Oh wow, looks like they have enough votes to remove: Damn... do it then. The Democrats need to impeach and get the articles of Impeachment over to the Senate ASAP, toss it to them and let them vote. Let them bear the responsibility of what ever the "next" trump move is.
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