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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Fun stuff, thought I would share.
  2. She should have just let it go-- no need for that final video...
  3. Trump is going to pardon every single last one of the rioters. That will be part of his final **** you and he will just get deified even more by his supporters.
  4. Going to leave this here sweet and sad:
  5. Interesting thread on the outside dark money used to fund the riot: An Update on where the money leads... interesting- Suicide.
  6. There is almost no one left to act as trump's lawyer in his upcoming removal trial, so guess who is the synchophant that would take up this task?
  7. I think I should follow Rick Wilson...
  8. The MFr just doesn't get it. This 100%on brand
  9. A dubious distinction that is well Deserved. Hopefully McConnell might.... yeah, I know- *insert maniacal laughter*
  10. *facepalm* Another installment of "The quiet part loud". The fact he doesn't see the racism in what he is saying... says a lot.
  11. It's quite telling that the four people in that pic that attended the rally are ALL flashing the white power symbol. Shocked/Not shocked.
  12. She speaks the truth. No lies, no both sides- just truth.
  13. Yeah, he is a political genius and everything he does or doesn't do is extremely calculated. He just gave the green light for a speedy removal trial without whipping vote and essentially- "vote your conscience." Donald Trump endangered Mitch and there is also this:
  14. The meltdown was pretty enjoyable
  15. I agree with you on a number of your points. The only thing you are missing here is that Saudi Arabia will do what it chooses to do shamelessly, because there is no accountability- they will continue to do what ever they want as long as they have money and there is demand for oil. As an aside note: This is probably the best way to deal with trump- massive movement to isolat him- kind of how governments would treat a terrorist org.
  16. Doesn't really matter- he will be getting plenty of money from the Saudis.
  17. Backtracking? It's Jim Jordan- he'll never backtrack, there is no accountability- so why should he?
  18. This would be awesome. My fear of the last days of the presidency was the flurry of pardons... yes, I hope he is really that selfish!
  19. Oh wow. Accountability- finally. Looks good on these liars.
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