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Everything posted by Albertabomberguy

  1. they brought in Jeff Hecht to replace him
  2. it looked like he actually tried to kick him in the head and then gave him a real good kick on the arm
  3. I agree on the top three but I thought the HH was Fenner tonight. The guy played well and was a demon on teams tonight
  4. Jennings was horrible but the pressure from the d line sure didn’t help his accuracy and his overall performance
  5. I can’t see him saving it when the play was a pick 6...I’m thinking he just messed that one up
  6. http://3downnation.com/2018/07/03/bombers-qb-matt-nichols-taken-off-six-game-injured-list/
  7. pretty cool memory to have! Another great memory was sitting beside @Jpan85 when medlock booted the winner at the last LDC at the old mosaic a few years ago. We had never met before that day and never since but I got lucky and landed some tickets off him and got to witness that!
  8. Probably the best quote over on the riders forum Share #49 Today, 10:08 PM Coach Jones is having trouble with the players GM Jones has built this team around. Jones is not a GM. Cuts Bond for a guy who gets ZC killed 2 weeks in a row and who is now riding the pine. Loads up on dlineman but refuses to have a single back up DB or Olineman. Gives $400K to an injury prone and concussion prone QB. Cuts Muamba and signs a RB who road the pine tonight in Messam. Has an 75 yr old lineman in Labatte (sarcasm) who is having a terrible year and is showing his age in a lack of push on runs or blocking on passing downs. Clark is a pylon. Has his best receiver playing DB and his backup Olineman is a dlineman. What a mess GM Jones has created.
  9. Did messam even play? They have him on the starting roster as a third stringer but he finished with 0 touches
  10. But then the riders will use the excuse of losing to Montreal with their backup...oh wait that won’t work
  11. I guess that comes down to the severity of his injury or if he’s just hiding on the IR
  12. I can’t see spooner coming off the 6 game IR so I’m guessing speller comes off the PR
  13. Spooner is on the 6 game so it looks like it’s coutures spot as of right now
  14. When Nichols got hurt, I was desperately hoping that Streveler could come and not make mistakes and let the d win games. But the kid is playing lights out!
  15. All three touchdowns were caught by three seperate Canadians...not too bad!
  16. Just read on twitter that the bombers are about to add Mitchell Gale to the practice roster
  17. It’s bad when I’ve switched from beer to coffee!!
  18. He is....I can’t wait to hear about Johnny football all game
  19. Collaros needs to go out and look for some decent life insurance...he’s going to get killed all year
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