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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. No; We had 9 points after 10 games the previous 2 years but we're doing way better than our first year ; we had 7 points after 10 games ..... I guess it just feels better because we seem to be more intense and better defensively; Last night a lot of us were extra loud to shut up the obnoxious pen fans around us; What is the deal with those fans? Are they flying in?
  2. Can you be under-rated when you get 4m a year?
  3. Maybe Ladd got the pick over Little as Little was mostly absent during the game. Kane I was more concerned about during the SO.
  4. Before the season i thought we had 3 lines going but we it looks like we back to 2. One goal among the bottom 6 players am I right? Do we need Thorburn/Peluso?
  5. http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/nhl-jersey-ads-coming-says-league-exec-1.2826466?cmp=fbtl
  6. Jets v1/Phx/AZ is just the most doomed NHL franchise ever. Sure would be nice for QC to get a team. Lets not forget about Hartford too
  7. Was hoping for IMG support in chat...oh well
  8. ...and Marve will finish the season finale Totally forgot to do that.
  9. Cal vs Sask in final. Cals had their name on the trophy since the beginning of the year.
  10. I thought prices always went up > then normal when we host a Cup?
  11. Marve gives us a better chance for a comeback win at this point. Brohm has a better chance to be a starter then Marve IMHO.
  12. For any championship I always root for the team that has gone the longest without winning so if i had to pick one id pick Ottawa.
  13. My fear that if we won this game is that everyone will be in high spirits at the end of a bad season. Holding true so far. At the beginning of the season and at the end of the season we have good future at quarterback...but its not necessarily the same name
  14. Afaic, this is the first game of the 2015 pre-season.
  15. Same as last season, the season before that, the season before that and the first season.
  16. Ray's back to his only showing up for half a game mode so not sure why he's rated so high. BLM is #1 but a lot of that has to do with the best o-line/team in the league. That's my 2 cents. Willy's in the middle but sliding down.
  17. The thing about the negatrons & gloomers though(and I was admittedly one of them b4 the season) is that they have been more right then wrong the last couple of years. Win and they disappear, lose every game after week 8 and they come back. In fact the WBB negatron bandwagon will be in this years Grey Cup Parade.
  18. Whoa whoa whoa there. You mean..... nah iso, goalie, Mr P and the rest can't be wrong about Drew freaking Willy can they? .... Ummmm, nope, it's me, I'm the one who doesn't know what he's talking about. Its the water boy (right Willy boys) -he's the culprit. Not Drew Willy, He had the time to go to his fourth reads, no one was open. That's why he was sacked. Willy is God, he can do no wrong. Now Willy is Jesus Christ, and he's shouldering the burden of the whole team You'd probably get a lot more credit for your opinion if you didn't sound like such a clown while you convey it. "look at me look at me look at me look at me" Yeah, is there such a thing as clown's soapbox? Mayor's chair @ Toronto city council.
  19. It didn't help...but its impact was blown out of proportion by Adler and Cloutier...IMO Well def Adler pushed that audio piece out his agenda earpiece. I thought it was a fair retort to Bowmans 70's comment.
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