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  1. Past hour
  2. The first telling sign will be what specific adjustments he makes for this coming Thursday.
  3. I’d love to see us bring in Shawn Oakman but there’s zero chance we do
  4. I'm hoping that MOS acknowledging that he over-estimated their readiness is a sign he might be open to being wrong about other things and they can correct them before it's too late.
  5. This sounds pretty accurate. The family locker room stuff is a draw sure, but more for established vets/FAs. I’d guess the facilities/stadium/trainers/nutrition kind of thing would be more of a selling point for American players. Like you said though, the bottom line is an opportunity to further their career and/or some quality reps on tape for the NFL. If word gets around that we sit guys on the PR for years I suppose it doesn’t really matter how good the scouts are.
  6. They used Strev at least twice outside of QB. I found that encouraging and I hope they don't go away from that just because it didn't work well. I think that could be very difficult to prepare for and defend against. I was hoping they would have two QBs on since they signed him. I also think Strev will be used more in a QB role in the future, but it seems like the coaching staff believes that you shouldn't try new wrinkles when the offense is out of sync and that they need to play through it to find some rhythm. Judging by O'Shea's post-game comments about not properly preparing the team, I think he realized the team was set back by poor pre-season roster management. I think he rightly thought that they could find their groove if they shook off the rust, it just didn't happen. Back when we were just starting to be a winning team we used "trick" plays a lot and O'Shea insisted they don't work well unless you're in a groove already. Hopefully part of the game plan going forward is that Strev is part of the game plan and hopefully rust can't be an excuse for others anymore. I'm much more concerned about the long term issues with roster management and lack of competition than with issues from week 1 which I think were more symptoms of the bigger problem than a problem in its own right. Knowing the team had issues at the end of last year and that we host a Grey Cup next year, you'd expect some actual competition in camp this year.
  7. So I was ok last year running it back because that was a choice and a 1 point loss in the cup fine give it a go. This year needed to be different though because it didn't work last year not going to work any better this year. Honestly would probably be best to get smacked around all of June. Might snap them out of it. But I can't ever hope for losses so go kick ass whoever wears the jersey.
  8. Today
  9. I've been alluding to this since 2022..and was heavily spouting off about it all last yr and into the offseaso. Was met with all the yeah buts...won the west..most wins...4 straight cups...failing to see we barely eeeked out the 2nd Cup...and lost 2 straight now...ones we should have won easily I also said a few times we won in spite of what some of the things Osh did..got met with more ridicule...we rode and won with some superior top line talent despite the warts that were developing...then wore a lot of them right out...all the while not developing anyone..and filling the roster with guys who were just that...1 trick poney filler...and now we are in a possible scuffling mode...big-time. Been there..done that...seen that personally and was seeing the exact same thing simmering here...hence why was so vocal...hopefully we use the first half of season to re-evaluate things and nip it in the bud now...or it's gonna get fugly
  10. Seriously they would have to reinstate wifi on buses if they do this https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-bus-fare-collection-system-peggo-1.7231020
  11. Islanders showing interest in Ehlers.
  12. Could be, but if we use bighill as an example... he seems to know what to do and where to be but winds up getting there a day late and a dollar short. Jefferson can be a disruptive impact player... but can't do it every snap of every game.
  13. Rumours are it’s not preparations A through G either. Yeah. I’m not a fan of hanging on to the vets and I’m not a fan of their practice roster deployment. Just a bunch of special team guys there really. Why would Kyle and wade allow this? If it’s gotten as bad as you and others think, wouldn’t wade and Kyle notice it also and maybe have a chat or 2 or force osheas hand by maybe not signing a guy like BA or Jake to new deals. I mean surely they notice this also.
  14. I think you’re getting lost talking about the Week 1 performance while most people here are talking about the past two years plus one game. It’s not the specific on-field performance that is worrying to me. It’s the approach we have taken to everything.
  15. Yet consensus seems to be outside of Zach, Mitchell and ford sucked the most so it gets interesting. Did the vets struggle collectively game 1 or was it just Zach and a couple newbs really.
  16. Someone posted a while back about how towards the end of his playing days the argos oshea was on were basically old vets who could occasionally throw out a big performance but not always. Feel like we're watching the Bombers slide into that as we speak.
  17. That’s just it, I really don’t understand our blatant blind spot to the reality of pro sports. It happens to EVERYBODY. Why are the Bombers pretending it hasn’t happened to them?
  18. He doesn’t get along with losing attitudes. He was beloved in the locker room and by coaches here, with the broncos and with the vols. He’s a no nonsense kind of guy and calls out bs as he sees it.
  19. 5 years in football time might as well be 100. Look at the 2013 sea hawks, their entire core was washed up by 2018.
  20. Kongbo seems to be the opposite of Winston Rose, doesn't seem to get along well with anybody.
  21. So age and lack of depth? Can't go balls to the walls anymore, and for older guys balls to the walls is different than it was 5 years ago. Our key guys have aged a lot since this run began.
  22. We just need Brian Dennehy to show up with those cocoons and we'll be fine.
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