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  2. What doman has done in bc with the fan support has been nothing short of a miracle. He gets fan involvement, how to market, and how to mix attractions with football. They should let him plan the GC half time shows for as long as he will do it.
  3. Yeah I think we will see a bit of that. However, we can't over do it. Strevy is our no2 qb and it is a huge drop off after that.
  4. I think some may be getting Bailey confused with Gerrard Shepard, also wore 88 and sat on the PR for a couple of seasons 2016/17 maybe 18 as well
  5. I don't know if Bighill's future is in coaching... given is strong ties/career in the financial industry... but I'd bet he'll want to be part of the team in some capacity for the 2025 season and the home grey cup
  6. IIRC they split up for a while but got back together a couple years ago so they could be popular again - I'm also not up to date on current music, it's just not something I would ever pay to see or tune in for. There's a reason why Doman went out and got LL Cool J & now 50 Cent for home opener concerts - people will pay to see that kind of show. The Lions are expecting their biggest crowd in over a decade to kick-off the season.
  7. It’s definitely not a proper Irish pub, but it’s a good spot with a decent selection of beers and good food. I’ve done this deal many times from the Grant Park location.
  8. you forgot that our 10 slice pizza only came with 9 slices and there's no guarantee Dominos will ever be providing that final slice
  9. They were HUGE in the I think 20teens? but do they still put out music? Seems like kind of a has been boy band. Is there going to be overlap between jonas brothers fans and football fans or people who would like football? Idk seems like a miss in terms of branding and timing. I'm also not a fan, but I feel like the weekend or drake would be a much better fit, and canadian. My personal pick probably wouldn't move the needle much (the headtones.) or bring eyes or any thing. I'm certainly out of touch with popular music today, but any thing R&B, hip hop etc would be long over due. I think the last time we had that was the black eyed peas like 20 years ago.
  10. 😄 Same here, I have very high expectations for JY bringing a new spark. I haven't heard a peep about Hall this TC, other than people talking about JY taking over for him.
  11. Agree. That might be the best case scenario for him this year. I think Biggie is another bomber destined to become an ast coach. Though I'm not entirely sure how we will work him in with stanley being the LB and analytics coach currently. Maybe Hall retires and makes a spot, or maybe bourgoin takes over RBs to go along with Wrs.
  12. I expect we will see our 5th wr / KR do a lot more of it than ever before. We ran down dressler really bad with that role. Then Demski came in and filled it masterfully while blocking his tail off and being a depth wr. Now, demski is a mainstay of our passing attack and getting older, having trouble staying healthy. We banged up schoen at the worst time of year doing that, woli and lawler aren't the guys to run that package at all. I think brady will expand with more screen stuff, but especially the sweep and wide out screens jail break etc will almost certainly go to our kr/5th. I think streveler might find some use in those packages as well.
  13. I wouldn't hate it if Bighill has an extended stay on the IL... provide leadership and mentorship to the new comers... and saves the Bombers on player cap and coaching cap... win-win
  14. Fine, got me on a technicality but the Oilers and Leafs and everyone else suck except us even when we do.
  15. I think you'll be surprised by who we deploy in those screens/sweeps!
  16. That would be good, but doesn’t seem the direction we are going. All our imps for that last spot are very wirey and don’t have that skill or reputation currently. If these guys don’t work out I could see us rolling the extra ni and doing just that.
  17. Yup. Totally. I need to avoid falling into the old man trap of thinking it’s a bad get because it wasn’t what I was expecting. Big name. Tons of hits. Should put on a great show for the TV and live audience.
  18. To be honest, 5th receiver isn't a position I expect a lot of production out of. What I do expect from that spot is someone who blocks well in both the pass and run game and be incredibly efficient with the touches he does get - he needs to buy in and play his role well.
  19. Im excited to see how our new D cooridnator cooks things up. A younger view should be beneficial.
  20. It will. His opportunities will improve, but his play making won't imo. He did a lot of catch and run stuff, the PA roll out screen, the jet sweep etc. He will have more room and get the ball in a better position but I think he will still get taken down by the first guy most of the time. I don't think he has that escapability, shifty, quick twitch style, or the power to break any tackles. He reminds me of a less stocky vinny sutherland. Straight line pretty decent wheels, down with first contact. We will see soon enough.
  21. Today
  22. Not my cup of tea but they'll bring eyes to the game.
  23. Except well, 7 attempts to involve him, 5 touches, 25 yards. Maybe he will do better in real games, but it doesn’t often happen that guys play better vs starters than teams 2/3/4.
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