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  2. We might see Smith again. From what I read, he was hurt shortly after his return TD. He is still in Winnipeg rehabbing.
  3. As much as they talk about new season, last year means nothing blah blah blah, you know that this ad is embarrassed and angry about what happened. Cody better be praying hard or he might just get to meet Jesus tonight.
  4. don't see wind being an issue and affecting the outcome....Als fluked out the end of the season, and Faj won't beat us again...ever....guy is garbage...Even with the Argo's circus going on and Brown still not a proven legit QB....I still see it being a hard task for the Al's to get out of the East as the top dog 38-16 for the blue....and likely never in question
  5. he not a good cover linebacker....and that run down was like....5 yrs ago??...He's good in run situations....but not a complete everydown guy you want out there...if he was....he'd been doing it for years now Not concerned with Ford one bit on the corner...and the issue I could see is rust and syncronicity for a bit....That being said, it's the same offence thats been in place for yrs now...same guys....a few new installs but they should over come....So not too concerned....and our defence is facing Cody flippin Vajardo....No way he will beat us back to back...Likely no way he does again rest his career....guy fluked his one moment out already
  6. PAS is probably the least wind-affected outdoor stadium in the league. Being below ground really knocks down the wind.
  7. I don't think anyone hates Gauthier. He can play and has his uses, it's just not the the optimal line-up (imo). If it was a ratio issue and had to go with him, I don't think there would be much as much discussion about it, but that's not the case.
  8. yes that play was incredible and one that he'll always be remembered for... but that was a special teams play and it was also 5 years ago.... there's a reason he's a journeymen special teamer with almost no starting experience.... if he was starter quality, he would've been playing there a long time ago, not making his first start at 32 years old... as an in-game emergency fill in, he's fine... but when you've had all camp to find a new MLB and the best you can do it a 32 year old, journeymen, special teamer with no starting experience.... that's a major fail... I hope is that he's a "starter" in name only... and there will be plenty on movement in the LB ranks throughout the game... I honestly prefer the team rolled the dice on Ayers or Gemmell. EDIT: I should also note, I love Gauthier and think he's a fantastic ST player and one of the leaders on this team... he's just not a starting MLB
  9. IF the wind is blowing at 50mph, this could have a definite affect on the game....Kickers are gonna be pressed in a close one.....qbs. will have to adjust and I like our qb. being able to do that in comparison to theirs....we shall see
  10. Yep we don't make the Grey Cup without Gauthier making that play, that was huge
  11. Agree there will be rust and obvious rookie questions for Game 1. But I don't get all the Gauthier hate around here. Guy is a stud, knows the system, and has good lateral quickness - plenty fast enough to cover receivers coming out of the backfield. Who remembers Gauthier running all the way across the field to chase down Marcus Thigpen to stop a Riders TD on a trick play couple years ago? Gauthier also has no trouble stopping the run. Besides it's a rotation.
  12. That's complete bull$hit if Lemon is allowed to play....the Als could shelve him but they won't and that speaks complete irresponsibility to me....The Als. organization is going to have a stain and the league has it's hands tied , with regard to stepping in and showing that the reputation of this league will and must be preserved ........Statements like , 'I wonder who Lemon has his money on this one' is quite laughable if it wasn't so sad
  13. Lets hope he regularly clamps down where you rarely hear his name called.
  14. (based on one play I saw in preseason 😂) I think Ford is going to be really good. Super quick.
  15. With all the legitimate criticism thrown at the Argo's in terms of how some in that organization handled the CK issue, how about some questions for the Montreal organization in terms of the SL issue. I know its the players/Teams prerogative that he can play as his appeal makes it way thru the process but maybe Montreal could say SL is innocent till proven guilty but will not be playing until a decision has be rendered to ensure no distractions for our team with the tasks at hand with our upcoming games. They technically are doing nothing wrong on having SL play during his appeal but there are other routes they could have taken.
  16. I'd like to think that Chris Smith kick return for a TD in preseason was due to everyone being tuned in and executing their assignments on the return team. So, although I really miss Janarion, let's see how Myron Mitchell does and whether there is a flicker of potential there.
  17. Yep. It's an independent arbitrator that sets the schedule so yeah nothing the league can do at the moment. Appeals are expected to take weeks to play out and it's been about 3 weeks since the appeal was filed so you would think it'll wrap up sooner rather than later.
  18. I picked the Bombers, but I have a bunch of worries about this game: Several vets with little to no pre-season action. BA, Brady O, & Neuf all starting with just a couple of practices under their belts. I hope the injuries are fully healed. Two new corners. Ford's only got 1 start in his career. Gauthier @ MLB. Two new starters on the OL & very little time together in the pre-season to gel. New returner with zero returns in pre-season.
  19. Bombers are going to crush the Als tonight. No Austin Mack to bail Fajardo out.
  20. Today
  21. So, if this were the regular season, he would be allowed to play 6 plus games before they reviewed the case?
  22. The first drive has probably been scripted for the past two weeks, so they should go down the field pretty easily, as they have done in the past couple of years. After that, it's going to be a slog. 21-17 Bombers
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