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  2. oh I know...I wanna see his BS answer....or if he gets all crotchety....I assume both hahaha
  3. Yeah but you won't get a satisfying answer to that anyway. You'd get fluff about roster limitations, had dl guys on the roster already (just ones no one else liked such as Bennett or jackson) don't underestimate O'Shea's ability to give a non-answer.
  4. should be changed to "the Blue Bomber Weekly" and have players..management...coaches all participate...we can get wjhat OSH says in his daily pressers....
  5. I don’t think anyone’s complaining necessarily I think we’re just running out of things to talk about. let’s go back to talking about how negative TBURGESS is all the time for four pages of this thread
  6. For sure…but if I’m obligated by my employer to do a show with an unwilling participant, I’m going to try to maximize my chance at a decent conversation that holds some value. Big question: What can a conversation look like, that fans want to hear and the coach agrees to discuss? @Noeller thoughts?
  7. in a recent interview this year when asked about the dl guys brought in partway thru camp that OSH said... "you can never have enough ends on your roster" the question should then be asked "well based on that, why did you have 2 guys sit on PR nad not dress last yr, when we only had 2 legit ones playing" see how he spins that?....follow it up with the "Al Couture would not allow a player to play at less than 100%" can you comment as to why you dressed 4 guys who were unable to perform when you had healthy options?....See how he spins that
  8. MOS has been the same in interviews since the first one he gave in Winnipeg, likely before that. Why are folks complaining about it now?
  9. I disagree. Kelly would be willing to tear guys down and go into depth on why what he was doing was great. O'Shea isn't going to talk about personnel as a full boundary. He isn't going to dissect players in public. And that's fine. Whenever he is engaged on intelligent football discussion about tactics, schemes etc he will go into great depth and engage. It's just that we don't really have media who can engage that way.
  10. he should say..".you kept player x over player y...what was the deciding factor" , "besides he practices hard because they all should or not be here...correct?"....and if he gives the typical smug non anwer....tell him to bite it...that would be moocho entertaiing and worthy of listening to
  11. There shouldn’t be a barrier of entry based on the wording of questions for fans to get information from a show promoted to fans
  12. Taylor might look at his own line of banter. Eg. Instead of asking Osh: “Who do you think jumps off the page for fans this year?”….try….””What makes x a particularly difficult player to play against?”
  13. It’s one of the things people would never stop talking about if not for us being such a good team. It’s the same level of disrespect directed towards the fans as what Mike Kelly used to deliver, it’s just dressed up differently
  14. I've never listened to the show and don't follow the media scrums but based on people I respect who post about this, it's sounding like the communication approach is sounding very Mike Kellyesque as in the world versus us forgetting of course its not just about the team but the loyal fans who support the team. Biggest thing I very much disliked about Mile Kelly's tenure here.
  15. Mos is the antithesis of Mike Kelly. Which I mostly love and appreciate about him. How ever he is soo opposite of kelly that his coaches show is the same quality. Kelly had too much ego to answer questions, mos is overly secretive for the right reasons. I couldn't do what he does even if I had all the skill in the world. I like the guy, and I try not to compare him, because no one can live up to knuckles. But I feel like the whole situation is comfortable to him. Like he's slidden right into the old boys club. Maybe I'm wrong. I would actually prefer if he deferred those duties to walters, or the Ast coaches. Mos doesn't come off well in the scrum especially. I don't believe he intends it or is really how he appears. Buck, JY, even hall, especially walters always give good interviews. QFT. They are all done with us winning haha. Maybe it's being bomber centric, but I don't remember them rushing to write off the stamps soo fast. But the media has changed a good bit in that time.
  16. I think most NFL only fans have made up their minds and a half time act isn't going to change it, whether it's the greatest CFL game or not. CFL needs younger fans, and you get that by engaging them where they are. In their communities/schools/teams etc etc. Bombers have been great at it since Miller came in. CGY has been **** at it forever. And you see the results of both.
  17. that show is a joke now....media scrums as well with him have basically become a joke....this veil of secrecy...non answers...smug comments....no need.....like asked who returner is....said yup...we know....but we not saying....no point in that, and not hard for a team to find out if it made a lick of difference.....Obviously they are unsure now that Smith got hurt...as nobody left in camp showed anything....and in practice it's not where u find one either
  18. It really is such a damned shame. I used to enjoy reading them soo much. Now it's not even worth it. The insider bites post each week was exactly the type of thing this league needs. That's what moves the needle with the younger demographic. Stronger at Lber too imo. Overall we are significantly deeper, younger, and more athletic. Age made us worse last year. This year, I don't think will matter as much. Unless the wheels fall off zach, neuf or bryant all together. I think our OL will be better immediately in run pro, and reasonably close in pass pro to start. But I think we will be markedly better in pass pro some time around the 1/3 mark of the year.
  19. I wonder how DT feels about that show. Must get frustrating after years of no answers and barely any substance.
  20. Against my own better advice I briefly tuned into the coach’s show last night, and without beating a dead horse, it is even more abysmal than ever. Absolutely zero substance. Except now, Osh and Taylor have developed some kind of weird power imbalance thing where the coach shoots Derek with passive aggressive darts and DT responds with meek self deprecation. Have other markets found a listenable alternative to the issue of the reluctant coach? Maybe, throw out Kyle or Wade once in a while for a slightly more meaningful show?
  21. As a side note, I really liked his effort and motor on teams as well. He's quickly becoming the type of guy who fills a lot of small holes. I expect to see him on FG etc teams with regularity. Tbh, I'd dress 6 OL and use schmeckle as a TE on the short yardage pack. He's big enough to mash a DE or smaller guy with ease.
  22. I get what you're saying. And I get its tiresome to hear. Its soo irksome to watch. I hope our team is pissed right now. They should be. We should have 4 straight GC wins. Last years loss is worse than 01 on its own merit. I see us slowly making the same mistakes and more of them that lead to those loses and has lead to contender turn over. I'm not the only one who sees it. This time last year we didn't have many better options for roster problems. Right now, we have virtually every answer we could want available to us.
  23. I think we are stronger at DL...QB....Reciever....jury out on the Oline until I see 2 games with whom they choose to roll with... DB not concerned...I think we may be better.....not concerned with age...the ne aging one that concerned me most is on the 6 game right now....and I bet once bulletts start to fly it will be apparent Thomas isnt able to give what we need....Younger wants athletic versatile guys.....Thomas is polar opposite
  24. Do I make a Shawn lemon joke or an AC Leonard joke....
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