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  2. It's funny how the guys with an axe to grind against MOS suddenly find no merit in FIFO..when we all know damn well it is the source of the best locker room culture in the CFL. It gives merit to the strong point of MOS's coaching so now it's a sham perpetuated by the media. Alrighty then.
  3. I'm sure there's more. I was only looking specifically at the guys that were mentioned.
  4. Thanks, I could swear some other teams have been announcing 1 gameday scratches the last couple of years. I guess that are just indicating they are dressing 44 players not 45.
  5. I think he’s exactly the type of S we need. If he takes a bit of a step forward like he’s shown I think he will be a starter and our best ni S in a very long time. some moves will be made at dt for sure. No way we dress 6 dts with 3 imps. At minimum I see one imp and one ni dt not playing. If Jake isn’t healthy or close to 100% I think he will go 1 game ir. Other wise I think Samson will find his way to the pr. For the imps fox and Adams are who I want. With Adams upside he’d be my top priority to keep in the Line up. Fox is more established here but I don’t think woods is far behind.
  6. Yup..was top 2 ..3...st guy already for us last and fact he didn't get more roster time last yr to be that much further ahead now is a shame...if we wanted to go Canadian at Safety I'd slot him there before Hallett Hope so...they should send him to the city wr playing a week in advance to partake in retirement well wishing lol Just watch when he is in...if he gets in and the difference in speed...carnage...aggressive play from whom he replaces...if it's not obvious to the casual fan then I just don't know what to say
  7. McGhee is a prime candidate for that. Jake is toast and will show how quickly we progress and have progressed from the boys club. biggie, ba, Kyrie are guys on the verge of being in Jake’s tier. Guys who have a role but shouldn’t start include gauthier Kramdi and schmekel.
  8. Honestly, keeping 3 American DT, seeing the progression of Schmekel, AND keeping Kyle Samson signals to me that Jake's role will be minimal this season and something like a retirement tour. I don't expect him to see the field often.
  9. I’m also excited to see Kelly this year, I think he could be a good one
  10. The 2022 CBA no longer mentions game-day scratches. It talks about a minimum of 44 and a maximum of 45 players. That 45th could be a second global or another Canadian (presuming a team already has its maximum 19 Americans)
  11. I look forward to seeing what shmek and kelly do with regular reps. Jake Thomas is the canary in the mine this year. Hopefully he’s not the new mos guy.
  12. K. So Jake Thomas is this years Jackson probably. Waste of a roster spot. Curious who that guy was gonna be this year. Jake it is.
  13. I wasn’t even serious. Honestly liked seeing the fire and the charisma. Sometimes I feel cfl could take a few pointers from the other leagues. Personality sells.
  14. thats all it is...and should be...nobody is above the team, and yhou put it all out there for the team and your bros's...thats been going on for decades
  15. I'd say Schmeck is more serviceable....and that takes a lot for me to pump his tires until he proves me 100 percent otherwise. Thomas is not the future here...nor the now...and trotting him out there really is a waste of a spot, for either develping a new guy somewhere...or allowing a guy already somewhat established to really hone his game...His "vet" leadership isnt required...we have tons of vets....he's here purley on the Osh bonerisms and nothign more...he offers us nothig other than on the PR or parked on the IR for security if Schmeck...Samson and soon I think Bennett all go down with seson enders
  16. FIFO is fine, just use it as intended... doesn't mean everyone has to be a saint, just means check your ego at the door and realize it's not all about you it's about the team.
  17. I'm not a fan of the FIFO thing as people use it too much as the deciding factor in why a guy played...didnt...gets cut etc...etc.....As long as a guy has noi serious character flaws and issues and is doing selfish things to hurt the team then that should be it. If yhour good enough and have the talent....nuffsaid This mantra of maybe he didnt fit in in some regard that we as fans don't see....thats why....is load of crap....some guys who were cut....not utilized were soley due to coaching bias and the same ol same ol....believe it if you want...or don't....No skin off my hiney but untill you have actually been in a room as a player...coach...or otherwise....and seen all the dynamics its just running on hyberbole and going with the narrative. Been on and een many teams where at times half the team doesnt know one another from dirt, other than name and number....and are highly succesfull and have the tight room....we have a great culture and room...and been succesful for sure....but that isnt the whole reason...nor should be the deciding factor in talent
  18. I mean we criticize other players on other teams for similar slip ups, so I’m not going to pretend our players don’t have slip ups as well. It is what is.
  19. I think we’re going to have a lot of looks on the defensive side of the ball. There’s going to be a heavy rotation I believe. Even a Jake a Thomas is serviceable as long as he’s in and out.
  20. Yeah honestly when I saw a guy wearing bright shoes my assumption was they were just his lucky shoes or something. Are people actually mad about them?
  21. Key thing/word....Non Import depth.....On defence save for Ford none of our non import depth should be taking more than 40% snaps in a game at their position, now that Lawson is out long term....which is a shame.
  22. You've mentioned this a couple times recently. Let's maybe not say "loves to"... It happened once that we know of. We don't know if it was drink or smoke. No question he should be held to account and it absolutely doesn't FIT IN..... but let's not take it to the extreme of "Kenny Lawler is always drinking and driving" which is sort of implied here. The FIFO thing has become somewhat of a marketing thing among a certain group of fans and now that it's popular, it isn't cool anymore... I get it..... ...But I still like that there's a code of conduct within the team which is seemingly self policed among the veterans/leaders. It doesn't mean there won't be mistakes made and guys slipping a bit... But I like knowing that guys are at least seemingly being held to account.
  23. That being said...hate to lose a game early in season...when we have a team wih most continuity in the the league...due to rust....timing....not in actual live game shape....and then say lose out 1st place and a WF at home by one game or lose a tie breaker cause of it Last pre-season game...at home....no limitations on how many guys can realistically travel to....no reason the defacto starters could get even 1 series....
  24. the stamps 2 victories were meaningless ... I still think they fight with the Riders for the basement toronto has enough talent to still win without a QB: special teams + decent D
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