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Posts posted by KptKrunch


    Unamba wasn't very good, i don't think he makes a difference at all. I think watching the other teams around the league, the biggest difference I have seen is our guys are playing 5 to 10 yards off the receivers,  really not getting any pressure at all from our dline either... like none. But i don't see other teams playing 5 or 10 yards off the receivers so it tells me that it's the scheme that needs to change. Maybe the game has changed a bit and hall hasn't changed with it? 


    Everyone is playing zone so far this year in their base defense.  It's pretty much impossible to play the man/match coverages when you can't run receivers into "checkpoints" downfield and toss them off their routes without it being called a penalty.


    The Bombers problem is in their front.



    Agreed. We are getting almost zero pressure on the QB's. The main reason why Hamilton dominated Willy (after that first drive) and then Brohm was that they dominated in the pass rush and residually controlled the run game with that pressure and the score. 


    Until we get some consistent pressure we could have  Roy Bennett, Rod Hill, James Jefferson, and Vince Phason back there and we'd still look silly.


    So far, on defense, IMO the biggest disappointment has been Westerman. Has he even made a tackle yet? Is he even playing? I don't even see him when the bombers D is on the field. 

  2. The hit was helmet to helmet certainly, but when I watch the replay  it seems pretty clear that he was coming in to finish the tackle and due to WIlly being pulled down just happened to end up helmet on helmet.  Nasty hit, but no intent to injure.


    Definitely no intent to injure, but what's your point? AFAIK - the rule is straight forward, any 'head shot' will be deemed an unnecessary roughness penatly, regardless of the circumstances. 


    The #1 job for the CFL is to protect their #1 assets. Listen, I appreciate Stanley Bryant's ability to block as much as anybody, but no way, no how, am I going pay $80 to see him play. I pay to see the stars play, and the biggest stars are Qb's. 


    Any hit to the head, under any circumstance, just like any hit at the knees, under any circumstance, on a QB MUST be called a roughing the passer penalty. It's going to piss off a lot of fans when a marginal call goes against them, but IDC. You're either all in protecting the QB, or you're not. And I realize that the other QB injuries suffered were flukes for sure, with no intent (though Laing was flagged for a low hit even though he pushed into Reilly) to injure, but calling them should reduce the defense's aggressiveness against defenseless Qb's who are extremely vulnerable especially when in the act of or just finish throwing a ball

  3. I think the "Marve haters" are afraid he may supplant Willy. Right now I don't think it's even close, Willy is our best QB when he's on. I just want to see more consistency from him. Sometimes I think he's trying too hard, especially at home. He seems at his best when he's relaxed, like he was in the first 4 games or so last season (his play started falling off about about game 4 IIRC correctly) and it always seems to coincide with pressure. It's funny, we all razz (myself included) Kevin Glenn on how he can't perform well when he gets hit. Willy is similar - after that first sack no one got close to him last week and look how he did. Yesterday? He started very well and then the Ti-Cats started bringing the heat and Willy started throwing wild, and yelling at his receivers (not sure who's right or not but I'll give Willy the benefit of the doubt that the receivers didn't go where they were supposed to go) which shows me he gets frazzled.


    What I liked about Marve last year when he came in, the 'heat' didn't bother him. It's why I went on and on about it in weeks, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 etc. As every week, Willy was terrible, and yet they left him in. The game I went to here in Edmonton - prime example. Willy did nothing, our defense got us two turnovers deep in eskimo territory. First turnover - 2 and FG. Second turnover, Willy threw a perfect pass to Dexter McCoil for a TD - too bad McCoil is a linebacker for the eskies. He had all of 25 yards passing before he was sacked in the endzone for a safety and was hurt. Brohm comes in next series, with the bombers pinned deep, same half, same defense and moves the ball 30 yards and outpasses Willy in one series. 


    Willy still is our best QB though as I said, when he's on. He just has to learn to play under pressure, because if he doesn't he won't be around much longer (contracts are not guaranteed don't forget)

  4. Funny - now people are on Collaros's bandwagon? hmmmmm who was the guy here who wanted Collaros I wonder hmmmm.......................????? 


    Meh, doesn't matter. I think Willy has the tools just not the consistency. He's by far the best we got. Brohm - he's a bum. I don't understand how people here can like him. He's a weak armed QB - his mechanics are wrong. Marve- Like KBF says, he's made for the CFL. He just lacks game experience. That being said, I don't think in any shape or form he's on the same level as Collaros but at the same time Marve hasn't played nearly as much as Collaros so it's a bit unfair to call it either way. 


    But for now - my concern is Willy. I hope the bombers are smart enough to keep him out of the next game he's given a clean bill of health to play in. The way our blocking schemes are set up, I can't see him lasting more than 1 quarter before being drilled in the head again. 

  5. Well, look at the refs. Al Bradbury never gives the bombers a fair shake (I seem to say that a lot but IMO Murray Clarke, the other dufus who they finally demoted back to a side judge, and Bradbury, are bomber haters). 


    Seems like they look the other way. Now that play wasn't planned, the defender who hit Willy in the head was coming to finish him off and unfortunately Willy got spun around just before he got there. There was however head to head contact and maybe I am misunderstanding the rule but I thought, accidental or not, when the head is the first and main point of contact it's an automatic penalty. I don't think the play warrants a fine or suspension though (except maybe to Bradbury and his crew).


    Hope Willy is OK - as inconsistent as he is, he is the Bombers only decent QB and only hope for a playoff spot


    Oh, just to add - they should add another rule and I hate it but it's better than destroyed QB's. When a QB is in the grasp, they should call it dead. Yes, I know many times a Qb can actually escape a would be tackler and make a play, but this league is shitty enough when we have our um, #1 Qb's playing, it's down right unwatchable when it's manned by 2nd and 3rd stringers (now half the league is  running on backups and I'm not sold on Lulay surviving more than a couple of weeks).

  6. Well, I think the problem is well, sorry to be frank guys but he's 29 years old and he's a BACKUP in the CFL. That says it all right there. And like I say, no offense, I'm a CFL fan just like in hockey there are ECHL fans, but because you're a fan of the league, doesn't make the league anything more than a bush league.


    Tonight wouldn't have mattered if we had Warren Moon in his prime back there - Willy, after the first drive, was ineffective and I was thinking 'here's the Willy that closed the season' coming back just right before he took that hellacious hit. Cannot anyone on our offense be smart enough to figure out how to block? I don't blame Willy as he was starting to feel the pressure of the defense and it got worse when  Brohm went it. Oh well, another year of typical CFL football - can't wait for September and the start of Hockey season lol

  7. You could argue all day about the exact rankings, which is why I'd rather do tiers.


    Tier 1



    Tier 2




    Tier 3






    Tier 4




    Agree Mike - but I only ever do three tiers max (sometimes only two). 


    Since there's nine teams, I group them in three. Now, I won't go crazy as it's only one game but to beat Sk in Sk is HUGE for the bombers and another step in the right direction. Still want to see more consistency on the defense, but I see it as:


    1st Tier





    2nd Tier





    3rd Tier





    I only see it this way because B.C. hasn't played yet and not sure how Lulay will do. In  couple weeks, based on how Edmonton rebounds from that disaster in Fort Mac, B.C. and Edmonton could easily swap. 


    This is so dynamic though given injuries and the subsequent roster moves, anything can still happen. In the CFL your team could be a disaster one week and look like the best team in the league the next, with the same personal.


    BTW - anyone know when the players of week will be announced? Don't they have that done by now?


    oops NVM - just checked the CFL website - it's now "top performers of the week" and the three chosen were Willy, Harris, and Fuller

  8. Tsn coverage has dropped in quality.

    How rod black is still doing football is beyond me. Talk about bush league. There is lots of talent out there.

    Black belongs covering midget hockey


    Worse part - I know we all dump on Rogers for their Hockey coverage but what if TSN got it and put the buffoons they have like Rod Black on hockey duty (they'd have too to many games). Yikes


    I still hate the '3' key guys they show at the beginning of the game. I want to see the starting lineups for each side, offense and defense. They can have three guys hilighted but c'mon man, really. Total bush league



    Doubt it. Usually takes at least a day for swelling to go down

    So all this ACL talk is just speculation.


    Watching the replay of Reilly go down it looked like a knee. And more than a sprain. But there is no confirmation of a ligament tear.



    Actually, just watch how he 'walked' off the field. That left leg of his was not working. The replay is bad enough, the fact his knee was jello and bending sideways as he was trying to walk confirms there was no support there. Also, he had injured it earlier in the game and they put a 'mocked up' knee brace on it already

  10. Good recap DoD (as usual). Overall the CFL gets a D- as the football was worse than I expected - at least the Bomber game was entertaining and had me watching, I stopped watching the other two I tried to watch (though I did finish the Eskimo game and saw the Reilly disaster - not that he was doing anything prior to the injury anyway - Reilly was terrible). 

  11. Great game - unlike last year's home opener against a brand new team who had no idea what they were doing, this win was much more impressive. Not going to start getting to excited until Labour Day though - not falling into that 5 - 1 trap like last year. Not being a pessimist here - just cautious. By far the best game this week - though I missed the Hamilton / Calgary game, Mtrl / Ott and Edm / Tor were total bush league. Embarrassing football games

  12. Reilly Durant probably done all year. Rod black pretending it was peach who stepped on his foot made me laugh when it was obvious he did it to himself


    why  - he did. Not purposefully - he caught his toe and Durant tried to pull his foot up out of the way - that's how he snapped it. Tough break - really tough break. I like Durant - he's a great competitor and a fantastic talent - great for the league. 

  13. Terrible news for the first week of the CFL - FOUR Qb's done for a little while. Though Crompton shouldn't be out too long - Lebevre is out for prob 4 to 6 weeks. Durant is done for the season - I don't know about you guys but if I'm a starting QB and my team signs Kevin Glenn I demand a trade immediately - it's like a black cloud follows that man around. 


    Reilly is tough to say - he may forgo surgery, and if he does and just rehabs and wears a brace he could be back by end of August. However, if I'm him, I have the surgery which I'm sure is a 4 to 6  month recovery. 


    At this rate - we could have Michael Bishop and Justin Goltz as starting QB's by labour day. Who's next - Lulay?

  14. Too early to assess ...


    I don't think so, remember Forde is comparing our roster to other rosters. Westerman has been crap so far (from what I've read haven't seen him) and Waggoner is just a rookie, he has potential, but so did Poblah. I guess I take that back, it is 'too early to assess' and that mean until the Bombers can prove otherwise they are rated like they should be. Lets see what happens through the summer and whether or not they deserve a higher ranking.

  15. Well time to weigh in after the pre-season. To be truthful, since our lottery win and subsequent house cleaning, it's been all "Oilers" here. But, here's what I see





    Saskatchewan (better defense and Durant trumps us)

    B.C (if as already mentioned Lulay stays healthy - and they could challenge third with their defense

    Winnipeg (can't see enough improvement here to see us out of the basement. Willy HAS to be much better and earn that big contract he signed or else we're doomed)








    Crossover - B.C. (or Sask) over to the east.


    Grey Cup

    Calgary / Montreal




    Calgary in a snoozefest (will be too cold to have any consistency in the game).


    But, we'll see what happens once the season starts (in September after Labour Day) - probably should re-do this lol




    Oh wait,




    I read that and the hair on the back of my neck stood up.  Why cant we find that again? 


    Me too - though I'd go three / four - with West - Battle - Brown - Jones. IMO Aaron Brown was the best inside lb we ever had - in a two year span. He was a monster

  17. I'm sure a lot of these 'cuts' will be travelling throughout Canada for looksies'. I'm hoping Goltz comes back .... ;) j/k


    I'm actually surprised Goltz was even invited to the Eskies camp. This is what really pisses me off about the CFL. We bring in total losers like Goltz, give them chances time after time after time, but a Canadian QB? Nope - not a chance, not a sniff. Canadian Qb's are treated in the CFL exactly like African American QB's were treated in the NFL in the early 70's. It's disgusting. I think it should be mandatory for every team to carry one Canadian QB. Even if it's a 'fourth' one (injuries happen). Or, as I've said previously, get rid of the 'National' Rule altogether. Or a hybrid - you have a Canadian QB  on your roster, you get two extra International spots for your team, one starter and one DI. 

  18. I said it last year, and I'll say it again now - I think Marve is our next QB. I know we are committed to Willy, and Willy most likely will be. This is just me, and what I see. Willy doesn't seem to have that 'internal clock' to tell him when to throw. I still remember last year after the first 6 games how he really started struggling but they left him in until he physically couldn't compete. In comes Brohm, then Marve, and though they didn't blow the doors off - same personal, same schemes, they did ok - much better than a battered and shell shocked Willy.


    I'm going for him but its' tough. Looks like Lulay is back, no way no how can Wpg compete with the Eskimos or the Stamps, and the Riders should be at least as good as the bombers (most likely a lot better). Could be another long season here but we'll see - this is the CFL and the worst team in the league prior to Labour Day could be in the Grey Cup at season's end. That's what I like best about the CFL - half or more of the roster will be switched out by season's end

  19. It is encouraging that Daniels appears to be looking good with Dile being hurt.


    It appears we may have a nice receiving corps this year: Denmark/Moore/Adams/Kolhert/FG with say Bastain/Richards and Tuieni in reserve.


    The Freep is a joke with the coverage. Wonder if it would be $50 a month if they actually had reporters who reported?


    Hey - don't worry about the Freep - I get all my info here. Thanks to all for doing what you do I trust what you guys say (most of the time ;) ) over what I'd read in the paper anyway 

  20. They basically cleared out our import MLB prospects.  Bass is still here but I think he's been getting looks at WILL.  Pretty much confirms that Hurl is the guy.

    From what I've been reading here Hurl was always the guy no matter what. He's Canadian and unless we somehow acquired Shea Emry no import is taking his spot. I firmly believe coaches, prior to TC even starting, slot out where the National's will be starting in the lineup. Only way it changes is injuries or if a National impresses so much at a (pre-selected) international position that he has to start ahead of the import will that change. 

    Lets face it - GM and coach work together to not only bring the players for each position, but the depth for that position as well. When a National goes down, you need another National to step in to take his place. That is all planned out during the Winter so no way no how does a Sam Hurl not make this team as a starter (excluding injury of course). 


    That's why some players we all think should be cut stick around - in the CFL it is definitely not 'Best Player' there are a lot more factors involved. One reason why I'd love to drop the 'National/International' rules. 

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