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Posts posted by KptKrunch

  1. Well a gutsy pick. I hope he does turn out better than Poblah - wasn't it Mack that picked him, the same guy that picked Jade Etienne? Somehow I feel much more secure in Walters picking Canadian talent than Mack (or the aforementioned Kelly who was so bad he decided to just trade all the picks away lol).


    Anyway - good on Walters for taking a chance. Kid has the size to be the outside LB we need (size and speed). 

  2. I don't have a huge issue with this deal, even not liking Willy that much. It's not guaranteed in the next 2 years, so if Willy continues to be mediocre we can let him go. If he plays again like he did first 5 games of last season, then great we have our franchise QB.


    It's low risk and high rewards. Good deal.


    As far as Willy goes himself... I'm not sold on him. You can't teach someone to be a good decision maker under pressure. That's a natural gift like speed and size. We have a small sample size on him, though, so hopefully he will turn it around and be a lot better next year.

    I like Willy and I think it's a great signing. Only issue I ever had with him, and well the Bomber in general for continuing to leave him in there when he was obviously struggling with reads and his confidence. They (coaching staff) basically pissed away any chance we had at the playoffs by being so stubborn. 


    I think the Willy of the first 1/3 of last year is closer to the real Willy than the last two thirds. IF he can build on that first part of the year, and learn from the disaster that was the last two thirds, and take us to the Grey Cup, than last year was worth it. If he struggles again......... :(

  3. I just hope Cotton is not hurt again like he was in TC last year, that really set him back. And I still maintain that one game he wasn't sober. No way, he dropped two passes right to him (that were no more than a little pitch) because he was slow to react and fumbled a punt. My bet he was playing hurt and on pain killers and took too many, as that did not look even remotely normal to me. I think we cut Grigsby once he (Cotton) was finally healthy and free from pain killers. Grigsby though, looked great in Hamilton after the first couple of weeks. He's no where near as bad as the folks here like to think he was. 

  4. I don't - not right now. I'm hoping Drew comes back stronger. As for your riders - their Oline, which was weakened last year, has been decimated with the loss of Picard and Heenan. We saw how Durant, when not getting all day like he's used to, struggle and eventually got a serious (albeit flukey) injury - so yeah, the Riders, right now are worse. Granted there is a lot of player movement still to occur before training camp, but right now I'd say Wpg looks good for third too. And hosting the Grey Cup - the Bombers will spend over the cap - just like the Riders did when they hosted the cup. 

  5. I wouldn't mind Glenn backing up Willy at all. I just wouldn't want to see him as a starter, but I agree he may end up in Montreal as insurance in case Crompton regresses which is possible, cause though he got a lot of wins, he himself wasn't exactly 'spectacular'. 


    Though they may sign that 'Westwood' guy in Montreal which would leave Glenn for us - 70% is pretty fricken good for a Qb. lol

  6. I remember once saying we were a farm team/league and getting some flack for it (for stating the obvious maybe?). 

    One thing for sure though - lots of players out there who don't get a fair chance in the NFL but can play there. At least we're a good option. Best of luck to Mr.Wild - really liked him here and I hope he finds (a lot) of success down there, he deserves it.








    Wow and it only took them a month and a half to do it.  Things still moving at the speed of light in Winnipeg.


    Cause it matters so much considering it's ******* december.....smh


    Just goes to show the rampant dysfunction that still exists in the Bomber front office.  Power struggle for a month and a half over firing a coordinator.


    Why are you married to this idea that the length of time it took to make the announcement automatically means there was a power struggle?   That's a pretty huge leap, based on complete lack of facts to support that.

    I guess when you leave the fan base twisting in the wind for 7 weeks after the season, it leaves a lot of time for speculation. My bad, I guess. I should just buy my tickets like a good little boy and stop questioning anything the Bombers do.


    Lemmings Atomic. That's all they are. Can't question because you're not loyal. Can't ask why things are taking so long because you're impatient. Some fans would jump off a 500 meter cliff if Walters told them so just because Walters told them so. Relax he'd say, you'll land on your feet. Won't hurt a bit. They'd believe him. I'm just glad the guy is gone so we can move forward with a coach who can actually build a defense. Besides, like the majority of us didn't think it would end this way? 



    There are so many strawmen in this paragraph you're going to have buy some farm land.


    Nobody, literally nobody, is saying you "can't question" the team or franchise.


    Can't question? With the kool aid drinkers here??? Sure. Where have you been the past 6 weeks? Anytime anyone asked anything about the Bombers & the status of the coaching staff, in particular the coordinators... they were put down, insulted, mocked & ridiculed... You guys can mock me all you want for saying what I just did  but I feel vindicated as I was against this hiring right from the start & never changed my mind about Etcheverry & that eventually he would be fired. Hate to see anyone lose their job but he was the wrong hire from Day 1.



    That's funny ISO - weren't you the one running me down for my diatribe on calling it as it was with Willy? You defended him to the point of being ridculous - claiming his 4 for 12 for 30 net yards in a half was because of no open receivers. In the Edmonton game, Brohm came in in the FIRST half and WHAM had more yards passing in the first drive then Willy had yeah no open receivers  :rolleyes:






    Wow and it only took them a month and a half to do it.  Things still moving at the speed of light in Winnipeg.


    Cause it matters so much considering it's ******* december.....smh


    Just goes to show the rampant dysfunction that still exists in the Bomber front office.  Power struggle for a month and a half over firing a coordinator.


    Why are you married to this idea that the length of time it took to make the announcement automatically means there was a power struggle?   That's a pretty huge leap, based on complete lack of facts to support that.

    I guess when you leave the fan base twisting in the wind for 7 weeks after the season, it leaves a lot of time for speculation. My bad, I guess. I should just buy my tickets like a good little boy and stop questioning anything the Bombers do.


    Most of the fan base aren't pining away at whether or not our DC or OC are going to be fired or not.  They're actually living their lives and probably forgot about CFL.


    The very few of us that do care, are here on this board or another one.



    Dallas Eakins got fired, that's all I care about right now. Good point - I don't really pay much attention to the CFL as it's pretty slow going. Glad they made some changes. For those that want MB gone - I'd wait until our QB gets his **** together before hollering for a new OC - man refused to throw the ball 'cept to his first read - and no OC can fix that with a game plan. Brohm (when healthy) and Robert Marve proved they could move the ball with the same scheme just fine. I know most people here stick their heads in the sand when this is brought up - but facts are facts. Willy was terrible in the second half of the year, not Marcel, not the scheme. That's why he's back next year (Marcel). 




    After that display at the end of the game I wouldn't be surprised if Austin adds Banks' name to the CFL free agent list. Unbelievable.

    What did he do? Missed it.

    Laid on the sideline crying rather than getting out there with the offense to try to win the game.

    Yup.. Just embarrassing.. He was their only legit deep ball threat and how does he face adversity? Crying and punching the ground.. What a dumbass.. Great talent but not much upstairs apparently..



    I dunno - tell you what - how about you run full out for about 130 yards, then go back in the game immediately - the man was out of gas, that's why he wasn't in there. And worse, that block was unnecessary, Banks would have beat him at the point of attack easy - so I don't blame him for being upset. 



    I'd rather have Price than Bryant.  I rather have Stamps than Bryant too.


    I'd rather have Stamps than Price or Bryant - though make no mistake, Stamps is no where near the receiver he was a couple years back. He won't be any different than Bryant is. 


    You'd rather have Stamps over Bryant....but he's no different then Bryant.





    I know but yes, I would. Stamps doesn't take the dumb penalties that Bryant does, and Stamps still feels he can contribute and may have something to prove - Romby is riding out the string. Personally though, I think both are done, but Stamps will do no worse than Romby did this past season, Romby will be worse.

  11. I'd rather have Price than Bryant.  I rather have Stamps than Bryant too.


    I'd rather have Stamps than Price or Bryant - though make no mistake, Stamps is no where near the receiver he was a couple years back. He won't be any different than Bryant is. 



    One game does not make someone's draft stock plummet so significantly considering where he's currently projected by scouting. 


    Depends on what he does. He shortarmed a perfectly thrown ball to avoid getting hit. That tells me a bit about his character. Would have been a big first down too. If he thinks university kids hit hard, wait till he gets hit by an international safety. 


    Saw that, definitely not one of his finest moments. That being said, just as one game does not make someone's plummet, neither would one play. There are many more good plays that he made this season than negative ones. Every prospect is going to have plays on their tape that indicates a flaw or potential flaw.



    Yep good point. Personally, it's the only game I saw him play in so I shouldn't be judging too harshly. He did make some good plays too and he was banged up and kept going back in (hand issue and something else can't remember now). I guess my concern is if he has Kyries Hebert, Brackenridge, or Tisdale lining him up, well, he'll go in to self preservation mode. Can't say I blame him - I would too, in a heart beat. But, no one would ever pay me to play football (they might pay me not to play though). 

  13. One game does not make someone's draft stock plummet so significantly considering where he's currently projected by scouting. 


    Depends on what he does. He shortarmed a perfectly thrown ball to avoid getting hit. That tells me a bit about his character. Would have been a big first down too. If he thinks university kids hit hard, wait till he gets hit by an international safety. 

  14. We definitely need some olineman. Another receiver or two as well. Fred Stamps will be available but I think he's done. He's no where near the same player he was after he took that hit from Sears (?) that cause him to lose a ********. 


    But we need National Olineman, not International ones. Hopefully Goosen can progress to be an every day starter next year too. 


    Defensively, I'd love to somehow work out something with B.C and bring Bighill here. He'd be great at MLB, putting Wild on the outside. Maybe they'd take Kuale in a trade????? Seriously. :)


    Nicholls has probably played himself off this team for next year. 

    They do have a love affair for Pat White, but hes absolutely awful. They should've kept Crompton as number three.



    Ahhh, another one. Who said he should have stayed at backup? Who said he had the best arm on the team? Someone who watched him every week for a year, that's all. Game was fricken cold too. BTW boys you seem to have missed it - but divine interventions stepped in. See - Patrick Watkins, the all world (CFL wise) corner got a bit banged up. When he left the game, that put the Eskie secondary in shambles, and Joseph was able to exploit it. 

    ISO - loved youru post about Nichols and the fact he couldn't do anything with the 'gifts' he was given. Funny how you change your tune so frackin fast - so why didn't you speak like that about Willy? I did cause it was true. Our D turns the ball over, Willy turns it right back, but it's not "Willy's" fault. Hypocritical is all I can say. 

  16. I am still unsure if I am sold on Khari as a great OC.... he had so many weapons in BC and yet the team was very inconsistent...  


    Um, not sure I get that. He had Kevin Glenn as a QB - we all know that KG is the best 'backup' in the league and he prove it yet again. BTW - I nearly choked to death on my munchies when in the inteview aired on TSN with James Duthie yesterday pregame Kevin and "Hall of fame" were mentioned in the same sentence. 

  17. I dunno, I think if our offense could have stayed on the field more, maybe our D woudln't have been a problem. Outside of Ottawa,I'm sure we had the most 2 and outs this year. Considering where we were at the end of July, that is a huge drop off. And no, this isn't another attack on Drew Willy - he's not playing now and I said many times I agree he is our future. 

    Also, despite how it ended, as mentioned by Mr.P and others, we had, I think a GREAT season. If people said in May "would 7 - 11 be considered a good season" I don't think anyone would complain. 


    Yes, our defense could have been better. But in reality, should we not give our DC an offseason to work with Walters, McManus, et al for getting other players? Players that can make a difference? 


    For the offense, MB proved that though it worked early, he clearly couldn't adapt (or was it Willy?) to what defenses started doing to us. It looked better, to me, once Cotton was able to establish a rhythm back there. I just would have liked to have seen a confident Willy back there with him, which really hurts in judging what MB could have done with the double threat of running/passing. 


    Changes will happen, it does every year for every team. All  know is last year we were 3 -15, (IMO we only were deserving of 1 win though), this year 7 - 11 (and guess who was 7 - 11 last year - Edmonton). 


    No matter who we bring in, coaching wise, or player wise, next year, I fully expect us to improve. 9 - 9 is the minimum I'm already setting for this team. I wouldn't consider 9 - 9 a successful year, I'm just thinking that's as low as they can go. Last year, at this time, I was thinking at best, we'd be 6 - 12 this year. So believe it or not, for the entire year, I'm happy with where we finished overall. It just could have been so much better. If we go 5 - 1 to start next season, I'd bet anyone here that we'll be better than 7 - 11 at the end of the season.

  18. Word here is Reilly is pretty much done. They signed Goltz because Pat White is done too. Reilly 'may' be able to play in an emergency,Goltz was brought in no doubt for QB sneaks. As already mentioned, he's a big guy who at least did that one thing right. My bet - Nichols > or = to Joseph. Durant will play in the game before Reilly will, and Goltz will fumble the ball away allowing Sask to go to Calgary. :(




    Just because he's activated doesn't mean he's going to play. Who would you rather have on your roster? Lulay or whatever nobody third stringer they are dressing now? 

    If Lulay's not ready to play at full speed & is completely healthy then what's the point? Might as well dress the nobody third stringer.



    I'd imagine the point is to play games with Montreal.  Keep them somewhat guessing on who they have to prepare for.  


    Wow, preparing to play Glenn or a one armed qb one hit away from ending his career? If BC is that stupid well they deserve to lose. 



    I agree here - if I'm Montreal, I'd actually be hoping Lulay plays, but wouldn't worry about it one way or the other. I'd prepare for Glenn 100% knowing that if he (Glenn) is replaced, I'd already have the game well in hand. 






    Well this topic was a fail. Seriously though, losing those two home games to the Riders plus the ones to Hamilton and BC are more and more painful. I wouldn't say that any of those three teams are much better than we are.

    Next season the Bombers win those games. I'm confident Bombers win at least 9-10 games next season.



    Could've won them this year too. We were outplayed at the QB position - rest of the team played well enough to win those games.


    Durant in 3 games  vs WPG  13 for 21 for 115 yards

                                                   14 for 26 for204 yards

                                                    8 for 9 77 yards  


    Hardly sounds like stats from somebody that outplayed anybody



    Um, 8 for 9 is pretty good, but he got hurt remember? Sunseri came in - check his stats out. I won't argue - I really don't care. It's an opinion forum and it's my opinion, right or wrong. We'll see more next year and hopefully Willy will be better but I still like Marve. 


    yeah, 8 for 9 is good...for 77 yards!!!!! Again, hardly sounds like he outplayed anybody...If you're too lazy to find stats to back up your own argument, I'll do it for you.  Sunseri was 2 for 5 for 30 yards... so combined stats were 10 of 14 for 107 yards.....in 4 quarters of play.


    If you didn't care, you wouldn't have posted it.  Yes this is a forum with opinions, but If you're going to run and hide like that, you lose credibility



    Who's hiding - I'm right here. Really, what were his rushing stats? Are you looking at the right game? I do know that game, like most games, we couldn't stop the run. I also know that game, like the game before and and games after, Willy couldn't string together a few first downs in a row to keep our Defense off the field. We can go around and around and around all you want, it's not all Willy, never said it was, but he's no fricken 'golden boy' I can tell you that. He f'd up a lot in the second half of the year, and his play got worse and worse every game. Injury? Shell Shock? Who knows - what I do know is he was terrible last half of the year, and certainly didn't help his defense with extended drives. 


    But I'm sure you see it differently. 

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