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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Ehlers is a rookie who has played well the last several games. Let him play is what you do. Seriously he's 19. He's not the problem and anyone who thinks he is ... they aren't paying attention
  2. Keep telling yourself that. In 10 road games we've scored 18 goals. Less than 2 per game. Goaltending isn't really the problem when you are scoring less than 2 goals a game on the road.
  3. As a goalie myself.... I will say that the size of goalie equipment has gotten out of control. I'm 6 foot 4. About 185 ish. Not skinny but not fat.... with my equipment on I look about 6 6 and 240 at least. It's crazy actually. You see a guy like lundquist off the ice or ryan miller... small guys. 160 170 pounds. On ice they look huge. Goalie equipment is 2 big now. I guess 6 2 miller or lundquist shouldn't look bigger than 6 6 rinne or 6 4 helle or whatever. They all look the same. They shouldn't.
  4. Yup. I had the same reaction when I read it on twitter
  5. That time comes when you have been together as a core for 5 6 seasons now and the best you do is make the playoffs once. Getting another 10 to 15 pick ain't gonna help. We need a top 5... top 3 pick. That will help more than signing Ladd or Buff to overpriced contracts. Jets will forever be a bubble team or playoff pretender with this core. They need a star and you get that by picking high. We need a top 3 pick badly. We need a star. A face of the franchise. Austin Mathews type.
  6. Bowman. 2 years. 505 000 total dollars b4 bonuses. That would make him the highest paid receiver in the league.
  7. Most who object don't even live here. Not that it matters but weird
  8. PS Okposo is a RW. Not exactly an area of need with wheeler ehlers stafford
  9. Ya but what about in reality. Okposo ain't signing here BTW. It's not gonna happen. Fantasy trades and signings are irrelevant.
  10. Most shots talbot stopped and he played well but 40 of them were from the perimeter with nobody in front of him. Ya he made some good saves but if the jets knew how to raise the puck off the ice.... they all go in really. Talbot was good but lots of pretty easy saves 2. No moral victories in my opinion. Bottom line. We are 3 points better than 30th overall.
  11. Trade both Ladd and Buff. Core needs to change and moving them gets you first rounders and prospects. This isn't a playoff team. Helle was fine. Can't be blamed for any of the goals. Maybe the first but deflected off Stuart. Can't blame him for 2 one timers from 10 15 feet away even closer. PP was 0 for again. Ehlers Wheeler Burmi had strong games. Ladd myers did not. Why keep buff. He's more valuable to another team right now than he is to us. Time for a mini rebuild. That means bye to buff Ladd maybe enstrom too. Gotta break up that thrashers core a bit
  12. Whatever happened to that D first team from last year. The D is the same. Just a gong show in their own zone most nights. Ladd isn't worth 3 million right now. Never mind 7 or whatever he wants.
  13. Talbot and d zone breakdowns by the Jets. Ladd. Myers. Both caught out of position on the 3rd goal.
  14. Trouba and Copp grew up together,Bogo was Troubas party buddy, hence why bogo was shipped out when nobody expected him to be. Copp and Troubas brother now live with Trouba here in Winnipeg. Yup. Jets hired Troubas brother TJ... he's part of the Winnipeg Jets Hockey Academy... Trust me, there is a reason the Jets drafted Copp and hired Troubas brother and shipped Bogo out of town. All i will say is Bogo was not a good influence.
  15. Helle starting. Same exact lines as last game.
  16. No. Comrie is fine but he's being overplayed because the backup now sucks
  17. Chase De Leo with the hatty. Petan with 3 assists. But moose lose 7 5. 6 5 with an empty netter
  18. I have friends in the league too none play for the Jets tho. One plays for the NYI. Not Hamonic. One plays for Washington... ok Hershey currently and one Plays for the Blackhawks and It's not Toews. Small world. Friends might be the wrong word Tho. More like guys I either played with or basically knew through other friends.
  19. I'm still under the impression that it might be tough to say we didn't recruit any receivers the last 2 seasons when MB was the guy deciding who plays. Surely one or 2 or more of the guys they brought in were good but not really given a real chance
  20. Couple new DL. Couple new receivers. Think Denmark and Kohlert will be the only ones back. Washington will probably be replaced. OL will hopefully have a new guard and 6th oline (fa or draft or both even) hopefully A Harris is here 2.
  21. Jets played well. Let's keep in mind tho that the Rangers played last night. Until they can put multiple wins in a row together.... let's just hold off on saying anything. All I will say is they played really good tonight. Thought armia and hali played well but according to the fancy Stats they didn't. Personally I am not a big fan of the fancy stats stuff... to me it seems like a bunch of nerds who never played hockey trying to rely 2 much on stats. I've always liked the eye test more and the entire team... besides Ladd and his 2 dumb penalties passed it. The teams GAD level was also quite high. Give A Damn level lol. More important than the fancy stats in my opinion
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