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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. I also have to laugh but for a different reason. I'm laughing cuz all the talk here seems to be about singing Macho Harris but ignoring the fact that they signed a pretty damn impressive sounding defensive end who they have wanted for a while. I think when it gets down to crunch time, nobody is gonna be talking about Harris and people will hopefully be talking about Green, I think this Green guy has a ton of potential to be a very good player for us.
  2. Stafford is a stop gap, I'd bet if Frolik was willing to sign a 2 year deal like Stafford he would be here too, he's just here filling a spot until someone else is ready to take it. Stafford is ok, but he is what he is, I'd actually rate him pretty decently in the O zone but really poor in the D zone, yeah he scores goals but plays he makes leads directly or indirectly to goals against us also. He's a vet also so he's not gonna get any better. I guess maybe, people prefer the devil they know to the devils they don't know? I don't know lol. But the thing with the ELC guys, they are gonna get better and better and better and better, Stafford, he is what he is and that's what he will always be now. I think the Jets trade him at deadline next season and i think they probably get at best a 2nd round pick back.
  3. Last thing... @FrostyWinnipeg You need to get over this idea that empty net goals actually matter, they don't, goal differential is really irrelevant. It actually is totally irrelevant. Yeah they give up a ton of empty net goals but you know what that actually means? It means they have been down a ton with a minute or so left in the game, if you lose in regulation, losing 5 3 is the same as losing 4 3. It's a loss and you get no points.
  4. Sounds like Harris found out about this over social media, That's pretty classy of Buono and the Lions. Not sure why some people look at Buono like he is teflon or something, he has his flaws and they are huge, he's been the one constant there in BC for quite a while now and that team really hasn't done much of anything recently. I don't think he's this god that some make him out to be. And i think recently, it's been proven that perhaps the game is starting to pass him by. Seems a lot of BC fans on twitter think the real problem with the Lions is indeed Wally Buono.
  5. Stafford tho caused about 5 or 10 scoring chances against us 2 tho, he's trying to be 2 cute at times. It's costing us goals. He is what he is tho. Should get 20 goals or so and that's what Stafford is. He's really not good in his own zone tho at all.
  6. The Pipeline was empty when this team got here, Cormier is a perfect example of just that... He was our top prospect along with Carl Klingberg who i believe is either playing in Europe now or selling insurance somewhere. Cormier now is at best a depth player, don't ask me why they call him up, that's probably a Maurice decision tho. I guess, maybe instead of calling up Petan or De Leo who they feel would benefit more from playing 15 20 minutes a night on the farm rather than 4 minutes with the big club. The Moose suck eh, they do, but the kids on that team show a ton of potential, you know who really sucks on the moose tho, The vets like fraser, cormier, halischuk (altho he's all heart and hustle and probably a good guy to have around) The Moose don't suck cuz of the kids, they are actually only winning games when the kids show up, they are sucking cuz the vets are doing nothing to help the kids. I've been to several games and from what I've seen, and maybe it's just the games i've been 2 but... The Kids aren't the problem on the Moose, the Vets are. Kind of like with the big club outside of Wheeler and Buff. Little is having a pretty bad year 2 all things considered. I guess, I'll go back a few weeks, Blake Wheeler, our future captain, went out in the media and called out his team mates for maybe not giving it their all... i guess when a player does that, he has a reason to do it. What that reason is, it's anyones guess really but... that's a guy that's in the room that the kids on the Jets look up too, Ehlers,Scheif,They all gravitate towards Wheeler now. That's what you want to see. This team might turn it around quicker than some people think. It might not be next season but.. it's not gonna be long b4 they are legit contenders.
  7. There have definitely been some interesting coaching decisions made throughout the year. I'm not sure it's all on Maurice but... he is the head coach so he should definitely be looked at first. When the Jets call up guys to the roster, Maurice has a say in who comes up, Maurice also had a say in who to keep and who to let go in the off-season, don't kid yourself that he didn't, he most certainly did and it's been said that he did. Playing Thorburn on the 3rd line, that's a Maurice decision, dressing both Thor and Peluso? That's a maurice decision, putting Armia back on the 4th line while guys like Ladd and Burmi suck on the 3rd line, that's a Maurice decision, taking half a season to figure out that ESW would actually be a legit line, relying way 2 much on veterans and grinders, these are all directly on the head coach. He makes the final decision on who dresses and what spot they play, Stuart on the PK... There is definitely a long list of things that make you question the coaching. Last night for example, we score a goal, have some MO so to speak and what does Mo do? Mo puts out our 4th line with Stu and Chiarot... that worked well, Copp took a penalty and a few seconds later, Dallas scored again... Great coaching there. Thorburn as the 6th man when the goalie was pulled a few games ago, This love of Burmistrov who is nothing but an anchor out there, the guy just isn't good yet MO gives him every opportunity to show differently. The first time i started to go hmm about Maurice was in training camp when he wanted to have Ladd,Lowry,Little as the top line, that's just ridiculous. Lowry has no finish. Even last night, I dunno what the time of ice was but in the third, it seems like every other shift Ladd,Lowry and Burmi were on the ice while ESW wasn't... Just crazy really. I'm not getting in the other things, irrelevant things like STEMP and Tlusty and even frolik, who like it or not, did NOT want to be here.. doesn't matter what we would have offered, he didn't want to be here... from some accounts, we actually offered more than Calgary did and he still left, He didn't want to be here, those 3 guys are not the difference this year, actually, they probably are the difference, by that i mean instead of finishing bottom 5, we finish probably 14th and miss the playoffs and pick again in that range. This season is the best thing to happen to the Jets since they have been here, They needed this, it's a wake up call, it should be a wake up call to the fans too who should probably realize that last year, it was a fluke... PAV had to stand on his head for 4 games just for us to make the playoffs.. his one hot streak came near the end of the year. And we still barely snuck in, and that's with Colorado and Dallas struggling big time last year. This team needs a remake, a rebuild and regardless of who they didn't sign this past off-season, like that's relevant right now, they arent' good enough and a few depth players wouldn't make them much better, frolik, tlusty, stempniak.. maybe they win 3 or 4 more games, maybe, i doubt it but maybe....those guys do not make us go from bottom 5 to contending for a playoff spot that's for sure. Coaching? Yup, taking dumb penalties constantly is definitely on the coaches, regardless of what a few think. Dumb Penalties, constantly taking them means there is no discipline for them. Honestly, this team almost looks like they are starting to tune Maurice out... That's probably more of an indication of the talent on the ice than the coach tho... making the playoffs is great, for sure but if it's just to be swept or lose in the first round, i'd rather finish with a top 5, top 3 pick and try again next season cuz this idea that this team as it currently is or even was last season could compete for the Stanley Cup is RIDICULOUS. 1 YEAR out of 5 gonna be 6 years in the playoffs, it tells me it's time for change, tells me the current older core (Ladd,Toby, Stuart,Thorburn,Little) (I can't put Buff and Wheeler in there because they have played quite well this year), they just aren't good enough. I like the youth excuse tho, we are losing cuz of the youth, nope... that's really not the case at all.. Ehlers is having a great year, Helle is our best goalie we have had since the Original Jets and you'd probably have to go pretty far back in Original Jets history to find someone as good as Helle is. On average Helle has allowed 2 or less goals in 90 percent of his starts, what's pathetic about that tho? His record is almost .500 now. Tells you the team in front of him just isn't good enough. It's time to tranistion to the younger core cuz we've seen what this one can do for 5 6 years now and it's not good enough. Keep Wheeler.Buff. Little (unless you do strike gold and draft Matthews) Scheif,Ehlers,Lowry,Trouba,Myer. Helle and go from there. Perreault can stick around too. Maybe you add a Kyle Connor to your team next season, maybe he's ready... This team is starting to look like a team with a ton of high end skill, they just need time. In my opinion, in order to be good, you have to be bad for a while... right now, we are bad and hopefully what happens is we sell off some older pieces and we transition to a younger core group. Cuz... The future despite what some say, is bright for this team. It's actually really bright, sometimes tho, some people can't see it. If you can't, it's unfortunate but you look at our most consistent best players the last little while and they are definitely the youth plus Buff and Wheeler. Future looks good. Just takes time to get there. Is Maurice the right coach to get us there, getting back to the original topic? I'm not sure exactly. But i do know that he is a pretty decent coach, but like any coach, he has his flaws too and at times it's pretty obvious what they are.
  8. He's checked out tho and it's obvious. There's a difference between what buff or Hamonic says tho. Ladd is just going through the motions and that's not a guy you want around much longer. Ladd is also easier to replace. He's not elite. Not worth 6.5 million long term. Buff is a superstar. Ladd is not. If Ladd didn't have the C... I'm not sure people would look at him the same as they do. He's a good player but... he's not elite like Buff. He's not the difference between winning and losing. Also the more I see of trouba... the more I'm convinced he never becomes more than what he is. Don't think he's worth a long term big money deal either and if he wants big money... I'd be tempted to trade him for Hamonic... prob plus on the NYI side. Hamonic and their first. I'd consider it. Trouba just looks like he's in space most nights.... was awful tonight and has regressed since his rookie year. He will still be a good player but I'm not sure he's this franchise d men they hoped he would be. He's lacking something. Perhaps off ice commitment.
  9. Jets need guys who want to be here. Hamonic is another.... wants to be here. You need to get and keep those guys who want to be here. Sign Buff. Trade for Hamonic.
  10. Yup. Ladds time as a jet is coming to an end. It's obvious. The sooner the better in my opinion. Nothing against Ladd but it's time to move him b4 he gets hurt. If Chevy doesn't sign buff tho.... I think he should be fired. He WANTS to be here. Refers to Winnipeg as HOME. Sign our all star already
  11. I'd only trade buff for a very massive overpayment. I'm talking 1st round picks plus 2 A prospects. I'd love it if he signed tho and hope he does.
  12. This team isn't tanking. The sad reality tho is they just aren't good enough.
  13. Stafford might have scored but he had about 10 giveaways. Did Ladd play? Invisible again. This team just isn't good enough and the coaching is questionable at times. Ladd Lowry Burmi probably had more ice time than ESW. 4th line out with Stu and Chiarot in a 1 goal game. Just brutal.
  14. I'm shopping everyone but helle trouba myers scheif wheeler Ehlers Perreault Lowry little copp. If someone makes me an offer I can't refuse... the rest including buff are all up for grabs. It's the smart thing to do. I think its time to transition to the next generation so to speak. Time to become the winnipeg Jets instead of being the Winnipeg Thrashers. I love buff but if someone offers me a 1st and a couple almost ready A prospects closer to scheif and Trouba age... I'm probably going to have to trade buff. When does this team become a legit playoff contender.... I dunno but I'd suspect it's not for a couple more years. Buff would be 33 34 ish... not sure if it's worth it to sign him long term when I'm not sure if in 3 or 4 years when we are ready to be legit contenders... how effective will buff be.
  15. Pav still isn't cleared and I wouldn't be surprised if he never plays a game for the jets again.
  16. Kings don't have a first round pick so they'd have to offer something significant. Dallas being in the same division. Have to be significant also. 1st which will be late... Honka probably and maybe Nichuskin who is rumored to being shopped.
  17. Strombo is a fool and outside of Glenn Healey is the worst thing about the new HNIC
  18. Yeah but that doesn't really seem likely. Trouba would be the odd man out I'm guessing
  19. He needs minutes. Lodge that is and wasn't getting any with the moose. He's a first year pro. Probably won't ever be a Jet but could still end up being a good ahl player.
  20. Let's pretend Trouba is being shopped assuming buff signs. Buff Myers is a great 1 2 RHD group. If a team like Edmonton wanted Trouba and they offered let's say RNH and their 1st round pick in 2016.. Top 5 for sure. I'd have a hard time turning it down. I think if Trouba is being shopped... an overpayment is a guarantee... would people do Trouba for RNH plus Edmonton 1st at the draft? This is all assuming buff is signed. Be hard to turn down.
  21. Cuz spending to the cap is gonna make you win all of a sudden. Plus Lowry Scheif Ehlers Helle Trouba all still on ELC deals.... Armia also. That is the difference in cap... Copp 2 actually. Love it. Make the playoffs 1 year out of 5 and ppl think this year is the anomole... nope. This year is the reminder that we are what we are. This current core isn't good enough and never will be.
  22. Perhaps off ice issues play a role but... Doubt it. He's not worth 6 7 million a year tho but 5 5.5 probably long term is fair.
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