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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. my quick thoughts on must signs and would be nice... Must Sign: Sheed, Demski, Yoshi, Jeffcoat, Couture, Grant Would be Nice: Briggs, Darby, Gauthier, Sayles, McRae, Miller (let's be honest, he's either a Bomber or retired)
  2. It infuriates me to no end when he signs the top OLB in the league... likely at below market value!... get rid of this clown
  3. no problem bringing him back... but I still see Lawrence and Houston ahead of him on the depth chart
  4. well this part probably is accurate... but he bar wasn't exactly set high...
  5. Headline should read.... "only candidate left hired by default".... 😂
  6. be interesting to see how long he wears two hats... I'd think they probably have a succession plan for HC at this point... maybe Killam
  7. What's especially a red flag about this is Costanza (can't-stand-ya) has been in the league for a long time and has been considered a bright offensive mind for a long time... he left Calgary because there was no path to an OC job there... and same thing in Winnipeg after one season when Buck had a really good year... so he finally gets a chance at one of only 9 "dream jobs" and says "no thanks"... BTW.... if there was ever a chance we were to lose Buck... Costanza is a guy I was hoping we'd look to bring back.
  8. I think we have Lawrence and Houston under contract for next year… I’d rank those two ahead of Rose at this point… unless Rose comes back cheap, they could move on from him… Ellingson probably depends on how the receiver chips fall in free agency… if we bring back Lawler or sign another big name receiver then there’s probably not a spot for Ellingson.
  9. O'Shea is 52 years old... safe to say he should have at least 10 good years of coaching left in him... but I'm not going to pretend to know what his future plans are
  10. No... I think we all agreed Prukopp should never throw a long ball on a gadget play in an important moment of a huge game in which the Bomber were on their way to winning... Do they though?... I believe Durant's departure opened up some money to sign one Mr. Adam Bighill... and allowed us to discover the Strevellation... you might argue, Darian Durant single handedly helped start this Bomber run of dominance 😁
  11. No shock... I'm glad it is now finalized... our sole focus now is 3 in four years (or 1-0 if you're coach)... Let's go Blue!
  12. We know Walters won't go overboard and overpay for a lot of players... but one big signing (like Ceserna, for example) would be really exciting
  13. Maston hasn't played a game since the 2019 GC and Taylor will be 35 years old soon... unfortunately we may have already seen the last of those two guys
  14. I'm fine with Prukop being on the field in that situation... throws a wrench in TO's planning... but the call should be clear... if there isn't someone very obviously open downfield, you tuck and run or check down... don't throw it deep if there's any reasonable coverage there... that's on Prukop and the coaches
  15. BLM is a lock in Toronto or Hamilton... funny that Ballsy is basically guaranteeing he'll be in Sask... and then proclaiming a massive turn around based solely on that... 😄
  16. Am I overthinking this and being unnecessarily paranoid?... But looking back on our last two playoff runs... The Bomber haven't played a good, complete game in any of those playoff games... 2021 West Final against Sask, played a bad game and scraped out a win.... 2021 Grey Cup, played bad three quarters but took over for one quarter and pulled it off... 2022 West Final, played an OK game and made enough plays when it counted to win... 2022 Grey Cup, simply didn't play very good and lost... We still walk away with one Grey Cup in the last two years... but it's a bit of a troubling trend
  17. This... and if I remember the replay correctly* he appeared to also have Brady open as a check down option with lots of room to run... that could've been an easy first down to keep the clock moving *I haven't brought myself to watching a full replay of the game yet... probably a few weeks away from being able to handle that... just going off memory of the replay from Sunday night
  18. To me, this was the problem... in my opinion, the offense did just barely enough... and if not aided by a facemask penalty, wouldn't have even been close... this was the situation where this Bombers team normally gets it done... and they just didn't on Sunday night
  19. Thanks for the article @Zach Schnitzer... good read and I identified with a lot going on there. This one definitely hurt more... because it wasn't juts a loss, or even just a championship loss... it was a loss on what would've been an historic win.... and all compiled by the fact that despite playing a below average, the Bombers had the ball in their hands and a very good chance to take home the win... this version of the Bomber gets it done in those situations... so, to see it not happen... just hit so much harder.... I keep telling people "I honestly wish I could care less"... but I know I can't I consider myself fortunate I don't struggle with mental health the way some do... but I also didn't couldn't sleep much Sunday night... and while this loss isn't hurting me too much 4 days later... I still can't help but replay that final drive in my head over and over and wonder where it went wrong
  20. Kyrie Wilson missed a ton of time in 2021 also... I'll say this again... I absolutely love him as a player, I think he was our DMOP before getting hurt, and I would maybe consider him our most important defensive resigning... but he's played 11 of 32 regular season games over the past 2 years... I'm not sure if that's a guy you can bank on to stay healthy... BTW, go back and watch the play he made in the 4th of the 2021 cup.... he's getting mugged by an O-lineman (which was actually called) and he still fights through the hold and reaches out to make a crucial one-armed stop on Don Jackson... an absolute thing of beauty
  21. was led to believe the injury was preexisting and got worse in game
  22. or maybe he shouldn't have been out there... not that I specifically recall him making any major mistakes... but I thought Houston was ready to comeback
  23. Wait... he thinks the problem is it's the Riders that won't choose Evans?? 😅
  24. Two players I absolutely love... but are becoming such a durability concern... Jeffcoat and Wilson... I'm torn on what we should do with these guys because they are so good and such difference makers... when healthy... and healthy is becoming less and less often the last couple seasons @Colin Unger mentioned that the defense changed when Jeffcoat got hurt.. and I completely agree... he was our best player up to that point and as soon as he went down, the D wasn't the same... no chance we give up that ugly 2nd 15 conversation with the right players in the line up... a healthy Jeffcoat and Wilson would've been the difference in this game
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