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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. Nichols beginning to look like the worst qb. in he league right about now....and that's saying something considering there are a lot of back-ups chalking up wins lately...while Nichols goes into a funk...Doesn't look good and if this keeps up we'll have a heckuva time staying with the top teams in the west
  2. If you can't call a consistent game where all of the offensive players see the ball...THE WHOLE GAME....then you're not calling the right plays
  3. Have to agree...he doesn't look like the Bighill of old.....Unless he's still feeling the effects of his recent injury....brutal play
  4. Is Andrew Harris are only offensive weapon/////...Lapolice needs a lesson in diversification because that was one crappy called game
  5. Time for a huge re-assessment.........brutal fold
  6. you can add Ham. to that list as well.....the replacement there beat us.... He did have a little help from the game we played however...BUT he didn't cave under pressure that's for sure
  7. The other side of the coin regarding Nichols/Streveler... is what if we don't win the Cup...That will put a whole new look on the quarterbacking situation in this town...Coming up empty year after year running Nichols as your no1 ain't gonna wash...I'm a positive thinker and I think we have the team to win it all this year....but there will be a lot of assessment at years end if we don't....In that case I say we definitely keep Streve...... Nichols....wellll the jury will be out
  8. Don't those bozos proof read their stuff......I guess there's little difference between Bridge and Banks ... I suppose it's the language barrier
  9. Streveler could be on the minds of a few clubs in 20'....His contract is up next year and it will be very interesting to see what move we make...
  10. B.C. Lions = pathetic.....Poorly run and they still don't get it that they need an O Line....Chungh must be asking himself...'what the hell did I do'
  11. How can a qb. go from adulation and the penthouse one game....and in the next one take a dump and look like crap in the outhouse...Is Nichols a qb. with 2 different personalities....Please can we stick with the one who took apart the RedB's the game previous...What's with the guy...He's the living example of erratic and it has happened before ..If we do happen to make it to the Cup I hope the right guy shows up
  12. Jeffcoat....making a habit of great games Rose......came to play Harris.....always gives a 100 percent...even though others have a problem with that
  13. Certainly Streve needs work,,,,but if you don't work him he might as well move on...That was the perfect game to let him get game experience...What do we do ....let a struggling qb. continue when he himself said he was crap...
  14. The game manager didn't manage....the return guys coughed it up...the O coordinator coughed up a big zero....On to T.O. who have a big zero in the win column...We can't possibly lose to the boatmen..hmmmmmm
  15. I think our game manager will get it together in the second half ....IF he doesn't.....fire the manager we need a qb.
  16. Floyd 'glass jaw' Patterson....yeah I remember him
  17. Constant incontinence.....hate the sound of that
  18. So who's faster Grant or Lucky......having them on the field at the same time (may never happen) would give the opposition fits trying to cover both .....I'd luv it
  19. Gum fight turned into a sticking.... sounds about right for the rock....Chris could've picked a better spot for Mexican..Next time he should ask one of the globals from down Mexico way how to track down a good tortilla 'In any event this whole thing is a little blown....out of proportion and out of the water...This is the Peg....sometimes can get a little rough
  20. Watch for the glove....he might try to ditch it.....Dr. Zaius ...or Suess seems to have his wires crossed...Ran with gossip that looks bogus as all get out.....The good Dr. better not let big Chris cross his path or he'll have to write himself a prescription
  21. Then who have we got to believe...the media....the league.....the law and we don't know even if they're involved...too sketchy as of now...I do know one thing IF this thing has legs Mike O won't be a happy camper
  22. I think we need to hear more and get a full accounting of the circumstances before anyone rushes to contusions ...Let's hear it from the club firstly...take it from there
  23. Put it down to quarterback envy....or in the case of this guy...'not too bright' and wouldn't know a good qb. if they had one on their roster......which they don't
  24. Man you sure can read the emotion on Matt's face....He deserved every minute of that applause....plus
  25. Jefferson....dominant Petermann....where have we been hiding this guy Harris.......heart and soul that makes this team go
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