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Everything posted by bb1

  1. Not sure y they are sitting Petan and dressing Burmi.Unless they are showcasing him on the 4 line.☺
  2. Hey if enjoying a forum is only seeing like minded opinions that's totally up to you.If we were all rah rah we could go 0-18 every year and just gather in a circle and sing praise be Blue!☺It has nothing to do with "rah-rah". It has to do with some people contributing nothing but whining about how bad the team is. I'm quite willing to except that this team has a lot of warts and if people want to discuss those warts intelligently, I'm all for it. If, on the other hand, people just want to ***** non stop in every thread they can, adding nothing of value to the conversations whatsoever, there's no intelligent discussion to be had so... off to the ignore list they go.Completely agree!But being a mod I get to witness the forum in all its unadulterated glory. But that is kinda the point ,good,bad ,unpopular really it's a forum,just opinions we are just slinging and seeing what sticks.But again if your bothered by opinions be it constant anything aren't you taking this forum a little too seriously? Just my opinion no harm meant Some people just don't offer anything of any value. Nothing to do with being serious or not. There are posters who put a negative slant to everything, so if the bombers sign someone, they overpaid because that's the only way to bring someone here. If we don't sign someone it's because we're cheap and won't pay. If the GM or coach does something right it's only because it was the horribly obvious option that couldn't be missed on. It gots on and on. Some posters just have no clue, and will show it by doing things like referencing cflcapgeek as a valid source of information Some posters will compare trash every move the bombers make, and wish we had made a move more like something the Stampeders do. Some posters are willing to engage in actual discussion. Some of them have excellent football knowledge and provide insight that isn't found behind the paywall of the free press. Some of them even disagree with each other, but can have a reasoned discussion. If I can ignore the ones who add nothing to focus on those that do, that's the choice I'll make. And I thank the many posters who do have something to contribute. I also have no issue with you stating your disagreement, it's not about if we agree or disagree, often it's about how we agree or disagree. You make some good if not harsh points.
  3. I'd do that trade in a heartbeat.I still think that the way Burmi has been handed a job has hurt our team chemistry.
  4. Hey if enjoying a forum is only seeing like minded opinions that's totally up to you.If we were all rah rah we could go 0-18 every year and just gather in a circle and sing praise be Blue!☺ It has nothing to do with "rah-rah". It has to do with some people contributing nothing but whining about how bad the team is. I'm quite willing to except that this team has a lot of warts and if people want to discuss those warts intelligently, I'm all for it. If, on the other hand, people just want to ***** non stop in every thread they can, adding nothing of value to the conversations whatsoever, there's no intelligent discussion to be had so... off to the ignore list they go. Completely agree!But being a mod I get to witness the forum in all its unadulterated glory. But that is kinda the point ,good,bad ,unpopular really it's a forum,just opinions we are just slinging and seeing what sticks.But again if your bothered by opinions be it constant anything aren't you taking this forum a little too seriously? Just my opinion no harm meant
  5. Hey if enjoying a forum is only seeing like minded opinions that's totally up to you.If we were all rah rah we could go 0-18 every year and just gather in a circle and sing praise be Blue!☺
  6. Because, as has been stated multiple times, the reputation is changing. Regardless of what you Rabble Rabble types say, players and coaches are wanting to come there. Westerman came because he said it's being run like an NFL organization. The wins might not be there, but the culture is changing and wins should hopefully follow.We will see now won't we?No more excuses left.
  7. O'Shea's never been a DC so it would be unrealistic for them to expect he'd be able to fix Etch's D by mid-season. I disagree. Due to his experience as a player. He has been a part of some great defenses. And if you hear his former team mates speak, he was basically a coach on the field. He knows the CFL defense and could design one if needed. I have a hard time believing a future HOF MLB wouldn't know how. Especially one that spent basically his entire life around the Canadian game. I'm also pretty sure that if he could pick any defensive coordinator in the league to run his defence it'd be Steinhauer and everyone here loves his defense right? O'Shea knows what he's doing, a lot of people spouting off on here though don't really know the ins and outs of what goes on in hiring decisions. What do you base that MOS knows what he is doing on?His record?His hiring of assistant coaches?I would suggest you don't know a lot of the in and outs any better than the naysayers.Just saying.
  8. Your right maybe we can just keep our coordinators next year save some money on a HC and sign that big stud receiver.
  9. Well I agree no logic for the pro MOS that's for sure.For me I'll be happy if MOS can get us to .500 at least he will improve to average which is lookin pretty damn good right now.
  10. Compared to what? Montreal that fires a coach every other year or Sask that removed its coach and GM 2 years after winning a Grey Cup?We don't need stable mediocrity.
  11. You know you have a great point and is probably the reason MOS will never be a good HC he just doesn't have enough expertise or experience on ethier side of the ball to lean on in times of trouble.He desperately needs good experienced coordinators to be able to run a team.If they promote Buck with his limited experience it's just going to clearly show this limitation. Well....he certainly got off to a roaring start with MB, Tracy.....and Etch. I don't get the hole "he doesn't have enough experience" BS. The guy was a starting MLB for how many years in this league? He knows how a Defence works and how it should work. Saying he doesn't is flat out wrong. He's got plenty of experience on that side of the ball, even if it isn't as a coach. Huge difference between playing and coaching is why not many great players make great coaches.
  12. You know you have a great point and is probably the reason MOS will never be a good HC he just doesn't have enough expertise or experience on ethier side of the ball to lean on in times of trouble.He desperately needs good experienced coordinators to be able to run a team.If they promote Buck with his limited experience it's just going to clearly show this limitation.
  13. Thanks Noeller the only problem is I'd gladly take a giant bag of **** for a 14 -4 season!
  14. Wait till MOS brings him back next year Wouldnt it technically be up to Walters to bring back a player?? No I would think it is up to the coach who he wants back.You think someone tells Huffer who should play for him? Bad example... Hufnagel is also the GM...[/quoteOk] Ok Milanovich Austin when he was at Sask we could go on and on any good coach makes the final decision who plays and who goes this ain't rocket surgery here.
  15. I've seen it happen when a GM leaves and a popular coach remains, but usually that is a token gesture by the new GM to leave the old coach in place for a year, but it is rare for the old coach to hang around longer than that.Yeah if the coach had a winning record and was an icon yeah but that ain't describing MOS
  16. No way a GM sticks with a coach from a past regime why would you stick with someone who was hired by someone else?You bring in who you trust.Unless we hire a new GM from within like maybe promote bellfoole.
  17. The team folded like a cheap tent in the games Willy got hurt. Very few stepped up throughout the season in the face of adversity. I would say that your assessment of the team being mentally weak was spot on.Yep good on Leggett for saying what is painfully obvious not tough enough mentally and not enough Walbys around to kick some a$$! Even Sask there last game won it and tried to show the fans something for next year.The Blue a lot of them just went through the motions to get out of the game and head home.
  18. Wait till MOS brings him back next yearWouldnt it technically be up to Walters to bring back a player??No I would think it is up to the coach who he wants back.You think someone tells Huffer who should play for him?
  19. I think that's unfair if it's injuries with Richards that's bad luck.Now we could of had both which with our thin Cdn Rec would of made sense.
  20. Either was hurt or he just was awful.... either way I would assume all fans should give up any kind of hope on the guy and just assume it's a wasted pick and hope they do better next draft. If that's the case then he didn't even live up to the laughable hype that he was the next Jade Etienne. Well let's give him one more year before we bring out that scenario.I was thinking maybe concussion or serious injury that they want to protect him.
  21. Gotta disagree the cap is going down who knows where it will be in 4 or 5 years you don't saddle yourself for that long of a term not for someone at Buffs age.
  22. Yep we should be so lucky to have that idiot as our OC.I agree with Noeller as well Hall ain't going anywhere.Say what you want about MOS but he is loyal to his people.
  23. Well I think if any of the deserve the benefit it's Walters at least he has brought in a QB that we can win with.Oh well ☺
  24. Yeah that's the kind of contract that kills you down the road no way Chevy goes for that kind of term.
  25. Need to change the title to Blind loyalty vs suffering fans☺
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