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Everything posted by bb1

  1. Sounds like a name i made up for Madden Football....At least they didn't call themselves the Edmonton Footsie......
  2. My God i never thought i would say this.....Go Habs Go!!!!
  3. Did not look good at all couple of brain dead plays by us early in the game but thankfully Archibald returned the favor! Best playoff comeback in Jets history! Might even be close to the Kings comeback of the Oilers in the 80s!
  4. Fing Kassian take that useless goon out...Jets brain dead today , Thompson terrible high stick ,then giving mcgoofid a 3 on 2 after clawing back, not a good game by us at all..
  5. Lol,of course but love what Toninato brings,just too bad they both could not be in the lineup...
  6. Love that Ethlers is back, hate that Dominic Toninato is sitting. So tough to bring anyone out of that lineup right now.
  7. bb1


    I am so tired of us being blamed while the governments take no responsibility. Who let the original virus in when the rest of the world was stopping international travel? Who watched the different variants 3 months ago in different parts of the world and did diddly squat? Who shut down ICU in Seven oaks ,Misericordia, Concordia, etc and now hey guess what we can't handle 200 hundred people out of over a million in our province? Hmm yes that was the guy next door made those decisions.... easy i guess to blame us but real leaders look in the mirror when disaster hits. Six months ago at my work in a plant no one was wearing a mask...it took the federal gov that long to mandate mask wearing and yet this is our fault????
  8. Nice to see Heinola get more of a shot..
  9. Or another way to look at it is ,these guys got us in to this 7 game losing streak let em get us out! 😉
  10. We just don't have enough tough players and teams like Toronto take advantage. Ottawa did it,same with Calgary. The old school hockey ain't dead yet. We could use Buff out there that is for sure.
  11. The channel crapped out ...last minute..wow.
  12. We still need a top 4 defenseman to really take a run this year imo, that and staying healthy of course. Hats off to Stastny and Perreault, 2 vets that show the kids how to play.
  13. Hey Rogers,Cbc why not make all Jets games at midnight so you can also fit in a 3 hour afterglow party for all Leafs victories!
  14. I can hear Maurice right now after this game. " I really liked parts of our game" ugh....
  15. Jets were awful defensively all day,deserved to lose. If we were playing a good team would not of been close. This team's positional play is scary to watch...
  16. To be really safe in this day of constant whining over nothing...to be totally politically correct the name has to be the Edmonton Blanks....
  17. Wheeler and Perrault yeah hey Maurice why not Lowry???🙄🙄
  18. Only good thing is no one threw money away watching this game live...ugh feel sorry for Helle only guy who showed up tonite.
  19. I would rather the Jets ride it out with Stanley see what he has, someone needs to tell him to get a mean streak if he wants to stick in the NHL. Poolman meh...we need more toughness and Poolman ain't it.
  20. Yes i get that, its a tough choice and ultimately its up to Wheeler but its looking a lot like a rebuild here so perhaps being the face of a new franchise might entice him or his loyalty and knowing he probably won't get picked he might do it to keep a good younger player here or we are screwed as usual when it comes to current expansion...another Vegas instant contender anyone?
  21. No need to protect Wheeler, who would shell out 6 mill a year for a 35 year old when your starting a new franchise?? No knock on Wheeler but that contract at his age? No way.
  22. Well i am going to be the contrarian here because well why not? It will be interesting to see now that Maurice has gotten rid of Laine and Roslo who will become his new whipping boys? If our powerplay stays like it is we are going nowhere,we have lost all our big guns. It is sad to see our team of 2017-18 become what it is....always be a Jets fan but i don't see us anywhere near as good as the team we were.Not blaming anyone for it all just saying we were so close.😔
  23. I remember being at the Bombers game and watching the Jets draft Laine, the elation i felt that day is now matched by the sorrow to see him go. We lost this deal just like when we traded Selanne. But we have to move on.....Go Jets!
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