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Everything posted by bb1

  1. Omg Connor the most bone headed play of the year...boy the Jets are terrible so far....
  2. Or Maurice: " I like some of what he is doing in there"
  3. Perfetti better get used to it he is not sound on defense on the PP like Nash is! 😅😅
  4. Up 2-0 and you let a short hand goal on a brutal pinch..smh this team never learns...0-2 but its early in the season right? Why does our PK always look bad???
  5. Yeah but the kick we needed , not there,not good enough as an American kicker move on...we need Fg farther than inside the 30...
  6. Can u say Ugly? 😆 It's a win..tough trap game,hopefully Harris is ok...need a tackle and kicker...😃 What's up with Darvin?
  7. Harris as a backup here would be a great fit, i know salary cap but man it would be like when we had Clements and Huffer. No slag on Mcguire but Harris has won a cup and with our oline would be good again imo.
  8. I think i have a solution....let Mourtada do kickoffs, fgs inside 30 yds and extra points...legs does anything over 30. Then you tell legs listen no pressure if you get one over 30 yds its a bonus!😉
  9. 57.5 for Tkachuk, guy can't score,good **** disturber but holy over pay imo...potential i guess...
  10. Don't know why but i never get tired of watching this...😄
  11. Mourtada...hey babe take a walk on the wide side.....🙃
  12. I think MOS is protecting his young kicker by not putting too much on his plate. He doesn't want to destroy his confidence. I trust MOS on this just wish we could bring in another kicker,any kicker! 😄 What about that donkey from the disney movies is he still around???
  13. All my troubles seem so far away...when can we get a kicker in today? Oh i believe in yesterday.....
  14. He misses to the left twice then he is lined up to the right, i am thinking great this is exactly where he misses to...nope he misses right. It does not get worse than this does it???🤣 It's like watching a terrible commercial that they just keep repeating...
  15. I hate to be the lone dissenting voice here but that bomber defense that won the 1990 cup is still no.1 in my book. Why? They killed the Eskie 50 -11 in the Grey Cup and we had Tom Burgess as our Qb....
  16. Not sure why Maurice would not put Perfetti with Schief and Conner instead of Harkins,like Harkins but would of liked to see Perfetti skill with other top players but it fits Maurice's logic. So the 4th line is???? Nash, Harkins, svech??
  17. Yes, forgot about Bennie definitely in the top 3 as well.
  18. Dave Bovell was the most intimidating Safety we have ever had but Mo and Ba are more rounded. BA wins another cup ya gotta put him at the top though he really solidified our back end last year and it's all about the Cups baby.
  19. Elks have nothing to lose,no one expects them to win ,definitely a trap game imo but most of the games remaining will be till the playoffs...Go Blue!
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