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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Sean Whyte is money but 6 is greater than 3 which on paper is our advantage.
  2. And what new offensive/defensive schemes are being cooked up that aren’t on film? or is the answer nothing, we know you know what we will do but go ahead and try to stop us?
  3. As much as I hate the Stumps I’ll always love Huff. Started way back when when him and Clements were an awesome duo. He’s been great and continues to be great for the CFL.
  4. We should have an eeek emoticon.
  5. We've come to the point where you can walk around freely in-person/virtual spewing contradictions, blatant lies, morally ethically bankrupt statements with little pushback and consequences (twitter shaming, fact checks that do nothing, 'journalists' who lightly push back but then say lets move on, politicians who bang their hands on the podium and that's about it) but huge impact for their own grifting power needs. I can't believe I'm saying this but maybe it will be good for these wacknut morally corrupt lunatics to take power so people can actually see what happens that will then lead to a correction and recalibration. Just hope the foundation stays in tact.
  6. Any 'lawyer' who makes remarks like that should be dragged in front of a committee for disbarment. As the world burns down around them socially, morally, environmentally etc they say it's all about the economy, freedom and lower gas prices not knowing at all what that means as they say it.
  7. When the chips are down, true colors come out. Kudos to tabbies hc for dealing with that. Trevor Harris has the same issue imo and I predict we see that against the Argo blows next week.
  8. Didn't even think about that but makes total sense not to mention the fact of how interesting the battle of Alberta would be.
  9. I don’t think it’s as much bored but more frustrated, irritated. Everyone wants is to lose except us.
  10. Now BLM is auditioning as the starting QB with incentive laden contract with another team next season.
  11. That was good coverage. Just a good football play.
  12. Awesome. Sounds like he’s good for the league so all good. Just looks like the guy I bought my first car from when I was 16. I’m sure he’s a great guy.
  13. The B.C. owner looks like a guy who owns a few car dealerships.
  14. I’m not really seeing what you’re seeing. Most aren’t scared bit know he his a good qb with a lot upside to be aware of but not too worried if we play him if we play to our full potential and having a bit of fun with the constant chatter about him. That’s about it.
  15. But cheer for the Riders. Yuck. Riders suck. Welcome tho.
  16. That’s got to be worst for a db. Takes a pi but receiver still catches it.
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