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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Realistically they can beat anyone. Obviously easier said than done. Just make the damn playoffs. Don’t think too far ahead.
  2. Bill Board material for Bowness and crew although listening to a guy lying down dispense his wisdom somehow influences legitimacy.
  3. And the opposite of that was Sam Hurl who somehow got more than a fair shake. I say that with respect of course.
  4. Don't have to convince me. Tough as nails and good human beings as well.
  5. Unless he's blowing smoke up someone's ass, for such a young man, Perfetti is being an absolute pro in being regulated to the fourth line.
  6. What a great memory. I was always Rick House when we played football after school. Good times.
  7. Someone's feisty. I'm with you on the every team thing but Riders do suck. 🙂
  8. Come playoff time (unless the wheels fall off and we don't make them), knowing open real estate will be hard to come by please try to make it a goal to create space for Ehlers to shoot cuz Goalies have no idea where its going. What a deceptive laser he has along with his speed, duo threat. Oh and back in the day we were able to roof backhand dekes. Kids these days. lol
  9. Don’t forget mini milt Terrance Edward’s, when I was brainwashing my son that we are a Bomber family, that’s the player he liked and wore to Games when they were visiting the eskimos/elks. Still has it. Then the NFL Eagles took him over.
  10. Excerpt take from the Winnipeg Sun: 'Of Winnipeg’s 28 remaining games, 17 are against teams that weren’t in a playoff position on Thursday afternoon. Some, Minnesota and Nashville, for instance, are fighting for their lives. Others, like Chicago, the Jets opponent on Friday, are so far out of it they have completely different things at stake. That, Niederreiter knows, can be tricky. “They have no system, they try to just get points and some guys they just try to be in the lineup for next year and all that, so (try) to prove themselves,” he said. “I’ve been fortunate to have been in the playoffs for a lot of years… and teams who are fighting for playoffs they play with structure. They try to do all the little things right to get into the playoffs. But then you play down the stretch, maybe even in Chicago, where they maybe cheat for offence. There are players in certain positions they shouldn’t be in. “So it’s something that’s going to be tough to play.” Interesting take by NN. Something I never took into consideration of how trap games can sometimes work.
  11. Now that's funny regardless what side you take here. 🙂
  12. How do you know all of this or are you just presenting your opinion as fact? Is it MLSE/Argo's legal department have a history of cutting cheques for things to go away that would tell you why not this time, ie never got to them? Cuz if so, that's a much larger issue of what's happening here.
  13. Just read that Bettman's coming to the Peg early next week to chat with business leaders etc and is 'monitoring the situation'. This should be fun.
  14. I don't get it. This one flew right over my head. But I am exhausted in my defense.
  15. Nope, no planning in sueing you. I have a 22 year old daughter training to be a physiotherapist and why I mention that is she could potentially be working with football teams. I don't see the world as extremes for the most part. My wife and I have hopefully raised her with the tools to know the dangers of the world and how to handle it coupled with not limiting her options due to others and their bad behaviours. Like a lot of other people's daughters, she's a smart, independent well adjusted full of quirks young human being who may want to contribute value to a room full of professional athletes. No guarantees for her but how you appear to accept reality is different in how I and others may accept reality. Fair enough.
  16. So you're suggesting no 22 year old woman should be working for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers that requires her to be in close contact with the players because reality dictates that Walters and company have no chance to create a safe working environment?
  17. As a lifelong hardcore jet fan, my non critical thinking sports is awesome response is OMG give them what they want, I don't want to lose the Jets twice! My thinking this through and placing professional sport in its appropriate pecking order response is go F yourself, see ya if you're going to play that we'll move if you (government, corporations, public) don't ante up shite.
  18. I’ll allow that. Disgruntled employee defence incoming.
  19. Serious allegations. Needs to go through the process with all facts presented to make an informed decision. But one thing I do know as true and can’t be debated, Argo’s continue and always will suck. ps Chad Kelly is currently the highest paid CFL player? Wow.
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