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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. The club recommends getting there a bit earlier. Because it is all digital ticketing and passports, they will have one crew scanning tickets and then another scanning passports, so be ready to be efficient with your phone. And get the Bomber app to have your Bomber account ready with your tickets displayed.
  2. One week away! This one’s for Speed. Also gives me a reason not to put Westwood in today. Thankfully the kicker position was already covered off by Medlock, so I can avoid Troy and memories of THAT game.
  3. Don’t ever recall 2 Vezina finalists both switching teams for the next season.
  4. I guess Berdin is now Hellebuyck’s back-up for the big club.
  5. The merge happens within 5 minutes, not 5 seconds. Just do what I do - write all your thoughts in one very long-winded post and wait for the “TLDR” from those irritating, short attention span folk. 😄
  6. And bravo for picking Chuck Ealey for #8. Was juggling the options of Zach Collaros (because Grey Cup), Chris Randle (because “Randle Island” is a great handle), or Reggie Pierson (because great DB in the 1970s-80s, but more so because of this pose in his trading card):
  7. My choice for today (late countdown, was busy, thanks KBF for jumping in):
  8. I guess Heinola has another year in the minors. Does that lengthen the duration of his ELC?
  9. I tend to lean towards TBurg on this. Maybe not that the club is not happy with the receiving crew, but not necessarily satisfied with status quo - nor should they be. Not sure beyond homerism why people think this is a game -breaking deep crew we have. Like TB says, zero thousand yard guys, and in fact not really close to that mark for any of them last year. And not sure why everyone is certain Buck Pierce will suddenly make this offence heavy pass. He has the same personnel and learned at the hands of LaPo, who designed a successful Grey Cup winning ball control offence with the best running back in the CFL. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, and any tweaks won’t be that drastic I feel. Not like Collaros was throwing for 450 yards a game either when he arrived.
  10. Neither has done anything of note at receiver (Nelson 4 career catches in 2 seasons, Grant 2 catches in 1 season), but Grant was huge on special teams (14.4 yard average on punt returns, 3 TDS). If this is about who should be the dedicated returner based on past results, Grant is the easy choice, and Nelson has not offered much of anything at receiver to close that gap. Having said that, it’s a new season and I have no intel on how they are each doing at camp.
  11. Ok, a bit to unpack here. Let’s start at the end with “like I said” - don’t recall you saying that before, I thought your displeasure was tied only to holding THESE games, I assumed due to the COVID risk. And if you stopped at “I am not interested”, fine, to each their own. But when you label the hosting of the Games as “selfish and completely irresponsible” I chuckle at how angry you seem to get over it. So if you have a moral objection to watching the Games at all, which from your questions seems to be the case, that’s fine if that is your stance, I just didn’t know your antipathy was for the whole movement and not just these Games specifically. And I won’t argue that the IOC isn’t a corrupt organization who hide behind the myth of the purity of amateur competition, when of course they are massively crooked. But I can separate the movement from the competition and enjoy the events independent of my feelings for the corporate shenanigans. If your moral compass makes you take that stand, good on you, but are you consistent with your moral outrage when it conflicts with a sport you love more? More on that in a second. To answer your questions, no nations probably shouldn’t run these Games at a massive loss, but they do so what am I going to do about it? I come to watch the events, not balance the budget. And to me, the cost to me of cheering on Canada (be it the cost of my cable bill to watch on TV, or my tax dollars to fund these athletes) isn’t so grievous that I am writing my MP to demand that we stop. And my National pride at seeing us do well is something I have not quantified in dollars and left me feeling short-changed. That’s just me. Could money spent on these Games be better spent on more worthy social causes, sure. But one can argue that one’s time is better spent fighting racial and gender injustice than typing out words on a football fan blog, that spending money on Bomber season tickets should take a back seat to spending that money donating to Cancer research, or that spending tax payer money to build a football stadium should not be allowed when indigenous reserves don’t have road access or clean drinking water in the 21st century. But are you willing to boycott the CFL on those same principles you espouse for the Olympics, or is you moral and ethical outrage selective and only when it suits your interest to be so (a.k.a. You don’t care about those sports so you can kick up a fuss). It may be just as irresponsible to play CFL football while the pandemic continues and we ship in Americans whose vaccine status may be more questionable, but fair to say from the past year that there was tons of objection to the CFL NOT playing last season. Didn’t see the “selfish and totally irresponsible” argument then. So where is the consistency with your high moral ground I would wonder? And i am not agreeing or disagreeing with “geopolitization” as I am not sure what you mean, so please explain to me if you want to, I would seek for information before arguing that point. I may say you are completely right. But it also may not stop me from watching myself. Bottom line, if you aren’t interested in it, sure no problem. But if you need to list reasons of morality to justify your angry boycott and want to claim some high ground because the movement and the money offends you, are you consistent with your dislike and disdain universally and maintain your principles across the board with spending on sports, or just when it is selectively convenient for you because it doesn’t impact your happiness in that specific instance?
  12. You and TBurg should get a summer home together, lol.
  13. Wildpath wins MBB poster of the week for this effort. Bravo, and many thanks!
  14. So what ever happened to his self-paid “investigation” to prove that the substance was wrongfully put into his energy supplement?
  15. Only one choice for today’s countdown: By the way, if the Bombers went back to the striped sock look I for one would be on board.
  16. Wanted to keep it all Bombers, but strongly considered this for the daily countdown instead of Matthews:
  17. And LaPo won’t hear a word of this nonsense because his Grey Cup rings will be plugging his ears.
  18. TSN and Sportsnet both went out of their way to point out that the Toronto FC match at BMO field last night was the most attended game at a Canadian sporting event since the pandemic arrived last year. Would be nice to blow that number out of the water on August 5 when the CFL returns.
  19. The return to IG Field is this many days away:
  20. Let’s not go inciting riots, Speed.
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