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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. JFC Bombers! Get back to the LaPo run first playbook that drove the field on the first drive. None of the goofy trick stuff.
  2. Walker had got to make that catch of Harris is going to take a hit like that to make a wide open play.
  3. Edmonton blocker wiping out his own returner is the crunch of the game.
  4. Edmonton getting more QB pressure than the Bombers right now. Certainly more big QB hits.
  5. 30-0. Dropped pick 6, failed third down on the one, Demski’s drop on the goal line. And then the TD and safety they got, no safety if they score the goal line TD, and no FG if no INT after the Demski drop.
  6. What a cut by Bailey. This team is a treat to watch right now.
  7. Looks like Demski is filling the Lawler role tonight.
  8. Another safety. And Harris has not been off so may have as the secondary are breaking up passes with hard hits.
  9. Should be 21-0 after one quarter. Edmonton has two yards total offence. C’mon Bombers, that is less than acceptable!!!!!! That punt is happy honker worthy!
  10. Would love to see a defensive shutout this quarter. Edmonton has zero yards rushing,zero yards passing so far.
  11. CJOB live stream radio feed is 3 plays behind the live stadium action. Kind of frustrating.
  12. So a dropped pick 6, failed 3rd down and no Harris on the goal line. Cut Alford, McGuire, and Pierce. Bomber scapegoats of the week
  13. Geoff Gray has sat on our injured list all season to hide him. All teams do it, if the league had a real problem with it they’d crack down. Just like the soft penalties for salary cap violations, they don’t really care.
  14. Jerry: “Kramer, what are you doing?” Kramer: “Well, you know, I’m uh, dominating!”
  15. Please don’t tell me you are on some kind of watch list.
  16. And this team may very well win the World Series this year. Certainly the AL favorites.
  17. I’d laugh at this, but you know that we are going to get a bunch of paranoid idiots shooting sparrows out of the sky now.
  18. Ok, for some reason I am not seeing an “eye” icon above the text box. I get the bold/italics/underline group, the emoji icon, the link paper clip, and the paper with magnifying glass, but that’s it. No eye. Any ideas (yes, you can all guess I am over 50 and can barely set the clock on the VCR)?
  19. Wow, you are really gonna feel my wrath now, especially for that “purple monkey dishwasher” comment! Seriously, much obliged for the guidance.
  20. If anyone never read Paul Friesen’s Winnipeg Sun series on the Grey Cup run, his book “Against All Odds” on sale at the Bomber Store gives a really neat insider account of how it went down, and gives some great insight into just how tough it was for Streveler. And for those who aren’t fans of Friesen’s writing (it can be somewhat simplistic here too, remember that he has word counts with his articles, unlike my posts, lol!) I understand that some of the proceeds go to a good cause.
  21. How do you do the hidden comments feature? Don’t want to splinter off the Movie thread, it should stay here.
  22. I know he sees the problems, but sometimes it comes out as “there are always outsiders coming around to tell us how to run the league, they will not make it better”. I get what he is trying to say, but at the same time all avenues may need to be explored given where things are at, even distasteful ones to the purists (and I count myself among them). Anyway, respect others who read his comments differently than I take them. Could just be my biased interpretation. Naylor’s approach that “well clearly the NFL model is the ONLY obviously right way to go, we are blowing it by not bowing down to it” leans too far the other way, and sure looks agenda driven from his perspective. Just trying to figure out exactly his agenda is.
  23. The team got fat and sassy over the course of those 12 wins though. Charlie Roberts felt underused and disrespected and staged a distracting walkout. Ritchie did not know how to keep the team’s focus and rested starters down the stretch which led to complacency. They flat out disrespected Calgary by going with a scrub team in game 18 and Calgary needed that game just to get into the playoffs. And Calgary used that new life to carry a chip on their shoulders saying “you should have killed us when you had the chance, you thought we were no threat, now you are going to pay for your mistake”. Then a flat East Final performance that they did not react too seriously enough, and players measuring their ring sizes all week in Montreal in front of fans, media, and opposing players before the game. We all saw the outcome. In 1984 that team had serious challengers. BC were also a powerhouse. Edmonton was fading but still had leftover weapons from their 5 time Cup champions and Dunigan slinging it at QB. Toronto was the East favourite and also strong. This team would do well to treat the Riders, Lions, and Tiger Cats as threats who can up their game at any time. They know Toronto can beat them, and Montreal has given us fits at times. Be humble, be focussed, tune out all the noise, good and bad, and let the play on the field do the talking. O’Shea, Walters, and Miller have done a solid job of instilling that from the top down.
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