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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Collaros not having an MVP game tonight.
  2. Great effort by Grant to get this extra yards down the sideline.
  3. Why DBs are not receivers. Oh God, Suitor just copied me!
  4. Give up the single and take the yardage. Still a one score game either way.
  5. Well, the first one is a big one against the L’ks.
  6. Redemption bowl so far. Dropsie Rasheed Bailey and wide right Mourtada rewarding the coach’s patience and faith in them
  7. Wow, run your mouth all week and you drop THAT??????
  8. Tied after 3. This is a new look for the Bombers, let’s see if they rise to the challenge.
  9. Collaros still underthrowing on his deep balls.
  10. Brady running with purpose tonight. Hitting those holes quickly and assertively.
  11. Grant has not made our return game appreciably better yet. Time to look at the blocking schemes.
  12. Bombers don’t seem to be fooled by any reverses this year. Great pursuit.
  13. Nah, he just did not listen to the fan boards.
  14. Bombers got away with a huge hold on that missed end zone pass to Lawler, but the RTQ makes it a moot point anyway.
  15. They are 7-0 when having more possession time in a game, and in those games their average was 33:55 to 26:05 against. Their one loss they lost time of possession by 39:46 to 20:14, and the only other game they lost the TOP battle was the Calgary win where it was 27:07 to 32:53 against. So far tonight it is essentially dead even (we are down by 4 seconds). Yes we make some big plays, but it is not typically a quick strike offence, and our defence gets the opponents off the field pretty quickly. We’ll see what adjustments are made and if our defence can wear them down.
  16. Bomber game plan is time of possession and attrition. Wear down the other side with run game and punishing D, and then pull away in the second half.
  17. At 8 and 1, I vote for not an issue of concern.
  18. Nice tight pass to Demski in a tiny window.
  19. 37, and longer than a convert. Don’t need to crown him or anything but let’s not criticize with phony facts for a successful FG.
  20. 2 and out. Think we will be saying that more than a few times tonight.
  21. More of this, less comedy bits with cut out face signs.
  22. Can we all just agree now that he sucks and not obsess over and dissect every comment and how it is a slight against the Bombers for once, and just enjoy the game itself?
  23. Just saying it’s one theory. Would be ridiculous IMO, but look at the times we live in.
  24. There was a bit of a stir on Twitter during and after the RedBlack-Alouette game. Rod said during a touchdown run that the player ran “unmolested” into the end zone, and people started clutching their pearls, saying it was an insult to those who had suffered child abuse and he should be let go. Wonder if that had anything to do with it?
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