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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Trump-endorsed GOP congressman charged with three counts of felony voter fraud minutes before debate Steve Watkins, an honorary co-chair of Trump's re-election campaign, allegedly used a UPS store address to vote. Rep. Steve Watkins, R-Kansas, was charged with three counts of felony voter fraud and a misdemeanor after an investigation into his vote in a 2019 local election. Watkins, a first-term congressman, was charged with voting without being qualified, interference with law enforcement by providing false information and unlawful advance voting. Shawnee County District Attorney Mike Kagay, a fellow Republican, announced the charges Tuesday about 30 minutes before a televised debate between Watkins and his primary challengers. The congressman was also charged with a misdemeanor charge for failing to notify the DMV that he had changed his address. Watkins, who was endorsed by President Donald Trump and is an honorary co-chair of the Trump re-election campaign, denied the allegations. Watkins, who won his 2018 race by just 0.8 percentage points in a district Trump carried by 19 points, faced the scrutiny of the Federal Election Commission scrutiny in an investigation into whether his father, Steve Watkins Sr., illegally funneled money into his campaign through his daughters, a contractor and the contractor's wife. https://www.salon.com/2020/07/15/trump-endorsed-gop-congressman-charged-with-three-counts-of-felony-voter-fraud-minutes-before-debate/
  2. Trump ‘Getting Involved’ in Case Against Viral Gun-Toting St. Louis Couple, Says Governor President Trump will be “getting involved” in the case against a white St. Louis couple who went viral after a photograph showed them pointing guns at a group of Black Lives Matter demonstrators passing outside their mansion last month, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said late Tuesday. Mark and Patricia McCloskey are under review for criminal charges and St. Louis Police Chief John Hayden confirmed Tuesday that he’s applied for unspecified warrants related to the case. Meanwhile, CNN reports St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has said Trump and Parson “came after her” for investigating the case and are “spreading misinformation and distorting the truth.” Parson, a Republican, said he’s spoken with Trump about the case and the president “doesn’t like what he sees and the way these people are being treated.” Parson said Attorney General Bill Barr “was represented on the call,” and that he thinks the president and Barr “are going to take a look” at the McCloskey case. In an interview clip posted by Townhall on Tuesday, Trump defended the McCloskeys, saying: “I understand somebody local, they want to prosecute these people. It’s a disgrace.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-getting-involved-in-case-against-viral-gun-toting-st-louis-couple-says-governor?ref=home (Trump may be demented but he is consistent)
  3. These range north riight into the Silver Heights area as well.
  4. Desperate action by a completely incompetent administration
  5. Damn right, we did. It was surreal and I remember thinking that the slaughter cannot keep going like this.
  6. How about "The Edmonton Ookpiks"? (Blast from the past reference, but I kinda like it)
  7. As they were prostrating themselves before the demi-god. Important detail.
  8. Its not that they coyotes were seen- they were engaging in stalking people and dogs, which is a clear danger signal. They are going to have to be thinned out but they are very intelligent.
  9. Trump’s unraveling: Mental health experts explain why the next 4 months could be really dangerous Donald Trump on Friday commuted the sentence of his crony, Roger Stone. As Mitt Romney tweeted, “Unprecedented historic corruption: an American president commutes the sentence of a person convicted by a jury of lying to shield that very president.” So the president of the United States takes action to help his buddy, a convicted felon, but he cannot take decisive steps to combat the coronavirus pandemic and save lives. This is an act of corruption of the highest order. And this is an example of Trump’s mental disorder and a stark preview of his unraveling over the next four months leading up to the November election. Heading to the November election, Trump’s mental disorder will continue to unravel in the face of mounting pressures and stress. Now, Trump has found a new foil and is attacking Anthony Fauci, a highly respected public health expert. Dr. Fauci has served in five presidential administrations. He relies on data and science. Trump trying to discredit Dr. Fauci is a desperate attempt to blame him for Trump’s own catastrophic handling of the deadly pandemic. And it is another reflection of the gravity of his mental disorder. Unstable and Unraveling What we are seeing in plain view is a narcissistic and antisocial president who is unstable and unraveling daily. He is faced with falling poll numbers, a ferocious and ignored pandemic, an economic recession that he caused, a damaging tell-all book by his niece and defeats by the Supreme Court. Trump’s responses: rants, tweets, lies, whining, conspiracy theories, threats, scapegoating, corruption, feeling victimized, stubbornness. The list goes on and on. Since taking office, Trump’s mental disorder has been in full display. Story after story has been written about his grandiose view of himself; his 19,000 lies to the American people, his bullying, his vindictiveness, his unprecedented breaking of norms, his reckless behavior, his total lack of empathy, his use of projection, his refusal to accept responsibility for his actions and his corruption. All combined, these symptoms and characteristics and behaviors constitute a mental disorder that is serious and debilitating. And the only way to change a personality disorder is with ongoing treatment, especially psychotherapy. Cognitive Issues, Too Added to his personality pathology is the strong likelihood of Trump’s cognitive decline. His vocabulary range has narrowed. His abstract thinking is limited. His reasoning is shallow. He is unfocused. He has difficulty processing complex information. His decision-making is impaired. His judgment is poor. He often appears listless and apathetic. He repeats simple words and phrases over and over. He cannot shift and adapt. His gait can be abnormal. He had trouble drinking a glass of water with one hand. Trump’s cognitive decline could be reflective of dementia; such cognitive problems gradually get worse, not better. Heading to the November election, Trump’s mental disorder will continue to unravel in the face of mounting pressures and stress. He will become increasingly erratic, unstable and desperate. His display of power and corruption may not be hidden any longer. He will take great measures to suppress voter turnout. He will incite racism and a culture war. He will blame and scapegoat others. He will engage in escalating rants, tweets, name-calling, accusations, overt threats, projections, bullying, lies, gaslighting, triangulation, obstruction and whining. His thinking, reasoning, decision-making and judgment will continue to wane. The next four months will be unnerving and unsettling for sure. Trump is unraveling before our eyes. Alan D. Blotcky, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Birmingham, Ala. He is clinical associate professor, Department of Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham. John M. Talmadge, MD, is clinical professor of psychiatry, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. He is also Senior Medical Advisor, The Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas. https://www.alternet.org/2020/07/trumps-unraveling-mental-health-experts-explain-why-the-next-4-months-could-be-really-dangerous/ (Trump is more than halfway there already, and will likely resort to Rx's to cope)
  10. What took them so long? This was common knowledge 3 years ago. Yes, yes, I know....he's the Crotch-grabber in chief.
  11. Trump stuns observers as his press conference goes off the deep end: ‘Self-destruction of the president’ President Donald Trump clearly misses holding rallies filled with thousands of his fawning supporters hanging on his every self-aggrandizing word. So on Tuesday, at a press event ostensibly staged to discuss his new executive order withdrawing recognition of Hong Kong as independent from China, he decided to indulge himself by launching into a meandering campaign-style monologue for the reporters in attendance. He leaped from topic to topic, sometimes in a single run-on sentence, and often failed to complete thought. He took aim at his election opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, attacking a laundry list of the Democrat’s policies that he twisted and distorted. Recalling a campaign theme he has long ignored, Trump called out Biden’s son, saying: “Where’s Hunter?” And he returned to many of his favorite topics, such as immigration. He boasted of his relationship with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and warned that a President Biden would tear down the wall he has started to build on parts of the U.S.-Mexico border. “Probably never been a time when candidates are so different,” Trump said. There was no consistent thread or argument to his ramblings, aside from his own supposed greatness. It was pure stream of consciousness, supplemented by factoids apparently printed on notes on his lectern. He claimed to be the defender of African Americans at one moment because he favors school choice, but then slipped into attacking low-income housing and saying he’d preserve the suburbs — an unsubtle code for protecting white neighborhoods. https://www.alternet.org/2020/07/trump-stuns-observers-as-his-press-conference-goes-off-the-deep-end-self-destruction-of-the-president/
  12. And an out and out Nazi.
  13. Israeli Data Show School Openings Were a Disaster Of 1,400 Israelis diagnosed with COVID-19 last month, 657 (47 percent) were infected in schools. Now 2,026 students, teachers, and staff have it, and 28,147 are quarantined. https://www.thedailybeast.com/israeli-data-show-school-openings-were-a-disaster-that-wiped-out-lockdown-gains?ref=home
  14. 13 steps forwards, 5 step back. That's life.
  15. Playing under the real threat of COVID infection would be a very bad idea for Domi. Type One diabetics have very compromised immune systems.
  16. Its not just about the win-loss record, its mostly about the intense (and mostly friendly) rivalry between neighbours.
  17. According to an Inuit historian, the term, "Eskimo" is a derogatory term used by the Cree, so that alone ought to be enough to change it.
  18. In other words, business as usual in the Trump administration.
  19. I have no problem with US health officials visiting Canada- God knows they can learn a lot from the Canadian handling of the pandemic. On the other hand, they probably know what needs to be done but are not being allowed to. It strikes me that the US having the worst record on the pandemic, followed by India and Brazil is even worse than it first appears. India and Brazil have rudimentary healthcare systems and yet they are in better shape than the US with their gazillion-dollar system. BTW: Trump is still fixated on destroying the ACA without pretending he has a better plan. Ironically, his base will suffer and die the most if Trump succeeds, but that doesn't seem to have occurred to them. No doubt the current crisis would be a lot worse if the ACA was not in place.
  20. Being a racist is bad enough, but when you make a living by inciting hatred, that is nothing short of evil.
  21. More like "Little Alabama".
  22. Apparently 5 of the 10 worst weather-related disasters in Canada's recorded history have happened in the Calgary area and the recent rain/hail storm is expected to be the costliest insurance payout in Canadian history. Some advantage.
  23. "Bad optics" means it looks bad, but does not imply or deny culpability.
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