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  1. Apparently the RCMP blocked entry to the church parking lot but it is uncertain if any tickets were handed out. In related news, the Living Springs church (run by a former used-car dealer who found that religion was waaay more profitable) had a parking lot service. Police were present but no reports of any intervention.
  2. Apparently Prowse thought he could voice Vader as well as or better than Jones. He was told his voice would be dubbed over, and did not take it well, so all through the scenes, he mumbled gibberish. The other actors took it well and humoured him, though it was sometimes difficult to know which lines they ought to be reciting.
  3. What has been created can be adapted to an ever-changing economic world. Our society cannot compete head to head with countires like China who have no societal infrastructure like medicare, pensions, work safety standards, environmental protections, decent wages etc. We do have the right to protect our living standards instead of trying to compete in a race to the bottom. This will require a shift in our buying attitudes and having to pay more for our toys- an unpalatable thought for many.
  4. Well, obviously the Pope is not a real Christian.
  5. Apparently there are three other vaccines almost ready to be tested. This ought to both speed up the availability and depress the price.
  6. Trump amd his abettors continue to wreak as much damage as possible to create problems for Biden's incoming administration. Apparently about three weeks ago, Trump had to be talked out of authorizing an airstrike on Iranian nuclear facilities. This would have almost guaranteed a reprisal against American or Israeli assets. Now, Trump is thinking of planning a massive rally to be held at the same time as Biden's inauguration. The only thing that he and his rabid followers can understand is prosecution.
  7. I believe there are several in his party that look accross the border and envy the GOP. I suspect that most of these come from west of Manitoba and O'Toole is afraid of alienating the wingnut MPs and thus risking another schism in the party. A devil's choice really, but those PCs who still have shreds of morals can hold their noses for only so long and will either leave or have tolerance breaks.
  8. I afraid that this is now the new "normal" for the GOP. If they do not split down the middle, I will be surprised.
  9. Who doesn’t love a little light pettiness?. Treasury Secretary Moves $455 Billion of Unspent Stimulus Money Out of Biden’s Reach Because Petty There is a difference between my 1-year-old daughter throwing my 3-year-old son’s stuffed Mickey Mouse over the banister so that no one can play with it, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin moving $455 billion in unspent stimulus money into a fund that wouldn’t allow incoming President Joe Biden access to it without Congressional approval. “That amount includes money that Mnuchin is yanking from the Federal Reserve and unused loans for companies. The funds will be deposited into the Treasury’s General Fund, which requires legislative approval to use the money elsewhere. The Treasury Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment,” Business Insider reports. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Moves $455 Billion of Unspent Stimulus Money (theroot.com)
  10. Drug Pushed by Trump for COVID is Tied to Mental Disturbances George Frey/Getty News Research has already shown that hydroxychloroquine, the drug that President Trump touted as a COVID-19 cure, is ineffective against the coronavirus. Now regulators in Europe are warning that the anti-malarial and an associated chemical, chloroquine, have been tied to mental health disturbances in COVID patients who were given higher-than-normal doses. Spain documented six cases, including some in which suicidal behavior was reported. (Obviously Trump has been on hydroxychloroquine)
  11. Report: US Ramping Up Deportations of Black Asylum-Seekers Lucy Nicholson/Reuters Immigration officials are ramping up deportation efforts against Black asylum-seekers, sometimes assaulting and threatening immigrants in attempt to make them sign deportation papers, according to a new Los Angeles Times report. The escalated measures have targeted asylum-seekers from African and Caribbean nations, including those who risk torture or death in their home countries. An immigration watchdog told the Times that Immigrations and Custom Enforcement flights increased 10 percent in October, an indication that ICE was scaling up deportations. One recently deported Ethiopian man—a teacher who fled political persecution—described the treatment of African immigrants as racist. Immigration attorneys said Black and African immigrants appear to face even worse odds than other groups when applying for asylum. Although many appeared to have clear-cut asylum cases, the U.S. disproportionately rejected these immigrants’ applications, with Cameroonians and Eritreans facing approximately twice as many rejections as people Cubans and Venezuelans. Attorneys said rejections of Black asylum-seekers appear to be on the rise, for “clearly bogus reasons.” In one such case, ICE allegedly claimed an asylum-seeker had failed to prove his identity. In fact, the agency had all the man’s documents on file.
  12. At least the numbers have stabilized for the moment in the mid-300's as opposed to the 500's we had recently. We have about 7-10 days before the surge we saw last week starts to show up in hositalizations and ICU beds. Kim Jong Un Is Freaking Out So Much About COVID That He’s Executing People, Spies Say Jamie Ross Reuters Kim Jong Un is panicking so much about the coronavirus pandemic and its economic impact that he’s started executing people, according to South Korean spies. South Korean lawmakers spoke to reporters Friday after a briefing from the country’s National Intelligence Service. According to the Associated Press, one of those lawmakers, Ha Tae-keung, quoted the NIS as saying Kim is showing “excessive anger” and taking “irrational measures” over the raging pandemic. Those measures are said to include the executions of at least two officials—one who was held responsible for the falling exchange rate, and another who is said to have violated government rules stopping goods from being brought in from abroad. Kim is also said to have banned fishing and salt production, apparently in a scientifically dubious effort to prevent seawater from becoming infected. Read it at Associated Press
  13. When O'Toole did not censure or even contradict his MPs who retweeted Qanon crap. that ought to have given you an idea what kind of "leader" he is and how he sees where the support for his party is coming from.
  14. A CNN survey today found that 75% of GOP believe that the election was "stolen" from Trump.
  15. According to American law, the pardoned person does not have to admit guilt, nor does the pardoner have to state what the offender is being pardoned for.
  16. Trump ‘untethered to reality’ — and his Thanksgiving rant proves it: CNN’s Berman Brad Reed and The New Civil Rights Movement November 27, 2020 CNN host John Berman on Friday lit into President Donald Trump for going on an unhinged Thanksgiving rant about the 2020 election in which he once again falsely claimed that he won. Berman in particular zeroed in on Trump's seething anger at Reuters White House correspondent Jeff Mason, who asked the president on Thursday if he'd concede that he lost the election. "He was yelling at Jeff Mason, who is the most mild-mannered reporter in America, who was asking one of the most obvious questions in America, which is, 'Will you concede the race that you lost?'" Berman said. "I think it gave a window into where the president is this morning and how untethered to reality he may be." Guest Ron Brownstein shared Berman's assessment and talked about the harm it's doing to the United States. "[He's] doing real damage," Brownstein said. "You've seen the polling: Three-quarters of Republicans now believe the election was stolen. We've never seen anything like this, an effort by a president to systemically undermine the results of the election."
  17. Court Rejects Trump’s PA Election Appeal in Scathing Decision “Calling an election unfair does not make it so,” the court wrote. Erin Schaff/Getty News A federal appeals court has shot down the Trump Campaign’s attempt to overturn the election result in Pennsylvania, writing in a scathing decision that there is no evidence the vote count was unfair. “Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here,” the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals wrote in a 21-page opinion The decision comes after Pennsylvania already certified that President-elect Joe Biden was the winner but makes clear that Trump does not have a legal leg to stand on in contesting the outcome. Trump Already Backpedaling on Statement About Leaving On Thanksgiving, a very cranky President Trump was asked if he would leave the White House if the Electoral College makes Joe Biden’s victory official. After some hemming and hawing, the lame-duck president said, “Certainly, I will.” It didn’t take long for that certainty to dissipate. On Friday, Trump tweeted out a new benchmark for making way for Biden. “Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his ridiculous ‘80,000,000 votes’ were not fraudulently or illegally obtained. When you see what happened in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia & Milwaukee, massive voter fraud, he’s got a big unsolvable problem!” Of course, the courts have already found, over and over again, that there was no evidence of fraud and, in some cases, not even allegations of fraud from the Trump campaign. (Anyone surprised?)
  18. As they should be. When you get to 15% dissidents in a society, you have the potential for violent eruptions. Reagan, then GW Bush and now Trump have sown the seeds of discord and violence that will bear bitter fruit for decades to come.
  19. Trump still has not given up: https://www.salon.com/2020/11/27/take-trumps-coup-seriously-its-no-joke--and-bidens-win-was-just-a-sugar-high/
  20. ‘Kraken’ attorney's message for Trump fans: Make checks payable to Sidney Powell Today we learned why mobster Don Donald Trump wanted the wildest of his wild-eyed attorneys ejected unceremoniously from his so-called legal team: She was trying to cut into his action. Yes, TV attorney Sidney Powell can grift with the best of them. Now that Powell has "unleashed the Kraken" with the help of a copy editor who was smoking the Kraken, it's time to resolve one of the burning questions of the QAnon universe: "How can we ever show our appreciation to Sidney Powell?" It turns out you can send her a check as part of a ruse so shameless that Powell isn't bothering to have your payment made out to the 501 C-4 political "organization" she formed. Just pay the woman directly. You can goose step your way to www.sidneypowell.com and press the "Donate Now" button to support the "Legal Defense Fund for the American Republic." First thing you'll see is a nice photo of Sidney Powell captioned "KRAKEN RELEASER." Scroll down and you'll see some small links to the lawsuits followed by a much larger "DONATE BELOW" button. That's where you get chumped, as they say in the world of scams. (Trump may be on his way out but the stench and grift live on)
  21. "U.S. is going to see darkest days in modern medical history": Doctor's warning as 95% of country sees uncontrollable COVID-19 spread and 50 million travel for Thanksgiving.
  22. One of my all-time favourite sitcoms. Loved Les Nessman, Herb Tarlik, Johnny Fever, Venus Flytrap et al. Faded away far too soon.
  23. The family that loads together, explodes together.
  24. F***! MARN is saying that nurses in personal care homes often do not have N95 masks despite what Minister Freisen is saying.
  25. It would be a great thing if the Commission refused to hear the complaint.
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