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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. YOUR DAILY WTF : Critics slam president's pal after he suggested COVID vaccine be named 'The Trump' Geraldo Rivera suggested that the coronavirus vaccine be named after President Donald Trump to make him feel better about losing the presidential election and Twitter users quickly fired back. During an appearance on Fox & Friends, Rivera proposed a wild idea of naming the coronavirus vaccine "The Trump." He even went a step further to offer dialogue examples of how that suggestion would work. According to Rivera, naming the vaccine after Trump could be a way to "honor" following his election loss.
  2. The technology has stalled at energy storage, and there does not seem to be anything new and revolutionary on the horizon.
  3. To minimize your risk exposure, bring your own bags, go at store opening and use the self-checkout.
  4. I've posted this before. Trump and all his miscreants need to be investigated and vigorously prosecuted where appropriate but transparently and within the confines of the law. Engaging in specious prosecutions will destroy the credibility of the incoming Democrat administration and justify the GOP wailings of persecution. The GOP and Trump will do this regardless, but should not be given any justification. The Democrats have to show that they have the moral high ground or many of the voters who supported them in 2020 will abandon them for a very long time.
  5. Mnuchin was a movie producer who has zero experience in managing any kind of government. He apparently loves the status but his incompetence is breathtaking.
  6. Trump's secretary of the treasury, Steve Mnuchin announced today that he is slashing federal support programs for businesses and individuals due to "their being under-utilized". This has not been accepted as reality by anyone with intelligence higher than a house plant, but sure as spit seems to be part of Trump's campaign of scorched earth in his wake to cripple the economy for years to come.
  7. Rudy Giuliani’s Son Tests Positive for COVID Day After Attending Dad’s Bonkers ‘Fraud’ Briefing In a Friday morning tweet, Rudy Giuliani’s son Andrew said he had tested positive for COVID-19, and was experiencing mild symptoms. According to The New York Times, Andrew was at his dad’s bizarre press ‘election fraud’ conference on Thursday which featured lots of sweat and not many face masks. Rudy sweated so profusely during the cramped, indoor event that brown streaks, possibly hair dye, ran down his face. Andrew, who works in the White House Office of Public Liaison, said he was “following all appropriate protocols, including being in quarantine and conducting contact tracing.” According to CDC advice, 76-year-old Rudy, who is at higher risk of severe coronavirus symptoms due to his age, should self-isolate for 14 days due to his close contact with his son. Pence is a hypcritical toady who is complicit in the deaths of a quarter-million Americans, yet his willful blindness allows him to sleep at night.
  8. ’ Brad Reed and Raw Story November 20, xas Trump supporters say they're ready to take up arms the minute the president gives the order Some supporters of President Donald Trump in Texas say they're willing to take up arms against the American government the minute that Trump gives them the order. In an interview with Reuters, Texas-based chiropractor Brett Fryar says he has joined a militia group called the South Plains Patriots who are conducting firearms training sessions in case they need to stage an armed revolt against the American government. "If President Trump comes out and says: 'Guys, I have irrefutable proof of fraud, the courts won't listen, and I'm now calling on Americans to take up arms,' we would go," he explained. In total, Reuters interviewed 50 different Trump supporters across the country and found that all of them believe that President-elect Joe Biden had stolen the election from Trump https://www.alternet.org/2020/11/trump-texas/
  9. INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE- Here’s How Hugo Chavez, Dead Since 2013, Became Responsible for Trump’s Election Loss You probably guessed it from the headline: It’s truly nuts. The Trump campaign presented the public with a cornucopia of bogus new election fraud claims on Thursday, including one that seemed to have its roots in a 2016 conspiracy involving perpetual GOP boogeyman George Soros. The press conference will be remembered best for Rudy Giuliani, who in between trying to wipe up the apparent hair dye dripping down his face, promised that he had over 100 affidavits showing voter fraud, but alas, just couldn’t show them to anyone. But the real star was attorney Sidney Powell, who has been at the vanguard of absolute election nonsense since election night. On Thursday, Powell declared that she had found the real villains behind Trump’s election defeat: billionaire Soros and deceased Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. In Powell’s telling, Chavez had been pulling the strings on American voting software this whole time. https://www.thedailybeast.com/heres-how-hugo-chavez-dead-since-2013-became-responsible-for-trumps-election-loss?ref=home?ref=home Trump called two GOP officials before they tried to rescind their votes to certify election results. Now, they want to rescind the vote President Donald Trump personally called two Republican election officials in Michigan before they attempted to rescind their votes to certify results from Wayne County. Monica Palmer and William Hartmann, the two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers, tried to block the results of the vote in Detroit for hours on Tuesday. Palmer, the panel's Republican chair, said they would only back the certification of results in "communities other than Detroit," which has the largest Black population in the state. Members of the public and election officials from around the state excoriated the Republican duo as "racist" during the virtual meeting. Hours later, the two eventually agreed to vote with Democrats to certify the results. https://www.salon.com/2020/11/19/trump-called-two-gop-officials-before-they-tried-to-rescind-their-votes-to-certify-election-results/
  10. And if you think this will change the minds of the Trumpers, you will be very disappointed. Fanaticism does not respond to reason.
  11. I do not know how a pure-electric vehicle will cope when driven on the highway at -30 degrees with a heater and defroster going. I suspect the vehicle would go about 15 kilometers.
  12. Aaand....Here It Comes: This lawsuit actually says a state's votes for Biden should just be flipped to Trump When it became obvious that Joe Biden had an insurmountable lead over President Donald Trump in the Pennsylvania vote count, the Associated Press called the Keystone State for Biden on Saturday, November 7 — thus giving the former vice president the 270 electoral votes he needed to become president-elect of the United States. Biden's lead in Pennsylvania has only grown since then, but that hasn't stopped Trump's campaign and Rudy Giuliani from claiming that the president really won the state. And on Wednesday, the Trump campaign made a strikingly anti-democratic demand in a Pennsylvania lawsuit in an attempt to make that fantasy a reality. In the suit, according to Politico, Trump's campaign argues that his campaign's constitutional rights were violated in Pennsylvania and that the state's 20 electoral votes should be given to him by the GOP-control state legislature because he is the real winner. The lawsuit, which names Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and seven counties as defendants, complains that Republican election observers had insufficient access to the counting of mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania. https://www.alternet.org/2020/11/election-fraud-lawsuit In the army, there is a saying "BOHICA"- "bend over here it comes again", and the American voters who chose Biden in Pennsylvania are gonna have their votes nullified if this suit succeeds.
  13. This is why the phrase, "batshit crazy" was coined. We can only hope that the few remaining sane GOP congressmen and senators will finally be revulsed enough to step forward and say "Enough". America is teetering on the brink of fascism, and Lou Dobbs of Faux News is openly urging the GOP to ignore the election outcome and continue to govern. Scary stuff.
  14. The Trump cabal has not crossed the line into overtly illegal conspiracy to commit sedition. They are gambling that they have installed enough thralls in the DOJ and Senate that they can get away with it. I hope that this will finally provoke the Biden people to rain fire and brinstone on them when finally in office.
  15. 'Raise the alarm': Experts warn of 'sedition' and 'coup' as Michigan GOP leaders plan meeting with Trump Experts are clearly on edge as news breaks that the two top Republican officials from the state of Michigan are flying to DC to meet with President Donald Trump "at his request," according to a Washington Post reporter, and local Michigan news outlets. And some are warning of a possible "coup." Even The New York Times is reporting: "Trump tries to subvert the election, inviting Michigan G.O.P. lawmakers to the White House." "After failing repeatedly in court to overturn election results, President Trump is taking the extraordinary step of reaching out directly to Republican state legislators as he tries to subvert the Electoral College process," the Times says. Michigan by law is required to certify its election results Monday, November 23. President-elect Joe Biden won the state by 3 percentage points and over 150,000 votes. There are no credible reports of fraud and yet Trump has declared himself the winner. https://www.alternet.org/2020/11/trump-coup-2648983031/
  16. And has been for decades. The examples of Switzerland and Portugal clearly show that there is a viable alternative to clogging up the courts.
  17. Americans are just entering the ugliest, most desperate phase of the Trumpite defence, where nothing is now off-limits. Threats, outright lies, threats and intimidation will not become common.
  18. Presenting a firm defence?
  19. This means that 12 million Americans will be without any income as of December 1st- just in time for the holidays. The bastards.
  20. MAGA Truthers Make Desperate Last Stand at Miami Church Vigil. The election’s over, and oh yeah, the coronavirus is real. Just don’t tell this crowd. MIAMI—On Wednesday night, Alberto Delgado strolled onto the stage of Alpha & Omega, the Miami-area Evangelical megachurch where he serves as senior pastor, and promised nearly 200 MAGA diehards that Donald Trump would serve another term as president. Despite an avalanche of court rulings rejecting Trump’s fact-free claims of voter fraud, Delgado—a snow-haired, natty-dressed preacher with a baritone voice and who serves as a religious adviser to Trump—assured his flock that the fight for the White House was just getting started. "God can do great things for Donald Trump if you believe," Delgado said in Spanish. “Trump is the man God has chosen for these times. This is why I am telling you we have not lost.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/maga-truthers-make-desperate-last-stand-at-miami-church-vigil?ref=home Wayne County Republicans Desperately Trying to Rescind Their Votes to Certify Election Results Reuters/Shannon Stapleton This is just getting embarrassing now. On Tuesday, the two Republicans on an election board in Michigan’s most populous county made a dramatic u-turn and voted to certify the results of the election. But now they’re trying to claw their votes back. According to the Washington Post, the two GOP members of the four-member Wayne County Board allege that they were bullied by Democrats into voting to certify the results and want their votes to be rescinded.
  21. Don't care if he's into bondage.
  22. I am deeply aggrieved and considering legal action.
  23. The prosecution of the Trump mafia (including his family) must be as dispassionate as possible. The Trumpers will scream persecution and witch hunts but its not as if this will be anything new for them. The DOJ needs to flip a few and then the floodgates will open as everyone tries to throw everyone else under the bus to save their own skins.
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