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White Out

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Everything posted by White Out

  1. I like MOS as a person, he seems a hard working genuine man. But I don`t think hes a good coach and I also cant stand his deer in headlights, **** eating grin after things begin imploding.
  2. I don't know what we have yet. If I had a gun to my head and was forced to predict our record I`d probably go with 9-9 or 8-10.
  3. Quite a swing game. Lose at home against a crappy east team and got to think pitchforks will start getting sharpened. Win and you're 3-2 and sky's the limit. Sports. Edit I want to add, that the reason the swing still exist for us and not so much for other teams in the West, is our track record the last very long while. Calgary, Edmonton BC, can go through a bit of a losing streak but their fans know that there is hope and light around the corner. We sort of only know suffering.
  4. You have to be really bad to miss the playoffs in the CFL i agree.
  5. Making the playoffs in the CFL isn`t much to hoot about. 6 out of 9 teams make it. I mean really.
  6. I get that there should be loyalty in the business but Lapo hasn't earned it. I also find it hard to believe you couldn't find ANYONE besides Lapo. But it seemingly has become so that MOS has hitched his wagon to Lapolice. Foolish.
  7. If you don't like Lapo then you should be criticizing MOS because MOS wanted him and appears to continue to want him.
  8. I'm sure Ottawa fans were only partially enthusiastic about their grey cup win since they were under 500. Lol. Jeez.
  9. Gaw, I had a great little write up and then my son hit the back button. Oh well, I'll respond to this post instead. Walters was hired in 2013... that's not exactly recent. We're in a 9 team league where there's significant roster turn over. The RedBlacks started from 0 in 2010 and won the Grey Cup last year. We're very fortunate to be 2-2. Our schedule isn't as soft as people would suggest considering we started against the SSK Toilet Bowls, had an injury decimated Stamps at home, and Toronto. This was really our toughest game so far and even then their #1 QB was out with injury. No one is crying into their pillow but your post is a great example of where we really need to bridge a couple of factions on this forum. There's a large segment of us who are shell shocked from decades of sucking. I mean, just stop for a moment and consider I was able to use the word decade plural there. Appreciate that and then try and understand where we're coming from. Last night is another symptom of a team who seems to want to win on the cheap. We cheaped out on our coaching staff and it's yielding some pretty lukewarm on field results. So let's just consider where we go from here. The Riders are better this year make no mistake. Edmonton is probably going to win the division, Calgary is still solid despite injuries, and we saw last night that BC is still better than we are. We have to start seeing some progress soon or this will be just enough middling year. I mean who knows maybe then we make the playoffs again and like Ottawa fluke ourselves into a cup win but without home field that will be hard. Then again look at our home field record and maybe its a good thing? Sorry for such a disjointed response.
  10. Yeah fair enough. What annoys me the most is this attempt to be on a pragmatic position of high ground. Did anything about last night give you reason to believe we've progressed? Any of our games really. We almost lost to the Riders and Calgary promptly lost to Montreal after bleeding us to death slowly. It's the same issues with this regime from day one. Terrible play calling and decision making and a general lack of high end talent. But make no mistake, a competent coaching staff delivered us a win yesterday.
  11. It's pretty exhausting hearing for over a decade that this is all an over reaction and we just need patience.
  12. I don't understand. I think our coaching is terrible, and your retort seems to be we scored 42 points. Ok? We gave up 45. What now? lol.
  13. We have the worst coaching staff in the league, I wouldn't even hear a contention on that. From our coach to the coordinators... jesus christ.
  14. IF MOS isn't the worst coach in the league, Austin only narrowly is worse.
  15. I mean, he isn't playing his brains out... but we're on pace to give up nearly 60 here. Is Nichols really the pressing issue right now?
  16. impossible to write how important that touchdown drive was. huge.
  17. Was thinking that too. Not a lot has really gone well so far. Dress looks good. I guess.
  18. I really wish people would stop conflating score with entertainment. High scoring games with ridiculous penalties, challenges to fish for penalties, and inconsistent reffing is much worse than a low scoring game. The worst part of a CFL game, and by far, is watching and waiting when something good happens to see if a flag is on the carpet. Or the endless challenges that bog down the game. I'm shocked I still watch, and I'm sure if I didn't love the Bombers I probably would have stopped watching. I hope the new commish gets in their and mandates that the league is TV and fan friendly; cut way down on the flags, challenges, and endless delays. Improving the officiating is harder to do; look no further than the States and the eff ups that happen every week in the NFL. Being a ref is hard but the league has put itself behind the 8 ball already by having some very stupid rules.
  19. the 2nd half was night and day from the first half, but the Argos also dropped some TD passes. Happens to every team I guess. I was very happy with the D adjustments and thought Hall and the D deserves a tip of the hat for it. Very interested to see how the BC game goes.
  20. Jesus, I said no one on the defense was good? I think some folks are wanting to get into arguments on the interwebz and not actually discuss or debate issues. I said our D was bad. It is so far. It can improve but we've given up 40 and 29 points in 2 games. Not exactly a reason to celebrate and pop champagne that we've suddenly solved the defensive side of the game. And that became "not a single player on D is good". Incredible.
  21. Surprised to see so many Wild defenders. Our defense is really bad and the fact that his loss is something to crow about means things are worse than I thought. Is Wild hot garbage? God no. But he's not good enough, something he shares in common with the rest of the D.
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