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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Osh really likes Coles athleticism...so u never know
  2. Ellingson out...unlikely to play...hasn't played all camp....glad we cut bait there
  3. agree...his plea date was April...hence...now that he entered plea has to get the immigration thing worked through...is what it is and no fault of anyone other than slow court system
  4. Lets see what ol Osh does now....The use of Thomas on the line....or Haba in a rotation, as we do well with 3...4 ends in package serves more benefit than a Clements at Will....we have the versatility with Darby/Biggie and BA to make the rotation of Briggs/Gauthier/Kramdi work....
  5. Well heck ya..we may start a combo of Briggs Gauthier as well at Will...enabling us to roster Thomas....Biggie is versatile so he can slide over to Will..Drop off into deep 3rd and have BA come up and support that area and put a lil tom foolery into what Ham expects to see...there's options
  6. Bennett may serve some use...Schmekel way overmatched...and showed zippity doo dah...Lawson can't come back soon enough Practice is practice....sure u can look good breaking up0 plays you see and recognize...daily...its in the game that counts..last yr...didnt impress...missed tackles...gets washed way in traffic....had assignment errors...still seen it in pre-season too... I bet just how Osh is with roster and his bias at times to guys who been here...he will get a HB start to open season...the position where he gets exposed more at...but whatevs...won't lose sleep over it and having a guy with minimal physicality ut there for game 1....There is a reason we didnt get rid of Rose...Or Lawrence...Houston...Or Swarmay...When the horses are all back u will see rose..lawrence....nichols..Parker and BA manning the db spots...with if Osh uses roster properly will have Houston or Cole as the 6th if we go that route with an import db DI'd...Parker/Houston and what I seen of Cole if he continues to develop offer more to the roster...time will tell but week 1 roster will look a lot diff than week 3 and onward
  7. yeah...but the clowns on B.C say otherwise....hahahaha....But I agree...He's had no issues from college...until last week.....so...what seems not to fit here....yup....B.C and their spin...No worries...I bet my left nut he's in B&G next summer...And I like my left nut
  8. same with Campbell too...he has a face where I wouldnt pissss on him if he was on fire
  9. BOLO has already shown he goes downfield and blocks...thats why the staff and receiver group loves him...he has talent...but also plays like Bailey....what a perfect vet to learn from
  10. nope...and over last 2 yrs...have a lot of issues with guys being late...missing mtgs...etc....Campbell if u ask me is a putz of a coach who his players take advantage of and no accountability is evident there...from top to bottom...thats the take that I am seeing
  11. yeah bizzare scenario...And we dont know what B.C told him when he signed....may have said "you" are our starter...then waivered?...or like mentioned...he putting in the work and effort that has been ingrained in him here...where nary an issue was raised, and where he was in a rotation as well...and saw slackers....loafers...guys not putting in the work the way he is accustomed to...so voiced his concern...and yeah if he said "wtf man...I doing more than anyone here...encouraging guys to step it up)..etc..etc....and am being pushed to bottom of depth chart...I'd be cheesed too and say something....now his previous day tweet where all he said was "winning takes commitment" is very telling...sucks he went there to play at home...and this happens....but bet come 2024...he will be back playing at his "home"
  12. thats what I see too....win win for us....it's like picking up a motivated top tier Free Agent mid season....me like
  13. I dont hate Jones as much in Edm...That Rider stench on anyone makes them just much more easy to despise, and laugh at...
  14. The lil Piglet for me as well
  15. meh....crap happens...lib=ve and learn and know u know....he'll be back in lineup...and we will be better....and he will be fresh
  16. Yup...a team that tries to start crap in parking lot after a game...like they did in cgy last yr to me screams issues and lack of culture and solid leadership Also from his time here Kongbo was nothing but a hard worker and solid teammate and from all accounts still is He actually tweated a day before all this happened "winning takes commitment" So was he kinda cryptically putting out notice to teammates to buck up?? A 2 time champ who survived in the Bomber locker room with no issues whatsoever...and that culture and work and team first...ya I will give him the benefit of doubt
  17. sure glad we dont have to deal with that kind of nonesense
  18. and the Faj is the Queen lol...Trever Harris too...he's the whiny lil Prince of it
  19. I'd even like to see us give Karamoko a spin at will...He has the body for it...and likes to stick his nose into the fray....being a global who could be backed up on roster by a Canadian...or like we said moving Darby around, who I would see have no issues at Wil, and sliding Kramdi in his spot would allow us that extra import tackle. If we could get Ford back sooner than later...I would even have him as the 6th DB on the roster freeing up another import spot used on a DI's DB....He can play corner or half...has return abilities and was great on teams Sooner than later we are gonna have a nice problem with Hansen and Wilson back ready to go, and like mentioned...possibly Ford...and every yr we have a new young stud step up and become a legit starter...who's it gonna be this yr
  20. thats what I would do as well until Wilson is back
  21. pretty sure it was more about we couldnt offer him fair value...bet he back here next yr
  22. told you it was a big nothing burger...seen him personally and up close training...there was nothing wrong and am certain he...and a couple of others who were "injured" have been putting in the work and will be just fine condition wise on Friday
  23. I think that was more a bad game than anything....He was solid last yr....I not too concerned if he fills that spot....Looking like it wil be BA with Houston and Lawrence on corners....with Nichols and now the big question who the Other half...I assumed would have been Parker, but he knicked now...still not sold on Holm and did nothing in the pre-season games to wow me...Do they go with Cole?...who offers a bit more over all...Or even Swarmay?...I think there is a diamond in the rough there
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