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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Team that's best against pass ..and have up 8 TDs all yr thru air...never seem to bring that up And Powell
  2. Yeah....no real number 1 legit threat....but a couple #2's KSB is a non factor...as he is a bad route runner and technical receiver...and teams know that now....
  3. Will that help....and then you have Schoen..Lawler...Demski running in a lot of open space...Be interesting to see the Cats initial scheme....and ours...
  4. 56 yards and BO hits 1200 for yr...if he has that or more by halftime...we should be in control
  5. And has zero presence in pocket now...had minimal before...but at least before he knew when to run..and when not to for most part...now it's totally opposite...he looks lost
  6. Shows how crappy the rider run game is when they basically shut em right down...mind u have said mainly times Morrow isn't a legit starting RB...limited hands..can't wear down a team and gets way too many runs for no gain or loss of 2 to 4...not sure what they see there but luckily they never handed the reigns to Hickson as he would have been way better...just another indicator of how brutal that coaching staff is....same with Lanier...totally not an end...doesn't have the athletic ability for it..let alone finish plays off edge...and is getting a butt load of money...plus his questionable conditioning and work ethic...I believe he got hurt again last night? Yeah...he isn't a long term answer...awful deep ball...just floaters....funny thing the media and fanbase there think he's the next legit QB star...and i fine with that...lol Yeah...comparisons to Kelly and ZC hahaha
  7. Yeah we seen what a move to edge at a lighter weight may result in....gave him the path to do it...and coaching....and here he is..what..6 yrs later??
  8. Couldn't agree more..if anyone doesn't view it as nothing more than a cool heart warming story, but also a really bad short sighted roster issue then not sure what they watching. A multitude of National players on our roster could fill that role...heck we played games with no FB on roster and lined Gray up there and did just fine....an actual guy who's job is..and grew up playing moving bodies and clearing a path for a RB
  9. Why aren't TSN hanging kid Canada on Ford?
  10. Yeah pretty much this...our warts have been less noticeable and concerning because we been winning . And our starters across the board can cover it ..but that's also at some point gonna be a serious issue ..you gotta be good to be lucky ..and we are that in several areas/instances
  11. Football you don't need or employ enforcers...and who would he be body guarding for 6 to 12 snaps a game? Who knows the reasoning. ...likes the story I guess and we know Osh likes military stuff ..so prob the reason right there as he is nothing special at all in any role and at 32 next yr ..not worthy of a project
  12. Yeah he has really regressed...and Marshall I would cut immediately...quiter...plays soft ..and still yap yap yaps
  13. Champion calibre defence has given up 189 points in last 4 games....does Ballsy realize that??
  14. Bahahahaha....down the toilet the season goes now
  15. Riders...back to old undisciplined tricks...what a group of losers
  16. Still championship calibre then hahaha Please don't find a way to lose Elks
  17. And didn't we hang over 250 on em last game?? Ya...but...Lanier got hurt
  18. Come to conclusion all Sask DBs suck
  19. Would have beat Sask those first 2 games for sure....
  20. And Marshal again looks pretty bad...why does he get grouped in with top DBs? And Sask must be close to giving up 450...500 yards rushing in last 2 games...Ballsy is right.. champion calibre
  21. Yeah...months ago in regards to a diff issue..man get a life scrolling back like that...am I living that rent free in your head ?? Too fricken funny...and in that instance yeah...they needed a loss for the stupidity...which continued and was totally a factor in a few losses Your just a loser man...straight up
  22. Def was a fumble...and typical TSN doesn't show replay
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