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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. I think that this shows, based on their record, our record, and the fact that they have walloped us a few times in the last year, that they are a much better coached team…
  2. yes I saw it. unusual behaviour for a coach.
  3. Went to the Cavalea Odysseo show last night. You should go. Total fantasy world created, with horses, riders, trick riding, acrobats, gymnasts, dancers and band/music. Best show I've ever seen. check out the guy hanging off the horse in the photos. http://cavalia.net/en/odysseo/photos The founder of the show gave a short speech, said the advanced sales in Winnipeg, are the best in the history of Cavalia show.
  4. Just proves what a bunch of cheapskates winnipegers are doesn't it?
  5. I think you're right. I just saw highlights of last night, gronk and brady made the steelers look useless. Glad Wild wasn't on the field for that. Disagree about the Vikings… Bridgewater was under-rated, now, he's overrated. They just lost their centre, their O line is dicey. Offensive coach hasn't won anything since the nineties. The Colts …. what have they done since last season to get better? Luck throws too many Int for them to win. sneaky team…. the Saints. Maybe the forty-niners will be better than expected. Still have a good quarterback, who came within an inch of Super Bowl win. I might follow the Bills, you know the defence will be good, and Rex is entertaining.
  6. great post so long bannatyne….. makes a lot of sense to me.
  7. JBR is the guy that's been pointing out for several weeks, that the middle of the O line is not very good. so, looks like the team agrees with him. Not that he needs me to defend him Maybe the offence has a chance to do something now.
  8. thanks....didn't know that. doesn't really change the odds much though does it? one example out of probably five hundred or more special teams coaches in pro football. re Doug Brown, I like the guy, and obviously he knows more about football than all of the posters on this board combined. I don't think he has shown any agenda, other than saying what he thinks. "The truth hurts" ..... Randy Moss.
  9. Great coaches don't have losing records and don't get blown out to the Riders. Great coaches also dont wait until its already to late to make changes. O Shea at this point is a shittier coach then Mike Kelly. Even that arrogant prick at least changed the offense after it clearly didn't work. Hopefully he grows as a coach, gets some bawls and make the obvious change on offense. Troy westwood said that the players loved playing for Jeff Reinbold.
  10. And then the special teams was fine. what does that tell us?
  11. If O'Shea succeeds as a head coach, he would be the first person to go from special teams coach, to head coach, with no other experience, and succeed. Unless someone can name another instance in the last twenty years where it happened, in Pro football. The slack he gets, and the belief in his future success here as Bombers head coach, without evidence of any kind to this point, to support it, is odd. Specially considering the hate for some of the other coaches. The only thing I've heard is "players like playing for him". big deal. Westwood said the players loved playing for Reinbold. People keep looking for a single problem, and a simple solution. There's far more than one thing wrong with the team, and more than one person responsible for it's failure.
  12. thought I read that O'Shea was working with special teams lately. token firing that won't result in anything different results wise. edit…. pascuci tweet: "HC Mike O'Shea actually took charge of some ST units last week"
  13. calgary one first down after most of second half? great game.
  14. hope Reilly doesn't get hurt, he's' fun to watch. Bombers aren't the only team with O line problems 58 edmonton????
  15. have to love edmonton receiver 81 laughing it up with the other team after dropping an easy touchdown pass. What a knob. Edmonton receivers dropped a few today, not very good at least in this game. three out of three bad games this weekend.
  16. Just one Collaros injury away from being in the same boat as the rest of the CFL teams imo. O'Shea mentioned on the last Coach's show that NFL teams are hording QB's, that could be part of the problem as well. lot of NFL teams only have two quarterbacks. so not sure how that's hoarding.
  17. watching edmonton / Calgary …. they think Franklin is better than Nichols. three quarters 95 yards passing for Franklin. does not give me hope.
  18. thought of a positive! blown calls by refs haven't cost us any games!
  19. seems to be ok to do that this year. unless the tv angle is misleading.
  20. If the O line players are as bad as you've said they are, who could make them look good?
  21. I'm not an NFL fan but I watched some preseason NFL this last week or two. the teams are far more organized than ours are. Even the guys competing to make the team seem to know where to go on the field and what to do. ….. more and better coaches.
  22. according to John Hodge at 3ddownnation one touchdown pass by bombers since willy got hurt.
  23. 17 penalties. ouch. 170 yards rushing…. ouch too bad the team wasn't as well put together as the odds n sods…. thanks dod
  24. I expect more of the same. There's no reality based reason for it to change.
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