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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. Kudos to his agent for being savvy enough to use social media to get his client what he wants. You'll no doubt be seeing more of these types of tactics in the future. Glad Simmons is in our line-up for sure. exact same as with adrian peterson's agent over the last while. vikings fans hated him, but he got his client a raise,, and more guaranteed money.
  2. fan poll cfl.ca biggest hitter leader is Khalil Bass 46 % of 12000 votes.
  3. made it to 1minute 59 seconds, but I did like it till then. Mrdee should watch, listen, and learn. Al Simmons, …how to write pun based hit songs. is mrdee involved in mr dee's tart and Pies? been there many times for meat pies.
  4. good thread I don't rewatch games, for me, it's pretty hard to understand what happened just watching live. together with lack of actual knowledge, means…. I don't know the answer. I will say that I am most disappointed in JFG, don't know if its how he's playing, or how he's used. I was hoping he'd have a good year, and has not turned out that way. also, I am disappointed in the blocking by receivers, I don't see any at all ever. not a single player, but a unit. edit: I say Picard or Neufeld tied
  5. one recent former Bomber linebacker is on an NFL team, and doing well. another has a good chance to make the Steelers this year. This guy is a linebacker/db. why not come here. this is a route to NFL.
  6. I don't agree logan the immigrant visa tech people work for much less money is what I've read. All the original work for microsoft, apple wasn't done by immigrant visa workers it was done by Americans. I remember how the meat packers in winnipeg busted the unions….. wage went from 20 bucks an hour to 12 bucks an hour. then they were able to say, "nobody wants these jobs," which was true, at 12 dollars an hour. now a lot of their work force is immigrants on the work visa, cause they can't get any Canadians to do that (horrendous, dangerous) job, for 12 bucks an hour, which is a lot of money to someone from Mexico or some other poverty stricken central american hell hole country. same thing at play in tech in the USA.
  7. if he's as good as some of you say, defence will go from good and getting better, to "kick ass" I hope to see him play, and deliver some Hamilton and Edmonton style hits. good reporting gbill2004.
  8. There are two things on earth visible from the space station, the great wall of china and donald trump's hair. Johnny Carson.
  9. Then how did this happen? David Lewis was a secular Jew, just learned he was born in Russia, and arrived in Canada speaking only Yiddish. "David Lewis, CC QC (born David Losz; June 23, or October 1909 – May 23, 1981) was a Russian-born Canadian labour lawyer and social democratic politician. He was national secretary of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) from 1936 to 1950, and one of the key architects of the New Democratic Party (NDP) in 1961. In 1962, he was elected as the Member of Parliament (MP), in theCanadian House of Commons, for the York South electoral district. While an MP, he was elected the NDP's national leader, and served from 1971 until 1975." probably lots of other stuff to post about this, but won't do it right now. As far as anti semites go, you can probably find them anywhere including all three political parties. They all have their share of bigots no doubt. Certainly they do as they are made up of people like you and me and others and in any group you will have bigots. But without doing an intensive investigation, the remarks I've seen from candidates, there are a significant number of NDP candidates that are very bigoted. fixed it for you.
  10. She has no qualifications!!!! http://i.imgur.com/ZNPv6DI.jpg yes she does!!!
  11. agree with Goalie, on issues like gay rights, the two American parties are different. On economic issues, issues concerning foreign wars, invasions, and such, they are identical. Rather than Arnold I would like to see President Megan Fox.
  12. http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/dec/02/peter-morici/economist-immigrants-have-taken-all-new-jobs-creat/ Professor Morici is not Left or right wing. article analyzes his position says he's wrong. beats me whose right. The American chamber of commerce loves granting rights to illegal immigrants.
  13. would our defence be better with him? compliments to gbill2004 for sniffing this out.
  14. Toronto's love affair with itself is and has been for a long time, both comical, and irritating. Prairie Provinces don't exist in the minds of Torontonians. BC? where's that? Shittiest rock and roll city in Canada too.
  15. Then how did this happen? David Lewis was a secular Jew, just learned he was born in Russia, and arrived in Canada speaking only Yiddish. "David Lewis, CC QC (born David Losz; June 23, or October 1909 – May 23, 1981) was a Russian-born Canadian labour lawyer and social democratic politician. He was national secretary of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) from 1936 to 1950, and one of the key architects of the New Democratic Party (NDP) in 1961. In 1962, he was elected as the Member of Parliament (MP), in theCanadian House of Commons, for the York South electoral district. While an MP, he was elected the NDP's national leader, and served from 1971 until 1975." probably lots of other stuff to post about this, but won't do it right now. As far as anti semites go, you can probably find them anywhere including all three political parties. They all have their share of bigots no doubt.
  16. I remember a few years ago a game in Hamilton, might have been v calgary, one of the coaches had a heart attack during the game. with the hours coaches tend to put in, the scrutiny they get, the derision when not winning, got to be a super stressful job for some people. LaPolice worked really long hours I seem to recall. not sure how they can take it. Mike actually sounded a bit weary after the beatdown by Hamilton. mentally strong though and bounced back. There's no point in changing a coach this season. not giving these guys a full chance to win, and setting up bringing someone in who might be no better, and giving him an excuse. Team is not that bad at this point. could easily be five and three.
  17. Henoc looks like first string for colts preseason game today he was on the field for first team defence
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