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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. why not? good idea. just don't let anyone post about wrestling there... that's not a sport. (ducks)
  2. is it stafford or denmark, or stafford and denmark? I thought both guys were going to start.
  3. trump like in the dumbness of saying this in public.
  4. Can we please get back on topic??? I believe we were discussing the wonderful world of Don Unammmbaaa!!! SPuDS likes this agree http://sportscoasttocoast.proboards.com/thread/1567/sctoc-screaming-eagles-player-unamba
  5. also..... should be described as quarterly rather than annual.
  6. I am already missing the people who flowed here when that site was down. most gone already. sniff.? Probably couldn't take the amount of often very funny gifs that many of us like to post here.
  7. Need to see "schlemiel" used around here more regularly. No shortage of opportunities.
  8. "Mark Cuban admits Dallas Mavericks tanked after missing playoffs." http://nba.nbcsports.com/2017/05/17/mark-cuban-admits-dallas-mavericks-tanked-after-missing-playoffs/
  9. I don't either. I remember someone asking what happened to gbill and the answer from someone, was that by mutual agreement, gbill left. No explanation given why. The person that I remember was posting training camp reports without having been there, was tuscaloosa blue. one of the all time greats, who called a meeting in "chat", and many people went.
  10. Months ago I thought the Putin/Trump link was a bit silly. Looks like I was completely wrong. Going to be interesting to see how many of these creeps Putin entangled. Very Nice to see a sign of some sanity returning to USA politics. Wonder what stunt increasingly desperate Trump will pull next. saw that two candidates for FBI boss said no thanks.
  11. Tapes. Lol. Course the football guys also talk about having to review the tape. I think Rep Al Green is gonna take Trump to the river. cause of what Trump did to him.
  12. There were incidentw, they just weren't reported, cause it was just normal day to day gunplay.
  13. do not want to ignite gun debate, but.... I wonder how many of those fans are carrying a pistol?
  14. those are hilarious. except for the creepy one with his daughter. we know the goof hates being laughed at.
  15. Witzelsucht (from the German witzeln, meaning to joke or wisecrack, and sucht, meaning addiction or yearning) is a set of rare neurological symptoms characterized by a tendency to make puns,
  16. Same tune as "baby come back" ♫Gbill come back, any kind of fool could see♫ There was something, in everything about you Gbill come back, need your training camp re-ports? ♬ mbb was wrong, and we just can't live without you....?
  17. We all know how great New Orleans music is. It's famous for mixing up music from different parts of the world, Caribbean, African, American, European. Pretty sure there are quite a few native rappers.
  18. hope you all keep posting at this site.
  19. Senators manage to make the Penguins seem boring. Not an easy thing to accomplish. Does Getzlaff have half or more of the Ducks points in these playoffs? like him or not, that guy is good. His bro should have played hockey instead.
  20. It's down for me. Can't tell you any more than that.
  21. what a great game.... predators ducks sunday night.
  22. trump interview may 8th. really hope someone takes the nuclear code away from trump. twilight zone
  23. Which one is the puppet in that picture? Seems ok.
  24. Here's mine: This is all true! Once I was crossing Portage avenue, near Eatons, very few people around. stopped in the middle on the meridian, as a motorcade drove by, leading a Bentley, with the Queen at the window, facing my direction. She waved at me. stopped the car got out and grabbed my ass! (ok, the last part is not true) Well, it is true that she had her hand held in the salute like wave that she does in those situations. Also saw Milton Berle at the airport. That's all I got.
  25. Cheney was far better at bullying these agencies. He was elite. Trump's team from Breitbartville is way over its head. They don't have a clue what to do.
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