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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. My spouse and I drove through Nevada, irrigating desert there too, to grow alfalfa in sand. Big circles of green in the sand, water spraying from giant sprinklers. Most of the water evaporating, or just running away …. Cause Sand does not hold water. that was about ten years ago. no problem with mouldy hay!
  2. Researchers seem to have solved the puzzle of LK-99. Scientific detective work has unearthed evidence that the material is not a superconductor, and clarified its actual properties. The conclusion dashes hopes that LK-99 — a compound of copper, lead, phosphorus and oxygen — marked the discovery of the first superconductor that works at room temperature and ambient pressure. Instead, studies have shown that impurities in the material — in particular, copper sulfide — were responsible for the sharp drops in electrical resistivity and partial levitation over a magnet, which looked similar to properties exhibited by superconductors. “I think things are pretty decisively settled at this point,” says Inna Vishik, a condensed-matter experimentalist at the University of California, Davis. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02585-7
  3. yeah same here. I lived for twenty five years a few miles west of beausejour. often went on short trips in the surrounding area. not far to utter wilderness. you can find it here, but you have to be edmund hillary.
  4. (other than the money) Manitobans should be thankful for the fact that it is lowly regarded as a tourist destination. other places, that are endlessly promoted, like Vancouver island, are crawling with people. if you cant climb a mountain, tough to find some peace and quiet. Manitoba is a gem.
  5. put a hold on this at library. not sure I can make it through the thing, since it is probably filled with stories of trampling small people, and failure to hold the highest level criminals to account. Curious about use of blackmail, which I suspect is a very important tool in the playbook of the corruptors. https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/david-talbot/the-devils-chessboard/ maybe relevant in the trump age. the system has been corrupt for ever, but he has removed the veil, and must be punished to maintain credibilty. I think that There is a "deep state" but it's not the one imagined by the right wing.
  6. I know nothing about cui, but this? "Tom Richards said Chris Jones has faced challenges with this young team, some pieces are coming together and there are some great signs that things are building on the field." young team? lol. manny arcenaux , for example. what team would take this guy? coming together? their D took three straight penalties to give bombers a td last week, imcluding an int by that young man Ed Gainey. explain firing cui, ok, but it would have been better to leave Jones out of it.
  7. not a horsecollar ? wilie j called for the same tackle.
  8. why doesnt ottawa ever run the ball? pass only wont work.
  9. contest won by Carmen Winkler. lol. heckuva catch by acklin.
  10. thanks very much, working now for me.
  11. He's top level at clapping for the players leaving the field after the riders allow a td, or throw an interception, or fumble, etc.
  12. 2023 Rose is playing better than 2022 Rose don’t you think? re dru brown, he can make quite a bit more money elsewhere I think. can’t see him going to elks as long as c. Jones is running things. Stamps maybe, since maier does not seem to be working out. They have to be looking at dru now. also…. Bombers clearly made a good decision signing prukop. He’s going to break one of those third and short.
  13. Pretty sure it was not the first uncalled roughing the passer by elks in the game. thought Collaros got cranked in the head earlier, looked at the ref, no call.
  14. O line has been very good since the loss to B. C. Quite a bit of 65 and 64 going in. I would like to hear from Ambrosie about the state of officiating. people are getting hurt partly because of these obvious, inexcusable refs. And command centre mistakes. With the Collaros injury, we need to see some consequences. At this point, it is hard to accept that the league is doing anything significant about this problem.
  15. Late hit forearm smash its ok though. not a conspiracy nut, but this game sure smells.
  16. Ref yucking it up with his three elks buddies. great look.
  17. Dangerous is what It is. people’s brains are getting injured.
  18. Need to start petition to fire tonight command centre person.
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