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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. I don't think he looked poor at all against Winnipeg, he did what a backup is supposed to do. Manage & win the game.And like I said already, if he plays again like he did yesterday they put in Doege who's also taking 1st team reps in practice. I think Cortez's record speaks for itself, he knows what he's got. He looked poor against Winnipeg. He barely managed to hang onto what should have been a pretty safe lead. You truly are viewing him through green goggles. He came close to costing you guys the game.So barely managing to hang onto a game is worse than losing games for your team in the 4th quarter?Sample size on Tino is too small, he needs to improve big time this weekend no question. The difference between Willy and TIno is that Willy gives us a chance to win. With Sunseri, it is just about limiting the damage he can do. Willy threw some late game ints that cost us wins. He also made some excellent plays that put us in position to have a chance to win. Your game was lost the minute Sunseri was the starter. If we knock out Durant a few minutes earlier we win that game too. In short, one QB provides his team with a chance to win. The other is simply holding the fort down in hopes other aspects of the team can get it done.
  2. Hey sucka! Always lovely to see the gutless trolls show up and try to cause a ruckus.Sunseri? He's got to get rid of the frickin ball. Standing around like a statue made the O-line look worse then it was. The TiCat interior defensive line is a beautiful thing (and Nationals too). Offence and special teams were weak sauce. Defence? They had good coverage but Collaros was squeezing the ball into tight coverage all day with a quick release and good scrambling. This is the Collaros the TiCats wanted to see. It's going to be tough without DD but there was plenty of blame to go around. Peace and enjoy the bye week. It'll give you guys a chance to heal up. Also, note that I wasn't on here acting like a jack ass after the Lion/Bomber game. PS Bombers suck Yes, speaking of gutless trolls, I didn't think you would "bless" us with your presence so soon after that debacle yesterday. I guess as far as trolls go you're not compeletely gutless anyway. As for not coming on here acting like a jackass after the LIons game, I wouldn't pat myself on the back for that. Chances are you knew you would be put in your place if you did. An act of cowardice is not an act of kindness. Come on over though and keep beaking, you won't find the mods protecting you over here.
  3. No idea, but Rider fans who come onto Bomber forums acting like clowns shouldn't go throwing stones at Bomber fans who post on the Rider home forum. We all read what you have to say over at Riderfans about the Bombers. Don't come looking for sympathy and crying crocodile tears over here if a Bomber fan makes you look bad on your home forum. You come here all trying to give the impression that you're a nice guy but everything you say to Bomber fans and about the Bombers on your home forum is real douchebaggery. Own it.
  4. I don't think he looked poor at all against Winnipeg, he did what a backup is supposed to do. Manage & win the game. And like I said already, if he plays again like he did yesterday they put in Doege who's also taking 1st team reps in practice. I think Cortez's record speaks for itself, he knows what he's got. He looked poor against Winnipeg. He barely managed to hang onto what should have been a pretty safe lead. You truly are viewing him through green goggles. He came close to costing you guys the game. That wasn't managing and winning a game, you guys were in full hanging on by the fingernails and hopefully the clock will rescue us mode.
  5. I don't think he looked poor at all against Winnipeg, he did what a backup is supposed to do. Manage & win the game. And like I said already, if he plays again like he did yesterday they put in Doege who's also taking 1st team reps in practice. I think Cortez's record speaks for itself, he knows what he's got. He looked poor against Winnipeg. He barely managed to hang onto what should have been a pretty safe lead. You truly are viewing him through green goggles. He came close to costing you guys the game.
  6. The Riders aren't doomed because Durant went down, they are doomed because Sunseri is taking his place. That guy sucks badly. The last young QB I saw struggle so badly with every aspect of the position was Lefors. It would be different if he was getting the little things right but he couldn't even execute a simple drop back. The kid is garbage. Not sure what you saw that got you hopeful yesterday but the rest of the football world saw a fish out of water.
  7. Thanks for the input doc. Glad you know so much about his injury to make that prognosis based on zero information. Trolling again, I see. At any rate, Willy gives us a chance to win. The Riders chances went up in smoke the day Durant's season/career was ended. Hope you find some humility when your team doesn't win another game this year.
  8. Brohm heading home? After the injury to Willy & the way he played? That tells me all I need to know. To be a starting qb in the CFL takes sacrifce. And if a player isn't willing to do that, well?? I know it's tough to be away from family but the season ends in less than 2 months & Brohm has 6 months to be with them then. I think that is the wrong decision. Don't forget the players made plans three weeks back for this bye week and most likely paid for tickets etc. I doubt it's last night that he decided to go home. Good comment made by Doug Brown after the game. He said that if Dave Rictchie was the coach of this team, bye-week would be officially cancelled with Willy's injury. The team has two weeks to prepare for their next game and they will need every practice opportunity possible to get Brohm up to speed asap. Blowing off a week of preparation time on player's vacations is a missed opportunity for Brohm and the offence to get on the same page. Two on-field practices in the week before Hamilton is just not enough to get Brohm in sync. I agree whole heartedly with DB's analysis. Unfortunately for us, it is that kind of mentality over the years that led players to leave or not sign with the Bombers. They are taking the right approach.in giving the guys the bye week to go home and recharge and rejuvenate. All keeping them here would do is piss them off.
  9. The Riders offence was a discombobulated mess today. They may not win another game this year if this keeps up. Full panic mode over at Riderfans right now. MFranc is just a frantic mess beaking off some Bomber fan over there. Too funny. Make sure to give him the rough ride if he has the guts to show up here...he had some harsh words about the Bombers over there.
  10. Kind of like a small Winnipeg without all the potted plant crappers eh? Haha we have an nhl teamJust what we need, a less then adequate NHL team. What's next, are you going to wish the Leafs on us?We are also a short drive from cottage country. We are close enough to vist mlb or nfl on a weekend and I'm pretty sure the building I live in is taller than anything in regina's 'downtown'After visiting regina for the last 3 years I'm shocked anyone can live there. It's painfully obvious the riders are the only thing to do there. You do realize that the Riders draw from more then Regina? It's a little known fact that everyone growing up in Saskatchewan longs to live in the sophisticated urban paradise that is Winnipeg. ( where is the sarcasm smiley) Anyway, I am sure you are quite happy there so good for you. Not many who grew up in Saskatchewan would know what they are missing out on. That's OK. Nothing wrong with being blissfully ignorant unless, of course, you try to suggest that Saskatchewan has more to offer than anywhere else because that is just patently stupid.
  11. Exactly. We pursued them as they became available. Were we interested in all 3 ot them. Undoubtedly. If we had managed to land Collaros or Burris would we have lost out on Willy. Not necessarily. Rumors around the time of these pursuits were that we wanted one of Collaros and Burris AND Willy.
  12. Andrew Harris is a very good RB but BC doesn't have the OL capable of imposing it's will on anyone.
  13. I think the roughly 80 million or so dollars that the Bombers are paying into the stadium buys them a secret practice a week. Yes, taxpayer money also went into the stadium but if my recollection is correct the majority of that stadium is being paid for by the Bombers. The province was just "the bank" for most of the money. If my bank told me I need to inform their board of directors everytime I took a crap in my bathroom because they hold the mortgage I would think they were insane. Yet, that seems to be the point that Wiecek was trying to be incensed about. That's a new kind of crazy. "You can't use the stadium you are paying 4-5 million dollars a year for without telling anyone." I wonder if Wiecek realizes how unbelievably stupid that sounds.
  14. MFranc, You better hope it's not Tommy John surgery on Durant. That carries a minimum 12-18 month rehab. They won't even let an athlete attempt to throw before the 11-12 month mark.
  15. No...the hate was there long before. You guys have only been a winning franchise for the past 7 years and have had some duds in that time frame. The hate is their because for 40 years we were a far superior football club but would go into Regina on Labor Day and get beat by the laughing stock of the league. The fact you guys have had a good couple seasons while we've struggled maybe intensifies that a bit, but that worm will turn in the next couple years and we will still hate the Riders when they are back in their rightful place in the West basement.
  16. This is a draft we really need to make hay with. Last year after Goosen there was little opportunity to get better. This is a year that provides that chance. I hope our scouting department does it's homework and helps us close the gap in NI talent with other teams. I, also, hope this is the year the Bomber brass opens up the purse strings for NI talent. We are hosting the cup next year. I hope our intention is to improve off a solid rebuilding year and make a push for a cup by going hard in all areas of recruitment and FA.
  17. After we beat BC this week, having a bye and getting healthy for the stretch run seems like good timing to me.
  18. I don't understand all the Watson hate and time to get rid of him talk. It just doesn't make sense to me.
  19. I like the looks of this draft. I had the unfortunate occasion to debate the Neufeld trade with Migs on BB.com. He felt the Riders absolutely fleeced the Bombers because of the 2nd round pick that came along with Hall. When I argued that a 2nd round in 2014 was roughly equivalent to a 4th round in 2015 he couldn't grasp the concept at all. A 2nd round pick is a 2nd round pick and a 4th round is a 4th round is all he kept saying. Tried to explain that a 4th rounder this year will likely yield as good or better of a NI prospect but he just danced around with his fingers in his ears saying I was crazy....sigh. Some Rider fans just believe what they want to believe. The kool aid is strong over there.
  20. What I find extremely rich is that the VAST majority of RiderFans were calling Sunseri hot garbage a very short month ago. Until he came into the game in relief of Durant against BC, most of them were saying how badly he had regressed this year and how the Riders would be in big trouble if Durant goes down. Durant is now down and suddenly Sunseri is more than capable. Too funny. Sunseri, is going to be blitzed unmercifully and the opposition is going to put 8 men in the box and completely neutralize the Riders running game. This isn't speculation, that football 101. Could this be countered...sure it could...but ONLY IF Sunseri plays mistake free football and the Riders get an infusion of YAC from the receivers. Save Dressler, I don't see that happening with any consistency. Riders will be lucky to win 3 games the rest of the year.
  21. We need an airlift. At the moment we are a mediocre club. Keep turning over stones Walters.
  22. It worked. I am in 14th spot. Not bad considering I changed my roster one week but didn't save it and ended up losing 3 out of my 5 picks because Edmonton was on a bye week.
  23. It goes a long way with all the players not just on our team but around the league. Players talk to each other about how they are treated by the organization and it has impact at FA time. The little things the Bombers do now to create player comfort and support will pay big dividends down the road. I once had an excellent employee who toiled at an entry level position for 6 years for me. I never had room to promote this person and felt that I would lose him one day. Every day though there he was and I would stop and say Hi on my way to the office. One day I had a manager retire and it enabled me to move a couple employees up the food chain with well deserved promotions. He was one of them. I called him into the office and gave him the good news and he was ecstatic. I asked him why he never left to get a better job before. He told me he never even thought about it because everyday I would come in and say Hello and shoot the breeze with him. He said that made him feel comfortable staying right where he was because not many people he ever worked for ever took the time to acknowledge him. Sometimes it's the little things indeed. A couple years later I was doing an employee survey about why they decided to join my organization. Several of the employees responded that when they came to drop off resumes that this staff member had spoken so enthusiastically about working for me that it kind of clinched their interest in working there.
  24. Crap, I've been playing this all year and would have loved to have joined this group. My own fault for ignoring stickies.
  25. Taj will go to the bar all by himself. He doesn't need coaxing. Just leave directions to Teaser's outside his hotel room.
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