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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. The asking price for SJ is very, very high. The Als are not giving him away.
  2. No kidding. Moore has been really good for us so far this year. He had a fumble last game and that's all people want to remember. If the season were based on the performance of the last game it should be Kelly we are questioning not Moore. Moore had 60 yards on 4 catches. Not POW numbers but a good contribution all the same.
  3. They just need to make the schedule a little more carefully. The West has been beating the crap out of the East for years now. The league was always able to schedule East vs. East enough times during the first part of the season that no one really paid attention to how big the variance in divisions were. This year the schedule did not hide the CFL's dirty little secret.
  4. The league should never have a schedule like this again. They need to have the intra-divisional games evened out between the early and late season. I get what they were trying to do, build excitement and make games more meaningful after labor day when attendance traditionally fall off, but it has to be considered an embarrassment to the league to have such a stark difference between the divisions at the halfway point of the season.
  5. Not scared of Durant. He has been crap this year. The Riders offence is the running game. Whether it's Durant or Sunseri it really doesn't matter. With either QB the big challenge will be stopping their run game.
  6. I would think quite a few. BC president failed to tell everyone to read the fine print. The seats will likely be freebies in the rafters that are never full anyway.
  7. Mulumba is pretty much a shoe-in for the PR. Bilikudi not so much.
  8. I notice said Rider Prider tucked tail and ran away right after. Typical.
  9. I have no trouble saying that I wish Dressler gets nicked up tomorrow night. Not a serious injury...maybe a bad hammy pull. Just enough so he misses the rest of the CFL season. If that makes me classless...so be it.
  10. Only an idiot Bomber fan would say something so juvenille. Rod Pedersen is the voice of the Riders and a well respected person in the community None of which makes him any less of an idiot. Exactlly. Don't want to be considered an idiot then quit floating idiotic rumors every couple of months.
  11. Guys...this deal is not happening. Rod Pederson does this a couple times a year. He floats a wild rumor and it never comes to pass. In recent years, he posted rumors of imminent trades by the Riders for MILT STEGALL, RICKY RAY, among many others. There is not a single trade rumor he posts that is semi-believable. He is the World Weekly News of CFL reporting. Also missing from the OP's post is the back half of the tweet where even Pederson suggests that the rumor is unfounded and kind of farfetched.
  12. There was nothing brilliant about it at all. Nearly all the players signed this offseason had bonuses built in for the eventuality of the cap going up. Sure the cap went up but so did bonuses the minute it happened. Couple that with the expansion of the roster and PR and the 600k increase is minimal. We all have seen how brilliant this maneouvering was this offseason already when Taman lost several top notch NIs and other players to FA and was unable to sign anyone of consequence. Further proof will be when he is unable to sign both Dressler and Sheets.
  13. I would wait until the PR expands in a few weeks then bring him in.
  14. I like this idea. Would make NI receivers and RBs pretty much disappear.
  15. Taman's M.O. In full effect. Steal from Peter to pay Paul. Do you think the dogs would be howling here if we did that en route to winning the Grey Cup? Most likely we would be pooh-poohing it as a minor "oversight". Maybe a few years ago. However, after Taman tried the same thing in 2008 and it left us virtually crippled as an organization through 2009 and 2010, I am not so sure too many people would be happy about it. Thrilled with the GC victory to be sure, but there wouldn't be a parade thrown for how he got it done.
  16. Just found some interesting information from an ultra reliable source on Riderfans. He is our Mike. Apparently, when the Riders signed Chick last year they were already tight to the cap so they deferred 120k of his salary to this year in the form of a roster bonus. This apparently happened to various degrees with a few players. He believes the Riders may have deferred as much as 300k to this year's cap.
  17. I also have to question, what if anything, represents the Bombers and the fan base.
  18. These jerseys would have been really nice if they had worked the gold into them.
  19. It has been reported in both the Winnipeg and the Regina media that Taman, even with the 100k overage, doesn't have the cap space to sign both players unless they are willing to go to the Riders for a hefty discount. Taman blew the wad last year. This year he has to budget for that. Not saying it's all Taman's fault. Hoppy wanted the Riders in the Cup at home and likely told Taman he better make it happen.
  20. I'm sure that Toronto does have some very handsomely paid players. Just not as many as Regina. The Rider OL is close to a million dollars all by itself.
  21. Let's correct what I will charitably call misconceptions that you have. TBrack is in the final year of his contract that he signed prior to the 2013 season. Since then he had an allstar year and was nominated by his team for Defensive player of the year. His contract is going up. Sheets was playing on an entry level contract when he left. Ford is making more money this year with the Riders than Sheets was getting. The Riders signed lucrative contract extensions with big signing bonuses to Labatte, Getzlaf, Rob Bagg and gave Durant an almost 500k a year contract. Also, Taman backloaded a bunch of salary from 2013 to this year. Rumor has it that a hefty portion of Geroy and Chick's 2013 salary on the books for this year's cap.
  22. They have already replaced him with _____. I will quickly paraphrase the 100 page thread that would ensue on Riderfans. First 15 pages... Taman lowballed him and he should be fired for not making sure he had enough money to sign him. ( I call this stage 1...blame) Next 30 pages....Dressler wasn't the same player as he was before and the ________ overpaid. We don't need him anyway because Ryan Smith is as good as he is. (I am not making that up...there are some at Riderfans suggesting this) (Stage 2....denial) Next 50 pages.....Dressler is a traitor who obviously has a bad attitude anyway. He will never be as good as he was in Regina anyway and wasn't worth the money we would have paid him. Search for silver lining (more money for Chick etc.) (Stage 3...acceptance) Pretty much how it goes with every player who chooses to move on from the Riders...even though they were a slam dunk to re-sign because money doesn't matter to a player once they've played for the Riders. So far, with the exception of Fantuz and Butler, Taman has been able to pull out the cheque book and keep Rider fans illusions of Shangri la alive. These guys will soon realize that after so many times of doing that SMS room becomes extremely tight and he can't bust out the chequebook with the highest bid every time. Dressler may turn out to be the guy where eyes get opened in Shangri la.
  23. He sold his house in Regina in the offseason and his girlfriend now lives with him. Unless she has a piano tied to her arse she can move with him elsewhere in the CFL. You are probably right that he ends up back in Regina, but it won't be the no-brainer you think it is. There are 2 teams who have already confirmed they will be throwing their hat in the ring on Dressler. (Ottawa and Toronto)...wouldn't surprise me if there are more. It never ceases to amaze me how Rider fans seem to think there team and city is some kind of Shangri-La that players would never consider leaving elsewhere for. Heard the same tripe about Andy Fantuz, Craig Butler, etc etc. Taman will need to break out the cheque book in a big way for Dressler, if he doesn't he will lose him to someone else. Unfortunately for the RIders that probably handcuffs them if Sheets comes back or in renegotiating new contracts for guys like Chick, TBrack etc. before FA. Taman may be considered a hero now over there, but they are about to find out that his long term SMS strategy is not fundamentally sound. So how would Toronto be able to offer any more money than Sask? They have just as many big names to 're-sign'... would think Sask has the advantage in that people actually show up to their games. What does attendance have to do with anything? Are you aware of what Toronto's cap situation is, or are you just rambling? The Riders have been documented by several media sources as being very tight to the cap presently. Haven't heard that about Toronto. The fact that their media is reporting that Toronto has strong interest in Dressler leads me to believe that they either have the cap room to offer him a big contract, or they are willing to make cap room for him.
  24. He sold his house in Regina in the offseason and his girlfriend now lives with him in Kansas City. Unless she has a piano tied to her arse she can move with him elsewhere in the CFL. You are probably right that he ends up back in Regina, but it won't be the no-brainer you think it is. There are 2 teams who have already confirmed they will be throwing their hat in the ring on Dressler. (Ottawa and Toronto)...wouldn't surprise me if there are more. It never ceases to amaze me how Rider fans seem to think there team and city is some kind of Shangri-La that players would never consider leaving elsewhere for. Heard the same tripe about Andy Fantuz, Craig Butler, etc etc. Taman will need to break out the cheque book in a big way for Dressler, if he doesn't he will lose him to someone else. Unfortunately for the RIders that probably handcuffs them if Sheets comes back or in renegotiating new contracts for guys like Chick, TBrack etc. before FA. Taman may be considered a hero now over there, but they are about to find out that his long term SMS strategy is not fundamentally sound.
  25. Dressler still has full PR eligibility left. Wouldn't shock me to see the Bears bring him in for a look see.
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