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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. What's the three way tiebreaker? The team that gets fifth would be pretty choked. Pretty sure it's win percentage between the tied teams. Believe it or not, if we were to beat the Lions I'm pretty sure we would be in.
  2. I don't want to write him off in the NFL just yet. Who knows, maybe the Packers like him that much. However, if reports that he was on the bubble in TC are true it does not bode well for him. He has a handful of starts before he becomes pension eligible, is a fringe roster player, and has suffered a significant injury. These are all recipes for disaster for NFL players. I think there is a very strong chance he is a Bomber in 2015 and lord knows we could use some luck like that from the football gods. Sucks for Mulumba but would be exactly what the doctor ordered for us. An impact NI at a position of weakness on our team heading into a year we will almost certainly be trying to load up and take a Grey Cup run.
  3. It's called migsageration. Oh I get it now. He's their Aardvaark. Well then that explains a lot.
  4. Franc was minding his own business and thanks to you, another piss match was started. Good job. People like you are exactly why I want to smash my head against a concrete floor at Home Depot. Well that certainly explains a lot. Feel free to bang your head against that floor until it knocks the Rider fan out of you. Was he really minding his own business when he called me a gutless troll. If you want to come to his defence because he is your Rider brother-in-arms go ahead...I would expect nothing less. Don't spin fiction to justify it though. The guy gets the gears here because of the drivel he shovels about our team. We know the crap he peddles over at Riderfans and hold his feet to the flame because of it. That will never change....at least on my part. Wanna talk smack about our team behind the safety of the home forum mods go ahead. Just know that if you do and then come here afterwards you will be called out on it. If that makes you want to bang your head on a concrete floor that's just added bonus. Please put a watermelon on and videotape it for our chuckles. What I saw was mfranc making an innocent post about Willy and you lashing out at him.Yeah sure. Actually he was talking out his ass about something he knew nothing about and someone called him on it Yep. That's how I saw it.
  5. Franc was minding his own business and thanks to you, another piss match was started. Good job. People like you are exactly why I want to smash my head against a concrete floor at Home Depot. Well that certainly explains a lot. Feel free to bang your head against that floor until it knocks the Rider fan out of you. Was he really minding his own business when he called me a gutless troll. If you want to come to his defence because he is your Rider brother-in-arms go ahead...I would expect nothing less. Don't spin fiction to justify it though. The guy gets the gears here because of the drivel he shovels about our team. We know the crap he peddles over at Riderfans and hold his feet to the flame because of it. That will never change....at least on my part. Wanna talk smack about our team behind the safety of the home forum mods go ahead. Just know that if you do and then come here afterwards you will be called out on it. If that makes you want to bang your head on a concrete floor that's just added bonus. Please put a watermelon on and videotape it for our chuckles. What I saw was mfranc making an innocent post about Willy and you lashing out at him.Yeah sure. Actually he was talking out his ass about something he knew nothing about and someone called him on it Yep. That's how I saw it.
  6. Franc was minding his own business and thanks to you, another piss match was started. Good job. People like you are exactly why I want to smash my head against a concrete floor at Home Depot. Well that certainly explains a lot. Feel free to bang your head against that floor until it knocks the Rider fan out of you. Was he really minding his own business when he called me a gutless troll. If you want to come to his defence because he is your Rider brother-in-arms go ahead...I would expect nothing less. Don't spin fiction to justify it though. The guy gets the gears here because of the drivel he shovels about our team. We know the crap he peddles over at Riderfans and hold his feet to the flame because of it. That will never change....at least on my part. Wanna talk smack about our team behind the safety of the home forum mods go ahead. Just know that if you do and then come here afterwards you will be called out on it. If that makes you want to bang your head on a concrete floor that's just added bonus. Please put a watermelon on and videotape it for our chuckles.
  7. I'd be very surprised if we ended up with 10 wins. I'd be happy with 3-3 in the last 6, with one of those wins hopefully being the game vs BC. I don't expect us to do better than 1-2 vs Edmonton and Calgary, more likely 0-3. I was thinking victories against Hamilton, Ottawa, BC and one of Calgary and Edmonton. Might be a tad optimistic but I think we can do it if Willy is good to go and I think that's what it's going to take to make the playoffs. We have all been awfully down on our team for the last few weeks, and I get why. But we have a good team. We need to be better but if we are we can compete with anyone. There is no reason we should be handing out losses to anyone. We may not win them all but I strongly believe that we should not be conceding losses to any team before the game is played. We have as much potential of having a late season winning streak as anyone...well, except the Riders...they are screwed.
  8. The last time you checked was Durant still in the lineup? Because that, my green goggled friend, changed everything.
  9. Well, if he has the same performance has last game, quite possibly. I really wish Sunseri was pulled in the last game to try out the other QBs when we knew the game was over. Now we have no clue if the others are any better than Tino. You'd just be putting Doege in a position to fail throwing him into a game when he had limited reps in practice. You wouldn't get any kind of read on how good or bad the guy actually is. If they plan on potentially using him because of Sunseri's lack of production, they need to get him more reps in practice this week, but it's a catch-22 cause Sunseri obviously needs the work too if he's going to play. Welcome to not having a starting QB. Yeah. You gotta live or probably die with Sunseri for this week. Pulling him would have no positive effect on Sunseri, Doege, or the Riders. If the decision to change them up comes it should wait until after the Ottawa game and give Doege a full week of starter reps.
  10. Yeah....never want to see a guy lose his dream because of injury. It's a crappy way to go out.
  11. Why do you say that? Doege's been there all year. Look at Toronto last year as an example. Collaros leap frogged the second string Harris despite having less time with the offence. If Tino looks as bad as he did against the TiCats why wouldn't they throw Doege in there? They've both been taking first team snaps. Oh, I don't know …just a feeling…. Posted 09 September 2014 - 01:12 PM mfranc, on 09 Sept 2014 - 11:10 AM, said: Actually most are okay with Sunseri. There is no replacing Durant but the Riders are a veteran team with a tonne of talent. Tino doesn't have to force anything. Yes, but that's because you're in the 'rippling beneath the surface phase'. Wait…just wait. Yeah. He hasn't experienced the heartbreak of dashed hopes on the rocks of a backup QB in quite some time. The awful, nauseous feeling should start setting in a few weeks from now when reality takes hold.
  12. No idea, but Rider fans who come onto Bomber forums acting like clowns shouldn't go throwing stones at Bomber fans who post on the Rider home forum. We all read what you have to say over at Riderfans about the Bombers. Don't come looking for sympathy and crying crocodile tears over here if a Bomber fan makes you look bad on your home forum. You come here all trying to give the impression that you're a nice guy but everything you say to Bomber fans and about the Bombers on your home forum is real douchebaggery. Own it. Perhaps what we write on our home forum isn't meant for your eyes. Then don't write it in a public forum or ask your mods to create a sign in if you want to view the forum. Something I am sure will be met with a hardy laugh. Because contrary to your above statement the mods at Riderfans very much welcome everyone who wishes to view their forum (not yours btw)...you are a guest there as well.
  13. Well, if he has the same performance has last game, quite possibly. I really wish Sunseri was pulled in the last game to try out the other QBs when we knew the game was over. Now we have no clue if the others are any better than Tino. They're not because they have less experience and the coaches don't just blindly assign guys to #2 and #3 positions. Sunseri is the back up because they've determined he is the 2nd best guy on the roster so what that means, is that if they start yanking him to put another guy in you've entered full on desperation mode. No team has some hidden gem at 3rd or 4th string that is going to come out of nowhere to wow people. You're too young to remember but when Ricky Ray came out of nowhere, he was the talk of the CFL based on preseason and was #2 coming out of camp and when he got in in place of Jason Maas he was instantly a smash hit. None of the Rider qbs showed anything like that, don't expect them to come in and suddenly be better. There is a reason that quarterback is the hardest position for teams to find a player at. It takes a very special situation for it to work. Most people felt the Riders did have a good situation for a player to succeed in because they have a good D and a good OL, but as we saw with Sunseri young players can often get hesitant if things start to go badly or the other defense makes them uncomfortable and things can quickly spiral out of control. Trust me on this one, again you're too young to remember the Riders having to do this but when you keep throwing qb after qb in looking for the instant fix you wind up ruining any potential your qbs might have. Agreed. I think many Rider fans have completely unrealistic ideas about how easy it is to develop a quality starting QB. Sunseri has about as good a situation as any backup could have hoped for and he looked absolutely lost out there. That kind of a performance does not get rectified in the span of a week. Sunseri is simply not ready.
  14. Doege would not likely create any improvement. The Riders decided to go green at the backup position and save a few bucks banking on Durant's history of being relatively injury free. It will now cost them for the remainder of the season as they struggle with QBs that are not ready for prime time. If this offends some Rider fans...too bad....it wasn't meant for your eyes anyway.
  15. It's WPG vs B.C. for 4th. Such is life we finish 5th and out of the playoffs BUT we would be in 1st place in the East and THEN we'll see where those separate division lovers are. I really like BC's chances at 3rd right now. They have the season series over the RIders and the Riders are in big trouble offensively right now. I would say that the battle for 4th will be between us and Regina.
  16. That's awful. Probably just ended his NFL career.
  17. So is every thread now turning into a Winnipeg vs. Regina pissing match? It's better than a gbill vs Mike pissing match every thread. Just saying....
  18. Yeah...I hate Saskatchewan more then anyone else here, but I know mfranc isn't even close to being a troll on this board. The trolls that frequent this board are mostly Bomber fans unfortunately. Not so far, but go and read what he has to say about the Bombers and Bomber fans at the Rider forum. Once you've read that, it is hard to respect him over here. I get that he should be judged by what he posts here but when you use the same name here as you do there, it will lead to ALL your words being judged and what he says over there would have him perma-banned over here. Might not be fair...but it is what it is.
  19. I think that since the CFL became the only league outside the NFL that we are seeing much bigger, stronger, and faster DL talent. Also, the NFL seems to hold onto OL like gold so it has not translated into a bonanza of OL talent in the same way. Also, they are beginning to take a lot of our top NI OL prospects and it is weakening the pool of talent at OL league wide.
  20. I expect that Brohm should be much better after receiving most of the first team reps. Will it be good enough? Who knows. The rest of the team has to really step up.
  21. I don't think he looked poor at all against Winnipeg, he did what a backup is supposed to do. Manage & win the game.And like I said already, if he plays again like he did yesterday they put in Doege who's also taking 1st team reps in practice. I think Cortez's record speaks for itself, he knows what he's got. He looked poor against Winnipeg. He barely managed to hang onto what should have been a pretty safe lead. You truly are viewing him through green goggles. He came close to costing you guys the game.So barely managing to hang onto a game is worse than losing games for your team in the 4th quarter?Sample size on Tino is too small, he needs to improve big time this weekend no question. The difference between Willy and TIno is that Willy gives us a chance to win. With Sunseri, it is just about limiting the damage he can do. Willy threw some late game ints that cost us wins. He also made some excellent plays that put us in position to have a chance to win. Your game was lost the minute Sunseri was the starter. If we knock out Durant a few minutes earlier we win that game too. In short, one QB provides his team with a chance to win. The other is simply holding the fort down in hopes other aspects of the team can get it done.
  22. Hey sucka! Always lovely to see the gutless trolls show up and try to cause a ruckus.Sunseri? He's got to get rid of the frickin ball. Standing around like a statue made the O-line look worse then it was. The TiCat interior defensive line is a beautiful thing (and Nationals too). Offence and special teams were weak sauce. Defence? They had good coverage but Collaros was squeezing the ball into tight coverage all day with a quick release and good scrambling. This is the Collaros the TiCats wanted to see. It's going to be tough without DD but there was plenty of blame to go around. Peace and enjoy the bye week. It'll give you guys a chance to heal up. Also, note that I wasn't on here acting like a jack ass after the Lion/Bomber game. PS Bombers suck Yes, speaking of gutless trolls, I didn't think you would "bless" us with your presence so soon after that debacle yesterday. I guess as far as trolls go you're not compeletely gutless anyway. As for not coming on here acting like a jackass after the LIons game, I wouldn't pat myself on the back for that. Chances are you knew you would be put in your place if you did. An act of cowardice is not an act of kindness. Come on over though and keep beaking, you won't find the mods protecting you over here.
  23. No idea, but Rider fans who come onto Bomber forums acting like clowns shouldn't go throwing stones at Bomber fans who post on the Rider home forum. We all read what you have to say over at Riderfans about the Bombers. Don't come looking for sympathy and crying crocodile tears over here if a Bomber fan makes you look bad on your home forum. You come here all trying to give the impression that you're a nice guy but everything you say to Bomber fans and about the Bombers on your home forum is real douchebaggery. Own it.
  24. I don't think he looked poor at all against Winnipeg, he did what a backup is supposed to do. Manage & win the game. And like I said already, if he plays again like he did yesterday they put in Doege who's also taking 1st team reps in practice. I think Cortez's record speaks for itself, he knows what he's got. He looked poor against Winnipeg. He barely managed to hang onto what should have been a pretty safe lead. You truly are viewing him through green goggles. He came close to costing you guys the game. That wasn't managing and winning a game, you guys were in full hanging on by the fingernails and hopefully the clock will rescue us mode.
  25. I don't think he looked poor at all against Winnipeg, he did what a backup is supposed to do. Manage & win the game. And like I said already, if he plays again like he did yesterday they put in Doege who's also taking 1st team reps in practice. I think Cortez's record speaks for itself, he knows what he's got. He looked poor against Winnipeg. He barely managed to hang onto what should have been a pretty safe lead. You truly are viewing him through green goggles. He came close to costing you guys the game.
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