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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. Taman's EXACT wording was "there is a chance".
  2. Almost forgot to mention this. Migs pay attention. In Fllutie's autobiography he discusses the elbow injury. He states that his competitive nature led him to return from that injury far too soon. He says he played the end of that season with only 65-70% arm strength and that he had to drastically reduce his off season training the next year because he had set back his recovery. He states that he feels fortunate that the decision for him to prematurely return did not cost him his career. BTW, the book is called FLUTIE: Doug Flutie by Perry Lefko (of all people lol)...but it a good read for any CFL fan.
  3. Carson Palmer, with a lower degree of severity....close to a year. That's just one off the top of my head. For every Doug Flutie you trot out, I can trot out one that it ended their season. Why? Because not everyone is the same and no two injuries are exactly the same. You keep grasping onto that lame duck argument though....it's all you've got.
  4. BTW, Migs, you keep referencing Doug Flutie as an example. First of all, you do realize that two people can have the same injury but different degrees of severity right? Doug Flutie had a slight tear of his tendon in his elbow. In fact, he played several games before the doctor's and Flutie made the decision to repair it before it became worse. Durant's was reported as a complete tear of the tendon...a much worse prognosis. Comparing the two is simply not applicable.
  5. I know full well it could have been anyone in the organization or in Ottawa's or Edmonton's. That does not diminish the fire behind the smoke though. The Riders are actively looking for and willing to give up huge returns for a starting QB. Now answer me this....do you think Taman is an idiot who would give up a 1st round pick and more or a star NI receiver for a stop gap QB that will start 4 games? I don't think he is. Like I said earlier, all the lip service and optimism coming from the Rider brass is in complete opposition to what their actions have been over the past few days. I get it that you have green goggles in regard to this issue but are they blinding you to common sense? They must be. I think we have found the driver of the turnip truck.
  6. Migs, you asked me if I still thought it was Taman who leaked info to Madani. Now I am asking you to please find anywhere that I have stated that. I think you have the wrong huckleberry.
  7. I am surprised we have not looked at McDuffie yet. I am beginning to think he is a long term project.
  8. About time we see the receiver airlift. Our receiving corps has been suspect since Moore went down. Sure wish we had Joe Mack scouting for receivers for us. Not saying I would want him for anything else...but he produced quality receivers.
  9. Migs, comparing Durant's ability to play through a turf toe or a bruised rib to coming back from reconstructive elbow surgery is a little far fetched....even for a Rider apologist.
  10. I did listen to it and stand behind my assessment. You are spinning like a dreidel at Passover Migs. Right now no one, including Taman, has used any language other than "we are hopeful", " there is a chance", and "if things progress well". Is Taman being optimistic, yep, would anyone expect him not to be...at least publically.
  11. Listened to Sportscage and what Migs forgot to mention is that Taman was speaking hypothetically. He said there is a chance that Durant could be suited up for game 17 or 18 depending on how his rehab goes. Nothing definitive saying he will be back and a lot of hope and "there is a chance" talk. Migs spun the entire thing.
  12. IF Durant were able to somehow start a playoff game his arm would be a noodle. Durant is the type of QB that is only effective when he is at his best physically. The Riders might be just as well off going with Sunseri even if Durant can dress. The chances of Durant coming back and being effective this year are extremely remote. I get that Rider fans want to cling to this last shred of hope on a rapidly sinking season but it really is a false hope. Unless they have replaced his elbow with a bionic one he simply doesn't have the time to get his arm back to full strength, and Durant is not good enough to succeed at anything less than full arm strength.
  13. ,"Yet another rumor surfacing in Twitterland from the media is that the Shmoes and Riders are currently in talks to trade Nichols for one of Bagg/Getzlaf. Nothing says, "despite what we told you today Durant is out for the foreseeable future" more than the Riders trying to pry any QB they can away from anyone for star NIs or 1st round picks. Sorry Migs, this Durant will be back talk is just window dressing to try improve the Riders position in a trade.
  14. So let me get this straight...the day after Taman's trade offer is rejected by the RBs Durant suddenly has an excellent chance of returning. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that the Riders are desperately trying to not give the impression that they are desperate. No one offers a 1st round pick and a roster player for a 40 year old QB rental unless their QB is out for the season. Don't really care what Chamblin, Durant, or Taman SAY right now. Actions speak louder than words and the ACTIONS say that Durant is toast for this year. I found it especially comical that the timeline for "Durant's return to throwing" is the week FOLLOWING the trade deadline.
  15. An emotional and pissed off Mike O'Shea after a tough loss.....correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the exact reason we hired him? Can't wait to see the week of practice our guys are going to have. I guarantee that MOS will leave his fingerprint on our preparation this week. This is a good thing people. I've been waiting a few weeks for this.
  16. The Riders look like the 2013 Bombers. The offence stinks and is causing the defence to get worn out and badly exposed. The rest of the season is going to be a long one for the Riders. Their chance at repeating as Grey Cup champs is dead, just not officially. All that remains is the constant kicking in the nads that karma will provide to Rider fans for the rest of the season as they watch their team flail around like a fish out of water.
  17. The Bombers have training and medical staff who are intimately aware of the nature and seriousness of Drew's injury. The Bombers have a HC who has already established (Nick Moore) that he won't send a player out on the field less at less than 100%. I am not sure why some people seem to think that the Bombers would ignore the advice of team doctors, trainers, and then change their established position on injured players. If Drew Willy plays Saturday, I am fully confident it is because he is not at any further risk of injury than normal and that he is able to compete at a high level. I am not sure why anyone would think differently. There is no basis for questioning the team on this. This is football people.....players are nicked up all year long. This isn't macramé class for cripes sakes.
  18. It's a sprain. There is almost no chance that him playing puts him at further risk for a more serious injury. If he can stand the pain and throw a good ball there is no harm in letting him play.
  19. Hey Migs, is the "word around town" really that Durant is likely to be back for the playoffs? All we have heard from the national and local Saskatchewan media is that is technically possible but a longshot. I don't think there is any basis in reality to think that there is anything more than an outside chance of his return. If reports of his chances to return have been upgraded to probable then please provide a link to share with us. Until then, I, and the rest of the free world outside of Saskatchewan should consider this some extremely wishful thinking from a member(s) of a fan base who know their Grey Cup chances went down the toilet when he got injured.
  20. Ok, so to summarize this thread so far the ideas are to take touches away from an already underutilized Grigsby and give them to Pontbriand to increase offensive production, replace Watson with Fitzgerald in the slot, and start JFG instead of Romby. I vote for the status quo over these suggestions. No offense to the guys floating out the ideas but with the exception of JFG over Romby I don't see any of these suggestions having even a remote chance of working out.
  21. well you are missing a game in there since it hasn't been played yet but I find it highly unlikely that those three teams wind up tied. Did Winnipeg already play BC twice? Thought the upcoming was the second. yeah go figure you totally forget the game where the Bombers kicked the Lions up and down the field. You expect me to memorize every game of the season? Just a mistake. Seems like selective memory to me. Probably not intentional but selective all the same.
  22. And Kuale was a DE when he started with the Argos, so the comparison is directly on point since you want to get technical about it. Kuale is not a DE for the Bombers nor will he be, so no, you are not on point at all. Furthermore, he did not play DE when he started with the Argos, he was a STer who actually had his first chance at starting as a fullback before becoming a starter for the Argos as a LBer in 2011 and 2012. Perhaps, if someone signs Thigpen you can sigh and say "and we are stuck with Kuale". It would be just as applicable. You best just admit you made a mistake as to where Hickman plays and leave it at that because the more you try argue and become indignant the more foolish you look. You were making a sarcastic remark regarding our MLB when another team signed a DE. It didn't make sense then, and after all your backpedaling it still doesn't make sense.
  23. Pigseye. I could care less what position Hickman played in the NFL. It is completely irrelevant because in the CFL he is a DE, always has been always will be, and Kuale is a MLBer. Comparing them does not make sense. You will be waiting for a long time for an apology because you are still comparing apples to oranges.
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