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Everything posted by Floyd

  1. Wow, if we were ever considering shopping Henoc, now would be the time... after this loss, I could see Henoc for Watman, Willy and a pick swap
  2. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/lost-in-translation-225686791.html All the same 'fans' talking about how the bombers should have understood that the cheer was for 'warrior Buck' didn't take any time at all to check out BStew's comments I guess.
  3. Its funny how Max Hall gets referred to as a 'young' QB still developing... the guy made it to the NFL - played exactly the same as he's playing here - then basically 'retired' to coach. I just don't understand how we thought this would turn out any different.
  4. If we don't sign Collaros or address the QB situation as soon as possible, there is actually no reason for any FA to re-sign here if they have other options.
  5. The 'We Want Buck' chant was the low point for Winnipeg fans since way back when we cheered for Kent Austin's injury. This team is in freefalll but the fans last night were the real embarrassment. Now, everyone is hiding behind we were just showing our appreciation for Buck. Boo if you want but cheering for the opposing quarterback is just ridiculous. Not exactly going to make our free agent quest any easier.
  6. Aww, poor Mack... pretty funny to be arguing about Mack's brilliance at rebuilding our Cdn content when we just started 3 import OL and Pierre Luc Labbe.
  7. Listening to Burke now... Irving sure sets up some floaters for him. Poor Bob, he deserves a better team.
  8. Are you kidding me? Walters has brought in Peach, Kelly, Foster, Boltus, Brown, Bo Smith since Mack got canned. Peach and Kelly are decent players... the rest are filler. Walters has another two weeks until trade deadline? Then a tiny window to sign/trade for Collaros...? If Miller has a real candidate in mind, maybe we need to get him in here in early October.
  9. Terrence Edwards upset with 1 of his O linemen on that last @Wpg_BlueBombers play had to be restrained by Kenny Mainor My stream had cut by this point... anyone see what this was about? Doesn't sound like TE at all...
  10. Bob just said that our OL is just as good as BC's - its the offensive scheming that is the problem. Brown and Bob seem to agree that the problem in Winnipeg is lack of a quarterback. Interesting take... I'll consider that. Brown said that the story about Labatte leaving because Wpg asked him to play Centre was a load of crap. Bob makes a shocking announcement... Zach Collaros is on the Blue Bombers 'radar'. Sounds like some fans might have been drinking tonight.
  11. It made a lot of sense to pull Hall - he was garbage until BC let up... what didn't (and doesn't) make sense is that our two backups have zero talent. Why not see what Levi Brown can do... at least, it can tell us if Kyle Walters should be a part of our GM team.
  12. I still lay a lot of most of this on Mack... but after tonight's game, there is just nothing I can say to excuse Burke's poor coaching. This team is the worst I have seen in pretty much, ever. Some good players but not many. MB does not appear to be the answer, especially if he thought Boltus was a reasonable prospect. Quinton Porter is a better QB than anyone we have - and that's bad.
  13. No one is pining for Brink... or Goltz. Oh wait, Goltz is still here.
  14. Oh come on. Lapo was just as frustratingly conservative as Burke... our early 2011 season was more based on Lobo's performance as anything else. The team's real problem is - no QB (thanks Buck), no development of the OL, random drafting, no depth (NI or import) I don't know what you're talking about with no development of the OL ... we've had plenty of development. Greaves has developed into a starter, Swiston is right there if he could stay healthy and Pencer is making progress if Burke would ever let him work through the same struggles guys like Boatman and Morley have been allowed to work through. It's not a good OL by any means but we're well into the process of developing a handful of prospects. Maybe I should have used 'progression'... or maybe no plan. Khan was average but we replace him with first Kowalczuk and Sorenson with no experience. I know you like Sorenson but he is the worst Centre in the league. Labatte leaves so we just insert Greaves - Greaves might be a starting but he is an average starter. Agree with Swiston and Pencer... but that's my point, other teams let their young guys like Norman and Neufeld work through struggles - we have had two years of Taormina and Boatman... now 3 import OL. We dumped Dunn without him getting any playing time yet still hang on to Kowalczuk...?? Sign Dewitt and then don't even take a look at him in camp? Lots of OL available over the last few years, Mack just sat on his hands.
  15. This was the first season that I didn't really care if I missed games... now that Mack is gone, I care a bit more because at least there is a glimmer of hope for next year. Really waiting to see if Walters can put anything together before trade deadline - doubt it though, everyone else is really in the hunt.
  16. Canadian positions are now 3-4 OL, 1-2 receivers, Safety and something else Unless you have a real star at one of the alternate positions, you really should be focusing on 4 NI OL - we have had several chances to change our ratio and instead played sub-par Americans. The only reason losing Muamba would not hurt as much is that this team needs a total rebuild anyway.
  17. I'm a bit lost here. Your posts have kind of drifted from calling the rest of us out for blaming Mack for 'everything' but now you just blame Burke for 'everything'... Burke is terrible but the bombers haven't won since mid-2011... two different HC, four OC, three DC, two ST - you're telling me that all of these guys were incapable of motivating the fine talent that Mack assembled? With Lapo the team at least competed. With Burke the team just rolls over and dies and that is just unacceptable. I don't think Lapo was all that as a head coach but he was 100 times better than Burke was. Agreed. But this all leads back to Mack... Lapo was struggling in 2012 (after Mack influenced him to cut Kent) and then it finally seems like we are turning the corner with a close game at BC and the next day he is turfed. Anyway, whatever... we suck.
  18. Oh come on. Lapo was just as frustratingly conservative as Burke... our early 2011 season was more based on Lobo's performance as anything else. The team's real problem is - no QB (thanks Buck), no development of the OL, random drafting, no depth (NI or import)
  19. I'm a bit lost here. Your posts have kind of drifted from calling the rest of us out for blaming Mack for 'everything' but now you just blame Burke for 'everything'... Burke is terrible but the bombers haven't won since mid-2011... two different HC, four OC, three DC, two ST - you're telling me that all of these guys were incapable of motivating the fine talent that Mack assembled?
  20. Um, so far its only Crowton, Garber and Mack who have lost their jobs... but they all sucked. Cutting Hef - that was ridiculous... aside from that, who has really been turfed because of Burke?
  21. Well, this is the legacy of the Mack era... Mack scouts a a new talent and we cut a vet before the replacement has proven anything. We sit and watch while the new guys 'grows into' the position. Repeat.
  22. Pencer was letting the guy in front of him have too much penetration... you weren't seeing him get blown past but it was having an effect on our running game (making the bounce outside have to go really deep/not opening a hole inside) and was letting Willis take an inside route on Knapp more easily than he should have been able to. Willis just started bullrushing Knapp... our second INT is just Knapp getting cleanly beat - Pencer has nothing to do with that. I guess all I am saying is that Pencer did not look out of place - our whole line had a tough time at different points. You can't say Greaves or Sorenson were getting any push. Just don't think its worth benching him especially with the ratio mess.
  23. Except our two import OL weren't our best guys last game... Jones played quite well but Odell figured Knapp out halfway through the game and abused him for most of the second half. I actually thought Pencer had a good game - especially for his second game - shows what I know I guess, oh well.
  24. Did Burke just take another shot at Joey Elliott in his presser today... wow. I wonder what he did to piss Burke off. What a bunch of fluff questions - whoever said that Winnipeg media is tough on coaches...
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