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Everything posted by Floyd

  1. Two weeks to get a deal done... starting to look like we don't have much choice other than to annoint Walters as GM if we want a shot at a QB!
  2. Good job Walters... nothing wrong with asking. But, I have to say I am on the Collaros bandwagon now - that guy just keeps getting better. I would be totally fine with trading a pick just for the rights to negotiate before Ottawa snags him...
  3. Floyd


    Anderson looked like he got hurt in OT - not sure though Bo Smith was also pulled due to lack of talent. During the broadcast they said JJ had moved over to Suber's spot and Cauchy came in to play safety so who came out that Smith replaced? Smith replaced Suber and then Cauchy replaced Smith... we were playing three or four NIs on defence in OT.
  4. Not saying that wasn't a bad break... but Edmonton handed us a ton of penalty yards, Chambers dropped a sure touchdown, Edm fumbled in scoring range, etc etc Suber had one and Washington had two chances for INTs... yeah, we got some bad breaks but this wasn't a game where all the bad luck was with one team.
  5. Floyd


    Anderson looked like he got hurt in OT - not sure though Bo Smith was also pulled due to lack of talent.
  6. After watching the game again, aside from Cauchy and Bo Smith, talent is not the problem - at least on the defensive side. Depth, yes, that is a major problem - but it was Burke's choice (with Mack) to ditch Logan and Hef... Kashama too. On the offence, well Max Hall is not the answer and Goltz has now officially been destroyed... Jyles 2.0 - Talent level is a problem on the offensive side. Burke seems to have retreated to DC... but its too late. These guys have lost the players - whatever spark the D had this game is likely gone now - especially with that ridiculous insinuation that we lost because of a 'young team' mistake. I defended Burke earlier but I was wrong. He was outcoached by Kavis and that says a lot. Get him out of here asap... I can't really tell if Bellefuile got outcoached because the offence barely had the ball in the second half, we had a couple decent drives that were snuffed out by an interception and a D'Angelis shank. Creehan made some nice adjustments but then kept blitzing in the 4th after it was apparent that Reilly had figured him out. Dickenson - well, for the first time in quite some time, we didn't fall for a fake punt... so that's something!
  7. Just watched the game again... the Defence played well - its just the same old story... they were on the field for almost the entire second half. By the fourth quarter, Reilly had figured out Creehan's blitzing... basically, they started doing what we did in the first quarter. If you want to cut someone, cut Bo Smith and banish Cauchy to ST.
  8. I know Demond kind of got blamed... but now that I watch the game again, I'd lay it on Hall's decision-making... yes, its better than Goltz and Buck, but still not good enough for the CFL. 1Q - Kohlert makes a diving play to prevent a Max Hall INT - Max Hall looks like hand is injured 2ndQ 1:07 left - up 20-4 instead of playing conservative - which is weird because Burke et al are always conservative... Max Hall under pressure, throws into thick coverage - INT - Hall looks a bit shaken up 3rd Q - Big plays by D to start 3rd Q and Bellefuille calls two draw plays to Ford... 2 and out - Next series, we are really moving the ball and Hall under pressure, throws a deep floater that is picked 4th Q - Denmark fumbles but D bails us out - Can't stop Charles on 3rd and 2 - Six minutes left: Creehan sends Dunn on the blitz instead of picking up McCarty - leads to TD... Defence has basically been on the field more almost the entire 4th quarter - Sorenson just drops his man and lets Laurent come in clean, Hall injured, D'Angelis shanks it - Creehan starts to go all-in on the blitz, starts getting burnt - Suber almost wins the game for us, misses INT - Two minutes left and we get the ball on our 50... and in comes Goltz - anyone think we'll call a QB draw? - We get lucky with a Chamber drop - Kickoff or no, its only five yards and one second difference... - Wow, being booed heading into overtime at home - nice move. - Goltz pouting. OT: - Cauchy - ugh. - Creehan continues to go all-in, continues to get burnt - Jarvis Jones picks a bad time to whiff on his assignment Add to this: - Markett had a tough time with Bowman all game - Knapp got schooled in the 2nd half - Sorenson just cannot get downfield to help... ever. - Bo Smith never was any good and still isn't. Sad thing is that the Football gods were good to us this game - Edmonton's penalties and drops left this up for us to win.
  9. How would the bombers ruin his career? He is the one who decided to stick with Buck, promote Goltz, cut Hefney, etc etc.
  10. Floyd


    What does Suber's injury or Reilly's statistics have to do with our offense? Ha, that is true... I mean being out-coached by Kavis... just saying that the loss was as much about Bo Smith and Cauchy as it was our O's collapse. On the other hand, I am re-watching the game now... I might re-tract these statements. Only a last-ditch dive by Kohlert saved a Max Hall INT in the first minutes...
  11. Floyd


    Okay, this is just piling on. Edmonton did not exactly come out and horse-whip us in the 3rd quarter - I agree our offence abandoned some things that were working nicely - running outside the tackles, quick hitches, etc - but I would say our poor second half was as much about the right side of our OL (including Sorenson) getting tired and Suber's injury. A good chunk of Reilly's numbers came from the Washington tip and then vicitimizing Bo Smith.
  12. Floyd


    cause he's a lousy coach as proven by his past experiences? Not like the offense did anything outside of the first quarter last night, that reflects on the coaching as much as it does the players. Edmonton made adjustments our offensive staff did nothing to counter those adjustments. In terms of available guys with CFL experience, Bellefuille is probably the best prospect right now... Dickenson and Jones are not coming over here, Stubler, Marshall, Hall - these guys are not HC material... who is left?
  13. hiring him would be no different than hiring Lapo. We can do better. What's with the hate-on for Bellefuille? Who else is out there? And don't say Greg Marshall.
  14. Flip side is why are their fans who hate Burke so much calling out his coaching ability yet treat Joe Mack with kid gloves? Saying that if we were more patient he'd have built a winner. There's absolutely no proof that would have ever happened. Why can't these fans be as critical of Mack as they are of Burke? This team doesn't have the talent & that was the responsibility of Joe Mack. A GM gets more patience because he's further from the direct result. His mistakes can take weeks, months or years to reveal themselves. A head coach is criticized immediately because his stupid decisions have a more immediate impact. Well, I'd say we've hit the perfect storm.
  15. Floyd


    Why are we ragging on Bellefuille... I thought he called a pretty good game - not his fault that Hall served up some some terrible INTs.
  16. The D played well until the 4th quarter... watch the game again - we hold the Eskimos to field goals after the offence basically gives away field position for the entire game... then Bo Smith and Cauch lose us the game. Then Burke blames it on Washington - anyone would have tried for that ball...
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoF_a0-7xVQ
  18. I'm going to disagree... our D kicked ass for most of the game - and with Labbe playing... that says a lot. Bo Smith and Cauchy undid us - so I have to say jury is still out on Walters/MB's Hammie connections, although Peach was a killer. Yet again (how many years has it been now?), our offence just sucked the life out of our D. And don't kid yourself, Burke is calling the D now... not Creehan.
  19. Just watched Burke's interview... wanking about rookies blah blah... except he was the one that cut Logan and Hef... not to mention pumped Washington and Cauchy's tires. Wow. Free fall.
  20. I was a Burke supporter up until the second half of this game. It is unfortunate to say but he does not have it... I mean Kavis Reed out-coached him (AGAIN) and, well, its Kavis Reed...
  21. Jarvis jones is a monster - dominant against a very good DE. I would put January back at RT when he is healthy Knapp having a tough 2nd half, odell figured him out... Having a rough go yet still a lot better than anyone since douglas. Pencer getting tired now, not ready for tackle but guard for rest of season
  22. Hey that's cool... If you guys think rotating Sherman and Labbe through our game is better than burning a DI on the offensive live, no prob... I'm sure two import OTs will probably work out fine tonight anyway...
  23. Its hard to tell if Burke could be a good HC... he went into this season with Creehan and Crowton - this was his choice (although likely with no small influence by Mack...) - maybe if we coughed up the dough for Stubler and Cortez, the season is not quite so bad. too late now... just hope Miller and BoD recognize that we need to spend $$ on coaches who actually work for us - not just the ones that used to.
  24. D played really well in that game... but it was the same old story - start start, we are down early, offence does nothing (or worse than nothing), D holds them and even gets some points, offence does nothing, close but no cigar.
  25. If Pencer goes to tackle and gets hurt half way through, then who backs him up? I don't know, just asking the question. I do agree that I'd like to see him at tackle. I think if Swiston hadn't gotten hurt we'd have seen at least one of them starting this week at tackle, something I've wanted to see all year. Would much rather see Knapp backing up and with a plan to juggle the ratio if Pencer got hurt...
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