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Everything posted by holoman

  1. Combine this with the 6-0 lead tsn had with the riders leading before the week 1 game kickoff even started....makes me shake my head
  2. You'd be hard pressed to find one poster who isn't worried about our franchise QB's health. This is strictly an argument between what a few people believe did happen vs a few people believe didn't happen. It's completely possible there is a misdiagnosis based on zero symptoms. It is also possible to be unconscious without a concussion. What we have here is a forum full of football fans and not one of them are doctors (Despite what DR CFL says)
  3. Ryan SMith out this week so I'm changing to Terrell Sutton
  4. See, thats the thing. You know it's a penalty so you shouldn't go ahead and do it. It's like going 20 KM over the speed limit then getting shocked you got a speeding ticket.
  5. I never noticed when the game was on TV, but if you look at the score that TSN puts up during the kickoff in the 1st quarter, they spotted SK a 6 point lead before the game even started. TSN loves their Riders
  6. This was a concern to me as well, however, that could be Hall calling a more conservative game knowing what Durant can do with his legs
  7. I'm not denying he wasn't cut out for the job, in fact, I really have no idea if he wasn't or not as the organization from top to bottom was a complete mess. But the dude got blamed for everything include stuff that happened before he took over.
  8. I think we can thank Garth Butchko for that disaster.... who, has we all know, is long gone by now Butchko wasn't part of the organization at that point, but the dude has frosted tips so I get why the blame is laid
  9. It's sometimes hard to avoid. The Friday night game, the one where Ottawa was honoring the soldier that got killed out of Parliament. Everybody Canada wide was going to wear red in honor of him. Rider fans thought Green would have been more appropriate..cause you know..Green is Canada's colour.
  10. I'm not sure the bombers have interest in any of those quarterbacks.
  11. But Main Street's still all cracked and broken... Sorry 17to85 the Negatrons have spoken
  12. Richie Hall at D coordinator Drafting Chung Signing Westerman
  13. If you manage to pluck someone off a PR, you would have to place them on your 46 man roster.
  14. Gary's left his NHL brain on. Doubt it. Looks like Neufeld was put on the 6 game IR. Cap is nearly meaningless in this round of cuts and at this time of year. It's not tabulated until after the season, unlike the NHL where teams need to have a roster than fits under the cap prorated each game, and it's not a hard cap either way. It's not even a cap
  15. No, you got that right but don't know if that was the reason he was cut. Probably just got beat out by someone with more versatility. Would be a great temp. fill in for Stoudermire but nothing more. Not sure about that. Sanders released then they signed Tim Brown who is 4 years older
  16. A few years ago I was at a game sitting on the west side behind the Bomber bench and I had a mother and small kid behind me, and the kid kept asking mundane questions and the mom kept answering them, right in my ear. I was able to ignore the banter for the most part but then there was some horrible call by the ref so I started yelling, using a few choice words, forgetting about the kid sitting behind me. Suddenly I hear this little voice say "Mommy why is that man so angry" and the mom says "Because the ref is a moron dear"....ha ha ha I bring my daughter (7 now) every year. it's a 50/50 chance she's really into it. But usually a wireless device keeps her from asking every 2 minutes if we can go yet.
  17. Ok enough political chatter...Lets talk wrestling....GO
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