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Everything posted by holoman

  1. he struggled but still looked better then greaves or paddy had in there.. he should be ok once he gets a rhythm.. nichols looked like he was in another league compared to brohm or marve.. You're really looking at low standards when it comes to Brohm though
  2. I'm too busy watching this ongoing car chase. Did you guys hear OJ Simpson killed his wife?
  3. Rumour of Chamblin being fired- Peterson: Thats ridiculous and preposterous. How could anybody think of such a thing Rumour of Huff to the Riders- Petersen: Now it's just a rumour, but I love where this is going.
  4. I know the Als have been the model franchise in the past, but who would want to coach there? The GM, who has made it known that he wants to coach, is lurking over your shoulder and at the same time loading your team with distractions (ok I"m exaggerating, 2 players) all the while will can you mid season when the players he's given you don't exceed their mediocre standards
  5. My favorite was 2003. Game was well over and Burris threw a pass and I think it went incomplete for the last play of the game. Burris went ape **** to the officials because he thought it was a catch.
  6. I think what this does, is gives us the opportunity to release Brohm and allow Marve to develop if he is in our future plans
  7. After today's **** kicking. This thread needs to be addressed
  8. Kristian Matte was a first round pick in 2010 and didn't start until this year for Montreal. Bad pick?? So, your point? We need to see what Goosen can do. What's Matte have to do with it. If you don't see the comparison, there is no hope
  9. My recollection is Mack stepped in and said Start Brink. That very well could have been a poster who speculated that though
  10. Well, technically they would be right. It is the easiest part of their schedule. It doesn't make it easy though.
  11. New thread or digging up an old thread, there's no way anybody should have Ameet Pall on the brain. Iso, I can understand, what with his pending lawsuit about his dogs and the whole cornflakes thing, but gbill?
  12. I think Rogers would be a good bet for week 10
  13. You ask that question as if the Stamps LB crew was filled with Neil Mcklinley, Wade Miller and Scott Mennie
  14. Bombers are on a by week. I doubt he'll remain there after this weekend
  15. Should we change the title of the thread or is signing Simmons to the PR still a sign of interest?
  16. He sent out a later tweet saying he's moving things to storage.
  17. Wow, poor guy. Can't beat out the starting linebackers in front of him. Didn't ask for a trade. He's a slave. Welcome to pro football.Pretty harsh the guy just wants to play and if he is not good enough to even dress for Calgary let him play somewhere.These guys aren't making big bucks. Lots of guys are in Jasper Simmons' place & don't do what he & his agent did. Not everyone can play & start.They don't run to twitter & start bitching. If he's being held "hostage" by the Stamps like he claims & doesn't like it then he should quit & do something else with his life. In a story yesterday it was reported that Simmons is getting his full salary whether he dresses or not. So, this stuff about not being able to take care of his family is rubbish. Two years ago Sean Lemon was backing up Corderro Law & wasn't dressing for games like Simmons is now. John Hufnagel said he was in his office every week complaining & saying he wanted to play. At the time, Lemon was extremely upset. Huff told him to be patient & continue to work hard. Well, Law left for the NFL & Lemon got his chance with the Stamps last season & had a great year. Now he's getting a shot with the 49ers. Lemon never bitched publicly like Simmons did or had his agent call out the Stampeders. He just went about his business & acted like a pro even though he was unhappy. Things certainly worked out for Lemon since. I'm of the mind that you (nor I) are really in position to tell anyone else how they should or should not manage their life as it pertains to taking care of their family. Maybe he's getting his full salary - now what if he makes league minimum and his best way of making money is by being on the field, making plays? Football is a fickle business and in a sport where contracts are not guaranteed, I don't ever criticize a player who decides to make a decision (whether I agree with it or not) to try and maximize their earning potential. Mike, he's under contract to the Stamps & getting paid. Were you saying that last year when Nic Grigsby walked into Osh's office & gave him a "Play me or release me" ultimatum? Everyone on this board called the guy a quitter when he was released. I don't recall you or very many defending Grigsby. How is this different? And since when is pro football all about equal playing time? Stamps are exceptionally strong at linebacker. Simmons has to do what others did in the past when in a similar situation. Work hard, continue to work hard, be patient, wait for the opportunity & then make the most of it. Not cry about it on twitter. If you're going to use a player to base your argument off of, Nic Grigsby is the last player I would use. Why, he's the perfect example. So basically what you're saying is because you hate Grigsby, demanding to play or else was unacceptable. But it's okay for Simmons to do the same thing with the Stamps because you neither like or dislike him? No he's not. Grigsby was starting. Was asked to sit one game and he quit.
  18. Wow, poor guy. Can't beat out the starting linebackers in front of him. Didn't ask for a trade. He's a slave. Welcome to pro football.Pretty harsh the guy just wants to play and if he is not good enough to even dress for Calgary let him play somewhere.These guys aren't making big bucks. Lots of guys are in Jasper Simmons' place & don't do what he & his agent did. Not everyone can play & start.They don't run to twitter & start bitching. If he's being held "hostage" by the Stamps like he claims & doesn't like it then he should quit & do something else with his life. In a story yesterday it was reported that Simmons is getting his full salary whether he dresses or not. So, this stuff about not being able to take care of his family is rubbish. Two years ago Sean Lemon was backing up Corderro Law & wasn't dressing for games like Simmons is now. John Hufnagel said he was in his office every week complaining & saying he wanted to play. At the time, Lemon was extremely upset. Huff told him to be patient & continue to work hard. Well, Law left for the NFL & Lemon got his chance with the Stamps last season & had a great year. Now he's getting a shot with the 49ers. Lemon never bitched publicly like Simmons did or had his agent call out the Stampeders. He just went about his business & acted like a pro even though he was unhappy. Things certainly worked out for Lemon since. I'm of the mind that you (nor I) are really in position to tell anyone else how they should or should not manage their life as it pertains to taking care of their family. Maybe he's getting his full salary - now what if he makes league minimum and his best way of making money is by being on the field, making plays? Football is a fickle business and in a sport where contracts are not guaranteed, I don't ever criticize a player who decides to make a decision (whether I agree with it or not) to try and maximize their earning potential. Mike, he's under contract to the Stamps & getting paid. Were you saying that last year when Nic Grigsby walked into Osh's office & gave him a "Play me or release me" ultimatum? Everyone on this board called the guy a quitter when he was released. I don't recall you or very many defending Grigsby. How is this different? And since when is pro football all about equal playing time? Stamps are exceptionally strong at linebacker. Simmons has to do what others did in the past when in a similar situation. Work hard, continue to work hard, be patient, wait for the opportunity & then make the most of it. Not cry about it on twitter. If you're going to use a player to base your argument off of, Nic Grigsby is the last player I would use.
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