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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Sadly.....someone else will end up running the show in Montreal and be left with an empty cupboard of draft picks thanks to the current gong show.
  2. Sadly the East is going to drive this league into the ground. While it’s always great to see your team win this league needs competitive balance to be viable. Empty seats and poor TV ratings will ultimately hurt the CFL.
  3. The only players not allowed to attend meetings are those on the suspended list....not that there is anything in place to monitor it.
  4. Given the extent of injuries to QBs already this season I can’t see anyone trading away their QB depth and leaving themselves at risk.
  5. Was Patrick Brown ever formally charged with a crime? I believe he is sueing CTV. The court of public opinion is a tough one. While the CFL is right not to condemn this type of behaviour at what point does an accused file a wrongful dismissal suit when they are found not guilty?
  6. LaPo....2nd and 10....pass for 7 and punt.....could be worse , Khari Jones and help him complete his 9 team tour of the CFL...he’s hoping the Maritmies gets a team sooner then later.
  7. Tighter coverage on any and all receivers when there isn’t the real threat of a vertical attack on the DBs.
  8. Other teams clearly have more competent scouting and personnel people.
  9. Other teams scout and find legit WRs......Bombers recycle....rinse wash.....recycle....and get hung out to dry.
  10. Suggesting Loffler might be better suited as a WIL isn’t a bad idea. He isn’t a deep cover support guy....a difficult spot. You have to be a centre fielder with vision and the ability to see plas developing and react accordingly.
  11. National depth is a huge problem for this league....for all teams...sadly it only gets worse as the season progresses and injuries mount up. I would like to see more PR spots occupied by Nationals....help to develop your depth in your systems...Internationals are a dime a dozen and a phone call away.
  12. Two teams of relatively equal talent....clearly the Argos are a bettter coached team.....as is often the case....turnovers decide the outcome.
  13. Can I pay and have this thread locked? It isn’t happening so get over it....a few more stinkers and they should all worry about their jobs. Fire the janitor too if you want remember the food chain ultimately works it’s way back up to who hired who....who kept who around......
  14. In the CFL if you hold a team to 20 points you should have a reasonable chance and expectation you can score 21.....
  15. It just amazes me how I spite of the picks that LaPo didn’t throw that he still remains Mr. Teflon for his play calling, particularly in the 4th quarter.....but
  16. Interesting peoples’ assument of Mathews based on what? A somewhat limited sample size of playtime on struggling teams. Reminds me of the dump on Calvillo when he came into the league.
  17. Who was at fault in that game? EVERYONE.......the defence needs to get the ball back and the offence needs to keep the defence off the field. Neither of those things happened.
  18. Sorry I didn’t realize last year wasn’t still last year. It is in fact the chicken and the egg. If the offence has 55 yds in the 2nd qt and 10 yds in the 3rd...how does that not force the defence back on the field. Other teams give up tons of yards but still manage to score points and win games. You want to talk last year.....stalled drive fg....fg...fig..... Last year was turnovers, figs and defence scoring points in games. Did the defence suck last night....yes....but the offence was pulling golf balls through the garden hose to my friend.
  19. Offensive lack of production : 1st quarter 76 yds 2nd quarter 55 yds 3rd quarter 10 yds 4th quarter 200 yds when the score was 31-10 Does the lack of offensive time of possession and production impact the defence? Placing sole blame on the defence is an over simplification.
  20. You have an inept offence that had no time of possession, had one sustained drive in the first quarter. How many 2 and outs? The end offensive stats are again grossly misleading against a defence that was content to give up yards and chew up the clock. People complaining about what they call the ineffective use of Bighill....10 tackles. They have a safety that has demonstrated he has no real understanding of how the position is played. As someone here suggested the D might be better served playing him at Will and Leggett at safety. MOS retained a Hall, said he as going to be more actively involved in the D and is hailed as a defensive guru ? Clearly there is more to the equation and perhaps Hall is not the entire problem. A team game coached by a team of coaches and the solution is perhaps not as simple as it seems.
  21. One first down in the 3rd quarter isn’t the defences fault. #16 bites and gets beat like a drum....Hall’s fault?, #16 ducks his head and closes his eyes and gets hurdled over...Hall’s fault.....the corner bites and gets lit up....Hall’s fault? Hamilton plays max pro and the stats says he has a 129 efficiency rating. Hamilton looks pretty good....Teams have had a chance to see the rookie QB and watch tape on him so they are starting to know him. It’s a complicated game and a long season.
  22. Tough to evaluate QBs in a situation where you need to get your rookie starter as many quality reps as possible.
  23. If there is a blown coverage, missed assignment or pass rushers failing to stay in their lane....why is there an expectation that it is the coaches fault? Granted if there are repeat offenders there should be an expectation that players are replaced.
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