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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. The dispersing thing about the Muamba....be it him or someone else is the fact that the MLB situation has been and remains a critical unsolved problem.
  2. Well Bob....thanks for that revelation......it has always been and will remain about the money.
  3. Teams might be thankful that the testing is small sample tests that are very random. Costs make significant testing on a league wide basis cost prohibitive.
  4. Signing bonuses are taxed at a low rate... and only for International players.
  5. MLB.......still more questions than answers in that department
  6. Where did Westerman’s money go? There is your 200K
  7. I am not sure that the one year contracts were the cash cow that the players thought FA would bring them. Too many players, looking for a pay day that is only really there for a limited number in the salary cap era.
  8. If you look at the number of tackles that MLbs make in this league, yes 90 and 100 plus , how can you say this is not a priority?
  9. No MLB plans.? That better be smoke or this staff can order us their moving vans.
  10. Hall is here....so be it.......realistically it all needs to come together in 2018....to whatever element that makes it a successful season, be it playoff win or. That is coaching, scouting, FA signings.....or it isn’t just Hall’s performance under the microscope.
  11. Thank you Atomic for putting perspective to this over blown “crime”. This while the government advertises “ do dangerous street drugs with a buddy” or get your free overdose kit just in case. To me that is encouraging criminal activity, and on the dime of taxpayers. To me that is the Real Crime. Is the guy a moron , agreed but drug trafficker?
  12. Well Edm fans are revolting about the release of Bowman. Fans need to understand that in the Salary Cap era that when you are making top dollar and when a roster bonus is basically locking you in for another year that “ what have you done for me lately” is the order of the day. Did I get or will I get value for my money becomes the factor in your continued service at the $$$ value.?
  13. Great assistants can do a lot to support and enhance the abilities of any Head Coach. Poor ones will ultimately get you fired. Strong, successful business leaders will tell you that the key to their success is to hire quality people that are as smart or smarter then they are. Unsuccessful, insecure ones hire people that are less qualified and non threatening .....hence value placed on their loyalty .
  14. For all on here that want him jailed can we please send the bill for his room and board to you. Is the guy a moron, no question, is he or will he be the only moron that will or could be busted for pot.....? Not friggin likely. The time, effort and expense of all this could be better spent on other issues.
  15. Just cut the player and say nothing about it. You have to believe that the player has agreed to return to the same team if he gets released by the NFL team .
  16. There are some good and bad with off season roster bonuses. If a player is still recovering from an injury or surgery you can’t cut him. You can try but be can file a grievance. Players usually agree to a roster bonus date ahead of the FA. If they get paid they then know there is a good possibility they are making the team, especially if it is a significant amount. If they get cut they hit the market before the FA date and have a head start on getting signed eleswhere.
  17. Probabably why BC did it. I wonder if this was Wally’s call or Hervey’s?
  18. Not sure the CFLPA would agree to go back to the option year. But in some respects it is a win - win for both sides. Player gets the opportunity and team retains their rights.
  19. I guess the irony is vets cab sign one year deals to continue to chase the NFL dream and these are the players that are the identity and faces of the CFL and the franchises but rookies have to commit for 2 years .
  20. Sorry....I didn’t have my updated CBA.....thanks for the update. Too bad the CFLPA doesn’t give a crap about rookies.
  21. Why did he sign a 2 year deal to begin with? The old one year plus an option was eliminated for this very reason to allow players the flexibility to pursue the NFL after a year.
  22. Funny how it seems to be do or die in Regina but patience remains the program here, Why is that?
  23. Well I guess the previous haters are now lovers......funny how that is.
  24. Coaching issues and player personnel are one source of problems, managerial, contract and Cap issues are another. Popp knew how to bend it in Montreal. Not surprised Copeland got booted to the front office, I am betting there were issues between Popp and Copeland. Popp won the Cup and won the battle. Copeland came from the CFL office and knew the rules, but again he might have lost the war.
  25. Managing the Cap....doesn’t necessarily mean you created the mess. She might have inherited some of that mess. Promises are made to players, contracts have front end loaded roster bonuses that get eaten to the Cap when regimes change. It isn’t as simple as you might think.
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